The Superstars during Halloween

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Zac: This is the one night we can go unnoticed by fans.

Mick: Everyone will know it's you.

Zac: Oh no they won't. My costume distracts!

Orochi: ...costume?

Bowie: Your hair is the same.

Zac: Do you not like the style?

Freddy; Your outfit is the same.


Orochi: You're not in costume.

Zac: So apparently my new bracelet doesn't conceal my identity.

Orochi, sarcastically: Who would've guessed-

Zac: I'm going as Chucky and Orochi will dress as the bride of Chucky.

Orochi: What? I'm not crossdressing-

Mick: OoOoH sOmEoNe LiKeS-

Orochi: Say that again and you're going as Barbie.

Freddy: HOW did we all even end up dressing as dolls?

Zac: Twas fate, my companions-

Bowie: They were half off at Taco Bell

Orochi: No, Zac forced us to.

Bowie: Uh... I got my attire from a fast food place

Mick: Again, French fry cups aren't hats-

Orochi: OH- OH GOD!!!

Freddy: What?

Mick: Can he dress as that!!!

Bowie: aLl ThE kIdS wIlL gEt NiGhTmArEs

Freddy: I'm wearing a Barney costume.

Zac: NEVER say that wretched creature's name-

Bowie: I think we're ready to Trick or Treat!

Zac: Hold that thought, you one. Something here is incomplete

Bowie/Mick/Freddy: *Fake gasp*

Freddy: What are we excited about?

Zac: Excitement? This is tragedy... OROCHI DOESN'T HAVE ANY RED HAIR-

Bowie: You don't deserve the title of a Superstar...


Toko: That's offending.

Bowie: What is?

Toko: The McDonalds costume. My sister died trying to deliver food to that restaurant.


Bowie: My family died eating at McDonalds.

Mick: I died trying to clean the Milkshake machine.

Toko: ...

Nika: ...

Bowie: ...

Toko: yOu CaN pLaY wItH mY dEaD sIsTeR tHeN-

*In the middle of a freeway*

Akira: Your outfit is, uh, interesting.

Orochi: Don't be nice. They tried to dye my hair red- at least it looks like fake blood. BUT THEN THEY GOT GUM IN MY BEAUTIFUL LOCKS-

Zac, putting glitter onto his costume with gold glue: Jeez, someone has an ego.

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