Chapter Twelve

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*** Elias...


He grabs my arm, holding tight. I remain silent till we're out of ear shot. Then he stops.

"We need to leave." He murmurs, eyes darting around.

"What did they say-?"

"It is not what they said, Elias." He breathes. "You remember how you came into the forest-y-you and Obiora, you went in from the Umuagu village. Well, when I asked Obiora, if he could bring me here, he told me he was in the middle of harvest and couldn't bring me all the way to Umuagu village." He swallows, trembling as he glances around. Grabbing my hand, he continues to walk. "So I tell him-I ask, couldn't we get into the forest from the village we reside in and will you believe this...he asks me to leave." I frown.


"It is alright, I finally got him to explain his sudden outburst, then he gently told me he'd rather die than take me through that path."


"I am getting to it, my son. He told me that if I wish to go, that he will direct me but would not take me. So he does. I arrive at the entrance from our village, half a mile in, what do I see?" He pulls to a stop, his hand around my arm is shivering, his wide eyes finding mine. "Elias, there was a sea...a sea of heads on sticks stuck into the ground. Some even had flesh on them." I shake my head.

"That has nothing to do with them-"

"Are you certain? Are you certain that it isn't her?! People rumour she eats other people, we know she can hold her own in a fight-or have you forgotten Onyeka's state...?" He swallows. "Either way, we should not take our chances-"

"No, it is not her." He groans, letting go of my arm.

"Do not tell me you want to stay-"

"You don't understand, I've been with these people all this time, yes they're rough but you can't blame them, they have no socialization. Look, I'd bet my life she had nothing to do with that or there is a very good explanation. I'm staying." He swallows, stopping to look at me. He seems both distressed and exhausted.

"Then I'm staying too." I scoff, starting towards the fall again.

"For one I'm certain we won't be supper tonight, I went hunting with her." He looks at me like I'm mad. I sober my laughter. He sighs.

"I hope to God you don't die in this land with me, your mother would bring down the Vatican herself." I chuckle, patting his shoulder. I understand what he saw was odd, but there must be a rational explaination.

Do I even I believe that?

Walking back, Peter looks a little better physically, but I could tell every fiber of his being wanted to run, to abandon me and my stupidity. The nameless one attacks people who attacks them, we mean them no threat, so we should be alright. For Peter's sake, I hope so.

Coming back, a dull lantern has been lit in front of the hut as Anyanwu lays down a mat. Then she goes back around to bring out the meal. Adinna comes out to greet us. Peter greets back.

"She asks us to sit." He mutters to me but I remain standing. I want to see where the girl sits. Adinna sits, Peter beside her. The girl comes back with a bowl of water kneeling by her mistress as she washes her hand. Then she leaves to replace the water. "Son?" I look down, Adinna frowns up at me. "Sit down."

"Right." I lower myself across the short table from Peter. She returns with water for Peter. He washes his hands. Then she does the same for me, kneeling to hold the bowl up for me to wash my hand. Then she leaves to return it. Coming back they pray, Adinna taking portions from her plate to bury in the ground. Then we begin to eat.

I glance at Anyanwu, she pokes at her half mashed yam, disinterestedly.

"What's the matter?" She glances up at her mistress.

"You leave tomorrow." She says. I chuckle.

"Yes, I suppose." She meets my gaze then glances at Peter, who's hand is still shaking as he pokes at his meal.

"Is he sick?"

"Peter?" She nods, glancing at him. I laugh, scooping some of the mashed yam into my mouth. "Hm. This is good." She finally takes some from her plate as well.

"You sound...surprised."

"I apologise if I do." She watches me take a few more scoops.

"You are...avoiding the..." She pushes aside my arm, digging her hand into my plate to fish out a snail. Then she raises it up to my mouth. I eat it. "Eh?" I nod.

"The texture is odd, to be honest, but I like it." She chuckles, fishing something else out and feeding it to me. I hum, nodding.

"Guess." I frown.

"Meat." Her smile falters.

"Yes but what meat." I meet Peter's stare.

"Ah...I don't know-"

"Snake-" I begin to choke. Adinna says something and Anya, barely containing her laughter, gives me a bowl of water to drink. "You said you like it."

"Before I knew it was an actual snake!"

"The poison is out of it." She says. I cough some more, my sight watering. I think the pepper has gone into my nose. She frowns at me and then the most shocking thing happens. She reaches into my hair with her clean hand, brushing it away from my eyes. Then she laughs as she pulls her hand away. "You turn red." I chuckle, drinking some more water.

"You're enjoying this." A slight frown creases her smile as she slowly understands what I said.

"Yes, very much." She mutters back, reaching again to wipe at the water wetting my chin. My heart is racing and I'm panting as she turns back to her food but it is not from my choking anymore.

"Are you alright?" Peter asks, touching my hand. I nod.

"Just spicy." Adinna says something to me, I glance at Anyanwu.

"She is... saying that pepper...go...went into wrong place." I nod.

"Right." I turn to Adinna, "Yes, but it feels better now." Anyanwu translates and the woman nods, saying something.

"She says good." Peter clears his throat.

"Ah, how long have you been living here?" He asks Adinna, who turns to Anyanwu. She stares at the man before finally translating. The woman answers.

"She says she have been living here...since offering. Baby."

"Ah." Peter hums, "W-what about you?" She watches him quizzically.

"Since born. Nineteen rain seasons." He nods, breaking into a nervous chuckle.

"Do people regularly die here?" Without a falter, she answers.

"This is Evil forest, the...cursed are throw to die. Others are brought to be killed." I glance at Peter as I take another scoop. He's watching me.

"Right, ah...have you ever noticed...h-have either of you ever noticed t-the ah heads..." He swallows, " the entrance from Ugwuaki village?"

"Yes." She answers steadily.

"Oh?" He swallows again, forcing a chuckle, "How long have they been there?" She glances at Adinna, gaze still lazy.

"Six, maybe seven seasons."

"Sacrifice?" Peter asks. I turn to Anyanwu.

"No, I kill them."

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