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"We won't be able to enter... you won't be able to be with him during the interrogation" Sero explained to the redhead. "Fat Gum insisted to be in there too but he couldn't get the permission, there's nothing much we can do about it". Bakugo looked at Sero, then at Denki and at Kirishima "then? I don't care, it's not like he's gonna hurt me or anything. I can bare the electroshocks just fine and if he breaks one of my bones I can always heal" he said like it was nothing, shrugging. "...dude, what are you saying?" Kaminari asked, wide eyed.

Kirishima stopped eating and placed his cereal down, expression serious. But... but I need to be there. A-Aizawa doesn't know about he trauma, right? Bakugo will get scared if Aizawa uses his binding cloth! I-I can't let that happen! I can't let Bakugo feel scared or not safe! Kirishima stood up from his bed and quickly put on his shoes and looked to Bakugo with this kinda nervous face. Then, he ran to the door and quickly said to the others. "Sorry! I'll be back! Maybe! I-I gotta go find Aizawa!" He then bolted out of the room and started to run where he thought Aizawa might be which was the area with all the interrogation rooms. Bakugo, Denki and Sero looked at Kirishima so suddenly bursting out of the room, apologizing. "Hey! Bro!" Sero yelled, watching him and peeking through the door. "Yup, he's gone" Denki said, chewing. Katsuki rolled his eyes "he's not going to make any progress, is he?" He mumbled. Sero smiled a little "at least he tried, and you don't know how persistent he can be when he wants to" the raven haired said.


"Aizawa?! Aizawa?!" Kirishima called out as he looked in a couple of the interrogation rooms till he ended up finding him. Aisawa was doing some paperwork when the redhead appeared out of nowhere, yelling and speaking a bit fast that he didn't understand completely. "Aizawa! There you are! Y-You have to listen to me, please". The older pro hero frowned softly "hey, hey, what are you saying?" Eijiro kept talking "You can't use your binding cloth y-you can't use any kind of restraints on him! Y-You can't, you just can't! Please you can't... I've made so much progress with him, please don't make him shut down on me... He feels safe with me, he's been good. Aizawa, he's still just his old self I can save him. I know that more than ever now. You can ask him all the questions you want but you can't restrain him. And you can't talk about what happened to him in that sludge villain attack. Please, sir... I'm begging you".

"Is this about Dynamite? I won't use my binding clothe with him, calm down" Aisawa said, placing both of his hands over Kirishima's chest. The redhead was panting a little. "Explain me why can't I? The sludge villain attack is key for his story, I need to ask him about that. And you mentioned progress, what are you talking about? How are you so sure he's safe with you?" Aisawa sighed and rubbed his temples with his hands. "A-Aizawa, Sensei, you can't bring it up." He said before he gulped a bit and grunted finally starting to catch his breath. "Kirishima, you can't get so attached to him. He's a villain, when he is done with his interrogation and finishes his treatment, he'll go to prison" Aisawa said, looking deadly serious at the redhead "there's nothing you can do about that. But you can't get too attached to him like this, you even begged me for him. What is this all about?" Aisawa asked, arching a brow at him. "Listen..." the pro hero placed a hand on Eijiro's shoulder "I promise you I won't restrain him but he better not cause any problems. Otherwise I guess we'll have to use the electroshocks, you know we won't go too far with that. We need to be firm but we're not monsters, Kirishima. But please tell me what makes you so sure that you can... 'save him' as you say"

"Sensei, y-you don't understand the amount of trauma he has from this, from the villain. Anytime he's in restraints or even just last night w-with blankets, he starts to panic. It's like he even starts to give up. His body starts to just panic. Like he can't breath and he can't move or get free." Kirishima paused for a moment before he took a deep breath and looked seriously at Aizawa. "I think I can save him because the... the villain Dynamite that came in here before is not the same person as the Katsuki Bakugo that's in the room right now. He may act like a villain but I know there's a better person inside him. He does not deserve to be locked away. And I know, I know the things he's done, I know how many he's killed. But he was taught wrong, Sensei. Please let me show him that he can have a better life, that he can be happy. Yeah? Please? You all don't know him quite like I've got to know him." Kirishima let out a shaky breath and tried to kinda collect himself some more. "Please, Sensei. Just talk to him like he's a normal person, please? He's damaged, Aizawa. You know what it's like to hurt. And so do I, we deny it. He doesn't admit it's true. But eventually, it builds up and we break down and we admit what's wrong. And if we get help from the right person, we feel better because we know that even when we feel at our lowest... that persons gonna be there. And I know I can be that for Bakugo."

My lifeline (Villain Bakugo x Pro Hero Kirishima)Where stories live. Discover now