Chapter Eighteen

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*** Elias ...

Following the hoard of people through the trees, we arrive at a little settlement of sorts. A single large compound littered with hut. Except the one everyone gathers before, this one is built by rocks and mud, and lifted above the ground over the others.

I lost Ikenna the moment we got to the mountains, have been wandering since. But I'm assuming if the entirety of the village is gathering, he should be here. And maybe, just maybe, so would she.

Some people come out of the elevated hut, all taking seats while the seemingly blind one is led up before the people to pray. One of the men is seated on an elaborate seat, which brings me to believe he is the king they were hailing a moment ago.

I turn my attention to the people around, seeking out Ikenna's face. The prayer concluded, a man begins to speak about a woman, whom is between two men and they're trying to decide who gets her. Brushing the sweat from my brows as I push through the people, looking at faces, I hear him call her forward. Distracted, I glance towards the lightly elevated ground and stop dead in my tracks.


In all her beauty, she stands beside the speaking man. Her lovely tainted skin is uncovered by charcoal and decorated with chalk. Her hair is braided, hanging as far as her lower back. I actually found her.

But she's getting married? Just then I realize people are walking up to the front of the hut. Without thinking, I begin to push my way through, getting out just in time to not get turned away. As I turn to the king's hut, I meet her gaze.

I smile but she doesn't return it. Instead she frowns at me.

"Suitors far and wide, it would seem." The man continues to speak, "I do apologize to those turned away but there can only be ten." They line us up just below the higher ground, "Now, for the last time, are you all certain, you wish for her hand."

"Yes!" The men cheer, beating on their chests. I glance around me, confused, to find two marked woman walking down the line, one with a cutlass and another a calabash of red ground chalk. They slice into your chest then pour chalk into it. Fearfully I wait my turn.

I find her eyes on me, those strange cold eyes fixed on me. I hiss through my teeth as the first woman slices into my chest, slowly, wiping the cutlass as she walks away to the next, the other woman comes to spread the chalk into it. She looks away and I watch her smile.

Ikenna. The thought of him is like a knife through my chest.

"...the first trial is the trial of wealth." The man continues to talk, "At sun rise, only the suitors will be permitted back into the palace. Now, men, may the gods be with you and may our land decide well."

"May our land decide well." They chorus, then drop into a bow. I follow, rising when we're asked to leave. I keep my gaze on her, people scattering as she is lead down from the high ground. I'm headed towards her when a man, screaming that he needs to speak to her rushes at her. I watch her reach for a weapon that isn't there but before she can react, two guards shield her, another tackling the man to the ground and holding a spear to his throat.

So speaking to her won't be an option at the moment.

As they lead her further away, I notice she's craning her neck to see above the guards. Suddenly people begin to rush away from me in one direction. Turning towards the other, I find Agu coming towards me. Chuckling, I hold out my hand, letting him rub his ear against it as he walks past me to Ikenna, who is now glaring daggers at me.

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