We meet again

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Katsuki Bakugo. 1.72. Missing. 15 years old. Blond hair. Red eyes. Quirk: Explosion.

Yes, that was him. Not anymore, of course. Nothing much had changed, to be honest, he was 1.82 now, 22 years old, and... a villain. After Bakugo almost died because of the sludge villain, he followed Midoriya back home and heard it: All Might had given his power to the stupid nerd. And what about him? What about his dreams? What about all what he suffered and how he tried to fight for his life the very same day? Was he not worthy? But... he was the best! Wasn't he enough? Katsuki returned home, his veins boiling with anger. But he was stopped before he arrived... Shigaraki and OFA offered him what All Might didn't offer him: power. And well... what could you expect a heartbroken boy to do?

He accepted it gladly.

And so, he was training for years, making underground missions by the name Dynamite, no one was an honorable rival for him. But in one of those missions he found him.

Eijiro Kirishima. 1.80. Red hair. Red eyes. Quirk: Hardening. Pro Hero. Code name: Red Riot.

To be honest, Katsuki was a bit surprised, after fighting so many heroes this one was the first one that gave him a real fight. He was such a good opponent against Bakugo, the way he used his unbreakable form to reduce the damage of his explosions, his tactics, his heavy punches. Bakugo loved to fight, he loved to win. And this guy... gave him a very good fight. In fact, they almost finished in a tie but the redhead went to save someone and other extras fought him. Hero complex, huh? Not for long... Katsuki returned back to the league's base to inform about the redhead's hardening. "We need him in the team" and surprisingly, the league agreed.

Right now, they were going to the center of the city to cause a little chaos. Bakugo was going to infiltrate and try to convince the pro hero to join them and also to gather some information from the heroes. Kirishima wasn't having the best days lately, other pro hero took his place in the hero rank, he was being judged by the way his hero costume looked and also by how he looked when he was using unbreakable though Bakugo considered it badass. Anyway, the league investigated him for a couple months and now they were ready. The league was already in their positions and then, the chaos started.

🪨 ❤️

Kirishima Eijiro was doing pretty well for himself... kind of. He had a rough time in middle school and a couple bumps in the road in high school but he did it! He'd become a pro just like Crimson Riot and he was going to keep his promise to live up to the name Red Riot. Kirishima had done hero work to the best of his ability, pushing himself harder that he probably should have which often resulted in him getting more and more scars. He still had that one scar over his eye from when he was little but now he had big scars on his chest and arms, even a couple burn marks from things but he always kept a smile on his face. However, he kinda had hoped that after all his downfalls and such, in middle school and high school, would be over now that he was helping people... but something started to come up. It was in the news and on papers around the city. People weren't recognizing what Kirishima was doing when he tried to save people. They were growing scared of him... all because of his unbreakable form. And hearing this and knowing it, hurt Eijiro more than he thought it would. He still tried to keep a smile on his face but often when he'd offer to take big missions they'd tell him that someone else had it covered and his hero rank quickly was starting to drop. But Kirishima kept trying to push on. He still visited his old friends from high school and they always cheered him up but he'd always go home alone. And get lost in his thoughts. Kinda weird to think of a strong pro hero like him getting sad but it happened. And it was hard on Eijiro.

Anyway, today he was just out walking on a patrol, kinda keeping to himself. But he tried to smile at people and be friendly like he always was. Some people were okay with it but a couple where obviously upset by it. Kirishima kept walking around the city and he rubbed the back of his neck, some people were mumbling things about him and he spotted some of the hero gossip magazines with his name on it. He sighed. At least today's kinda quiet, right? He thought but then something felt off? There was something wrong. So Kiri picked up his pace and started to run.

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