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Kirishima shifted around a bit as he slept holding onto his pillow under his head. He was sleeping pretty well but something kinda felt off. He couldn't describe it but it was waking him up. Eventually, he opened his eyes in the dark room and heard something. It sounded like heavy, frightened breathing. Of course, his mind went straight to Bakugo. He looked over in his direction, squinting his eyes a little and he could make out a bit of him. But he just had to check on him. He let out a quiet groan as he sat up and took the covers off himself. His feet touched the cold floor but he stood up and started to quietly walk over to Bakugo's bed. Bakugo's breath was a mess, his body absolutely tense and all he could do was curl his fingers a little and that was it. Bakugo felt as if the weight of the whole world had just fell over his chest and he couldn't breathe.

It's too much.

Eijiro whispered softly in a nice soothing voice. "Bakugo? Shh, hey. It's okay. You're okay, it's me Eijiro. You're alright. Wake up, Bakugo. I'm here, you're alright. I promised you I wouldn't let you get hurt while you're with me." Kirishima said. It was even worst that Katsuki couldn't move, his ears started ringing and he could hear a sound but it was like far away and he couldn't listen properly. Then, he felt something touch his arm and he let out a frightened gasp. "Ha!" Katsuki's body trembled more.

He's going to kill me, they're gonna kill me. I'm going to die.

Eijiro had slowly moved a hand to the bed and gently touched Bakugo's arm, giving him a gentle shake. "Wake up, Bakugo. You're okay. Do you want me to stay here with you? If it helps you sleep, I will. I can sit here and keep you company so you aren't frightened" He said softly again and gently touched Bakugo's hand. The blond then felt a touch in his hand, it was warm, the texture was a bit calloused but somehow soft and- he knew what it was. Kirishima. Katsuki's fingers curled over Kirishima's hands almost desperately.

Make it stop, i just want it to be over.

"See? Can you feel my hand? It's just me. You're alright, just breath" Kirishima wanted him to know that he was fine and safe. That's why he made his promises to help him, not hurt him and be there if he needed anything. And well, since Bakugo seemed like he didn't like the word help nor did he want to admit he needed it. So Kirishima was trying to say anything but the word help. "I'm right here with you, you're not alone." Then, Katsuki heard him. You're not alone. And the paralysis stopped, he sat down on bed almost immediately, hiccuping and catching his breath, hand squeezing Kirishima's tightly. "H-Haa!"

He looked around and then at his hand holding another one.

My lifeline.

All he could do after experiencing something so horrible was cry, he sobbed and placed an arm over his face, looking away. Bakugo felt so pathetic and weak, panicking and crying for like the third time in the day. Kirishima allowed Bakugo to grip onto his hand as tightly as he'd like and he kept trying to soothe him and calm him down with soft, gentle words. Bakugo's shoulders were shaking as he cried. "L-L-Let m-me go" Bakugo said, voice shaky. His fingers trembling softly but still securely grabbed Kirishima. Don't let go. Katsuki held Kirishima's hand and cried for five minutes more. Kirishima let him keep holding his hand and he let him cry all that he needed to. Staying silent the whole time. He could tell Bakugo was shaking. Katsuki felt like he couldn't stop crying, like he could cry forever and it wouldn't be enough.

There's so much that I have to cry for.

Kirishima took a softer hold of his hand and let him cry some more. It was good to cry sometimes. It helped clear stress and tired the body. It was needed somtimes. And sometimes it was the only thing a person could do to start helping themselves and clear their head.

My lifeline (Villain Bakugo x Pro Hero Kirishima)Where stories live. Discover now