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Bakugo let Kirishima lead him to the interrogation room, they walked there hand in hand and when they arrived, he entered with Aisawa, giving the redhead a last squeeze. Katsuki entered and Aisawa signaled a chair, the blond sat down there with a huff. "I guess you know why you're here... listen, Kirishima told me that-" Aisawa was interrupted by Bakugo "it doesn't matter what he said. It's fine, you can touch every topic. I don't care, just get this over with" Bakugo said with a tsk and crossed his legs and arms. Aisawa stared at him quietly for a moment "...alright". The pro hero cleared his throat. "So tell me about when this all started... it's the... villain, right?" He didn't want to say the word 'sludge' since Kirishima warned him it was a trigger but Bakugo tensed and sighed "yeah... but you already know that, right? Choked for almost half an hour, All Might saved me... and after that I..." Bakugo stared at the floor, clenching his fists. "I saw him with this nerd that I used to bother, he... helped him to be a hero. It was my dream too, I was there dying... no one had ever survived to something like that and he didn't even acknowledge it" Bakugo frowned "and it's not that I'm jealous or something... I just wanted... wanted to know that I could be a hero too. But whatever, Shigaraki found me later and offered me what no one else did: power. And so, I guess you can imagine what happened next" Bakugo said, looking up to Aisawa seriously "Yes, but I need you to tell me explicitly what you used to do with the league" he said and Katsuki rolled his eyes. "I used to kill for the league, I did underground missions to take some heroes out of the way" Bakugo simply said. "We never saw you in another mission before. Were you considered a proper member or the league?" Aisawa asked and Bakugo tsked. "No. I lived with the Nomu's, Shigaraki used to bring me food once in a while and I would help the rest with their training. I used to have knife cuts, burnt skin, broken bones... I would get restraint whenever I didn't obey. They wanted to tame me, which as you can tell, was pretty hard"


Sero walked over and stood beside Eijiro where Denki soon joined him. "You're right, Ei. It's not right. But me and Denki have been kinda thinking and talking a bit and we think that maybe after all this... you and Bakugo should stay together, you know? You've been having a tough time lately and we all know you don't have a roommate and you're just home alone a lot since you haven't had quite as many jobs out on the field. It would be good for you, for both of you. We know you can do it. You and Bakugo seem much closer than any of us are with him. Just ask him, yeah?" Sero said and gave him a smile. Kirishima nodded his head and gave a light chuckle. "Yeah? Okay, I'll ask. I think I might lay down for a bit while he's getting interrogated so I don't worry so much." Denki nodded happily and patted his back a bit. "Yeah! Me and Sero are gonna go out for a bit, you know freshen up and go mess around? We'll be back later, you can rest up all you want!" He said before grabbing Sero's arm and he started to pull him out of the room. "Come on, bro! You gotta help me with the stupid paperwork". Kirishima waved to them as they left and he looked at Bakugo's bed for a moment before he walked over to his own bed, took off his crocs and got into it. He'll be fine, Eijiro. He'll be fine... If something goes wrong, he'll come here and you'll help him; he reminded himself before he closed his eyes and slowly tried to drift off.


"They... hurt you when you didn't do what they wanted?" Aisawa asked, looking away and thinking. "I know what you're thinking" Bakugo said, his frown deepening more as he stood up and approached the pro hero who arched a brow at him. "Why didn't you run away? Well, it's not that I couldn't. I could've easily killed each and every member of the league and walk outta there fucking peachy! But there is nothing left for me in this world, no one, nowhere. And that's fine, I don't give a shit. Also Shigaraki promised me power, and I grew stronger than any of you could ever be" Bakugo said, smirking and suddenly lifting a hand as if he was going to slap Aisawa, attempting to use his quirk. He didn't touch him, Aisawa was still and the blond was having an electroshock, his fingers were curling as if he was doing explosions, his body shaking a bit. "S-Se-ee? I-I got better... Can bare everything!" Bakugo said, smirk widening. Aisawa noticed how he tried to make bigger explosions and the electroshocks were getting more intense and more. A burnt scent flooding the room. "Stop it, you've proven your point" Aisawa said firmly, knowing that he couldn't grab his arm if he didn't want electroshocks too and Bakugo didn't seem to stop. Aisawa had no other choice than use his binding cloth to move Bakugo back to the chair, Katsuki gasped and stopped the shocks, eyes widening. "Let me go!" He yelled, squirming around and his breath got faster.

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