Chapter Twenty One

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*** Elias ...

We're both awake, I can tell. Even until the first cock's crow, and the guards come to fetch us.

The sun hasn't even begun to rise as we're lead back to the king's house. He's seated in front with his hand, the Oracle and the Oracle's eyes. The prince is there, already kneeling before them. We kneel as well.

After the prayers has been concluded, the Oracle is helped up to his feet and brought before us, to bless us for safe passage into the afterlife. Then the guards gather, forming a wide ring around us. Presumably to catch anyone that suddenly wishes to run away.

"Amaechi, the gods have chosen for you to begin. Who do you challenge first?" Smiling, the Prince answers.

"Ikenna." Please, her voice rings in my head.

"Let me take his place!" Ikenna glances at me, turning back to translate what I had said. Everyone turns to the prince and he shrugs. Ikenna is pulled out of the circle and the drums begin to pound.

The prince charges at me, knocking into my stomach. I'm bigger but when he does so, it is like ten men knocking into me. He drives me to the ground and gets up gloating and pounding his chest. I get up, dusting myself up as the drums start up again.

This time, I charge at him, but not to push him down. I throw my fist into his face. He staggers and I kick at his chest, pushing him down. I turn towards the high ground, the king's hand is worried but the king himself seems nonchalant. I hear a grunt just before something slices across my arm. I grab at it as I pull back. The prince carries a knife. As he begins to circle me the hand rushes down the steps and pushes through the guards.

"Your highness, weapons are not-" the man's back turned to me, I watch him grab at his throat, can hear sputtering sounds as he crashes to the ground twitching. Then despite the drums no longer playing, he charges at me. I try to avoid him but he ends up sticking it in my thigh. Before he could pull it out though, I grab at his hand and push my elbow into his arm. He pulls away, screaming, leaving me time to pull it out and throw it away.
I look up at the king, he's watching me. He nods.

I charge at the prince catching him by the shoulder and driving my knee into his tummy. As he falls to the ground, blood in his smiling mouth, all I can think of is what Anya told us. I raise my wounded leg and lower the heel of my foot into his neck with as much force as I can muster. I hear it crack then the smile slowly fades, eyes becoming empty.

I turn to the king, he's still watching me, guards pulling away the two bodies. Ikenna is brought onto the blood stained ground. I meet his gaze and nod. The understanding between us.

The drums begin. He charges at me. I prepare myself to fall without having the impact hurt him. But as he gets to me he pulls out a dagger, the dagger I had given Anya and pushes it into my side. I stagger back a few steps, the air suddenly hard to breathe. I glance down at it as I choke on the blood trickling out onto my lip. I look up at him.

"You can't have her, you don't deserve her." He screams at me. "You come here acting like such a good person, but I know-I know what you're after. You want to take her away from me." I fall to my knees, loosely grabbing at the hilt, my hands slippery. He walks up to me and pushes me onto my back. I cough up blood, my face warm as I watch the sun begin to rise. He comes to stand over me, shoving away my hand and grabbing at the hilt.

I groan as he pulls it out, rolling onto my side in pain. Tears fill my eyes, but he's not done with me.

Fingers grab at my hair, pulling me back onto my knees, facing the king. The blade presses against my throat. I'm grabbing at my side, blood ozzing through my loose fingers. The king nods.

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