Xavier (x6)

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Aiger/Ranjiro: *Having a normal conversation*

Xavier: Peep.

Aiger: Can you be calm for once?

Xavier: ...

Aiger: Thank you. So Ranjiro, you were talking about Tesla stocks-

Xavier: I HAVE CRIPPLING DEPRESSION!!! *Runs into wall and passes out*

Phi: I think I'm going insane.

Xavier: Join the club. Members get a Nespresso gift card SO WE CAN DROWN OUR SORROWS-

Kyle: Do I need to buy more glue sticks too?

Xavier: oOoOh YeAh I aTe ThEm AlL-

Xander: What do you mean I can't babysit them? I trained Xavier and look how he turned out.

*Xavier, wearing bear slippers and eating berries from the forest*


Xander: The kid already had a screw loose to begin with.

Xavier: Thank you for the meal. I am simply delighted you agreed to letting me enjoy that scrumptious meal with you, Mrs. Akabane.

Xavier: *Stands up and yodels*

*Motorcycle engine/horse noises in the distance*

Xavier: I bid you adieuUuUuU *Cartwheels out window*

Xavier: *Chugs carbonated water*

Xavier: cA- cAlL tHe AmBuLaNcE I cAn'T bReAtHeEeEeE

Ren Wu: Xander...

Xander: He's my student I can raise him how I want. Ok, 2nd hospital trip this hour!

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