Chapter Four

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*** Anyanwu...

"I had a really strange experience at the market yesterday."

I mutter, when Agu finally stops licking me. I take off my bag of arrows letting it fall to the ground along with the bow. I roll my shoulders against soreness, lowering myself to the ground.

"Remember, I told you I was leaving here for the market yesterday?" he lays at my feet, huffing. "Are you even listening?" big red eyes rise to mine as he licks his nose, then he goes back to huffing. I hug my knees, "The last market I went to, I had to buy from a new person as the woman Adinna sent me to refused to sell to me. The new woman was nice to me. Strangely.

"Everyone else was afraid, of course and a man even attacked me." I glance down at my mismatched arm, I would never bring a person like me into this life. I rest my chin on my knees, staring down at Agu. "Oh, I saw one of the white people at that market...I think." He looks up at me at me, chewing a stick.

"Not the priest, this one was young." I like the clothes on his feet. "He had Onyeka as a translator...I'm probably better and I only learnt from Ike." Agu grunts, "I didn't say I was perfect, did I?" Of course, he remains quiet so I lean forward to stroke his bushy hair.

Suddenly, a sharp scream breaks through the still air. In unison our heads snap up. I shush the beast silently, stroking his head to assure him there was no danger. It isn't the first time someone was getting beaten in the forest, and strangely it was mostly only woman with men growling at them to shut up. If it was me, I'd kill them before we even get to the trees.

The scream comes again and again and by the fourth time, it carried with it a name. Pitched with fright, fuzzy from distance but very clear to its owner.


Standing, I snatch up my bow and arrow, already sprinting down the hill. Crashing through the path I can feel Agu's silent steps behind me, keeping up easily. I sling the bag of arrows over my shoulder and duck under a branch, drawing an arrow and slinging it. The arrow pointed to the earth I turn it slightly to the side as I duck under a branch and leap over a stray stump. All the while, Adinna's voice keeps ringing in my ears, over and over, the pain buried within it more prominent with every echo.

My feet slide roughly across the forest grounds as I pull to a hasty stop just behind the veil of darkness cast by the trees. I turn to my side and gesture for Agu to go around the field. He draws back calmly and disappears towards the right.

Sometimes I feel that animal is more than just an animal.

"I will say this for the last time." the man heaves, standing over Ikenna's unconscious body, "Adinna tell me where the Nameless one is or she'll be meeting your carcass on return." my gaze shifts to Adinna who's kneeling next to Ikenna. I hear her sniffle and my chest tightens, I swear on the god of death...

"I do not know, I swear-"

"Don't you dare lie, you evil witch." He snatches her up by the throat. I glance to the side to see Agu step out from behind the shade of the trees. I can't tell if he can see me as he's looking my way but I hold up my hand, signalling him to stand back, "I could kill you for swearing." He grounds out.

With that, I rush out of the shade, my steps light and fast until I'm stopping behind him. I meet Adinna's gaze momentarily and the look she gives me cautions me not to drive an arrow through the back of his eye.

"Let her go." I mutter quietly, pushing my arrow into his back. He does, and runs around the hut, towards Agu.

"Anyanwu, he's getting away!" Ikenna mumbles, waking up. I glance towards him, an eye is swollen shut. My hands tighten around my weapon.

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