Chapter Eleven

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*** Elias...

The sun is down by the time we start back towards the hut. The third time I've gone hunting with her over the past two days and she still barely speaks to me. We set up traps for big rats they call bush meat, picked up snails, frogs, snakes and some select herbs. She claims the snails are for eating but the rest are for the elderly woman's practice.

"Should they really still be alive?" She glances at me, the cloth sack hanging from her shoulder is squirming.

"We need the poison." Her tone is lighter towards me, she even laughed once. Granted it was when I cried, screaming for help as a python wrapped itself around my leg but I'll take it.

"What for?"

"Adinna is healer for Amunze village, she prepare always." I don't know that village.

"That's nice." She turns briefly to frown at me. "Good."

"Ah." She nods. "No, better. Because of title, I can live."

"I don't understand." We walk for a while in silence, then she looks up at me.

"Forget." Sensing she wouldn't want me to pry, we continue on in silence till we arrive at the hut. She drops the bag and goes into the hut to fetch metal containers, putting them by the wrapping leaves she had gathered.

"What now?" She straightens to look up at me.

"Take poison." Her eyes squint at me for a while, "Help?"

"Of course." A little smirk tugs at the corner of her mouth, her hand rising to push her hair back against a gust of wind.

"Which?" I smile.

"Definitely not the snakes." She scoff.

"Frogs then?"

"What do I do with the frogs?"

"Ah, take eyes..." she begins to point at her mouth, "tongue and feet." I stare at her, horrified, till she laughs, "What then?"

"Snails, what about the snails?"

"Ah, that is eating, only take off back..." She pats at her back.

"The shells?" She frowns.

"Strong back?"

"Yes, they're called shells." She nods, bending over to take one out.

"Take shells...away." I watch her demonstrate, breaking the shell between her fingers and pulling it off. My stomach churns, I'm going to be sick. She looks up at me and bursts into laughter. "You are more white now. Don't worry, you can fetch water only-"

"N-no, it is fine, I think the snails are fairest of the list. I want to help." She nods.

"Do it in water, easier." I leave to fetch some water from the rain pots, coming back, I find she's brought me a pot. "Put meat in here." She takes the bowl of water from me and drops the wrap of snails into it. God, they're still alive.

Leaving me, she takes out her knife, going back to the bag of snakes, frogs and herbs. I avert my gaze from her as she takes out the cloth wrap holding the frogs together. I begin to do as she had shown, wincing. I had barely gone halfway when she is done with the frogs and starts on the snakes.

"Have you never been bitten?" I ask, my water had become slimy.

"Many times." Holding it by it is head, she puts its fangs into one of the metal containers. Then, she picks up her knife and cuts off its head. Quickly, as the body still moves, she holds it down to slice it open, takes something out and drops it in with the venom. Then she buries the head.

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