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Kirishima groaned again just telling himself over and over in his mind. You have to keep going! You have to keep taking the hits! Be unbreakable! Unbreakable! Though on the outside this wasn't starting to show. Bakugo was strong. Not many people could make Kirishima crack like this but Bakugo could. Eijiro was cracking, blood dripping from the spots of his body that had cracked and somewhat fell apart. But he kept trying to stay on his feet. Luckily, once again though, someone pitched in to save him. It was Fat Gum. "I-Im alright... I-I'm..." Kirishima couldn't speak again when suddenly Bakugo let out a large blast and pushed everyone away. Including Eijiro. He tried to harden but because of the damage he'd taken from the blast trying to keep Bakugo occupied for the time being once he was blown back, he couldn't harden himself anymore. He hit the ground on his back while his body went back to normal. Those areas that had been cracked and were bleeding parts of his skin were even missing because they'd cracked and broken off. He coughed at little bit once again due to the smoke and while some heroes ran to grab Bakugo and take him into custody, a couple came over to Eijiro. His eyes were hooded and everything was kinda ringing. He looked around slowly at the people trying to talk to him but he just closed his eyes. He was tired. Bakugo sure took a lot out of him. But they got him. So Eijiro was alright, he was alive... he just needed a bit of medical attention. And so did Bakugo. The heroes began to clean up the area and help citizens while Bakugo and Kirishima were taken to a separate facility so their injuries could be cared for and they'd both wake up.

💥 ❤️

Bakugo felt how some people around started picking him up, they took his grenades off him, trying to figure out if it was just equipment or his quirk. Bakugo decided to test his luck, trying to make little sparks with his hands without moving but... he couldn't? Eraserhead. He was sure Eraser head was there, watching him so he wouldn't use his quirk. Bakugo let himself be manhandled, they started disinfecting his wounds and it was so hard not to make a grimace or grunt. It hurts. Katsuki ended up passing out.

"Who is he? Was he with the league? He brought the Nomus" Fat Gum asked to Aisawa, looking worried. "Probably. We'll have to check that and see if he needs more than medical assistance. Get him to the underground base, we need to know more about this kid and his quirk" Aisawa said. Soon enough, Bakugo was being moved to to this Underground Base. It was a huge hospital, it had plenty of rooms for the criminals that were being interrogated and needed the medical and psychological assistance. Kirishima was also brought to this hospital by Tamaki since they needed to know what happened and what they talked about while fighting. They also knew that it wasn't the first time they fought so maybe this was something else? Aisawa called the other heroes that witnessed the fight, Chargebolt and Cellophane; he also called Recovery Girl because Red Riot and Dynamite needed urgent medical assistance. A couple hours passed and they both were out, in the same room though Aisawa was being very attentive to Bakugo and he had restraints in his body. Eventually, the blond woke up feeling confused. Everything hurts... what happened? All the medicine they gave him was messing with his head and the moment he tried to sit down and felt the restraints, he started to panic. "S-Sludge?" Bakugo said but his voice was being muffled by some restraint around his mouth. "M-Mnn!" Bakugo's eyes filled up with tears and he started to move around, desperately trying to get out of his restraints.



Kirishima was out for a while. They'd covered his injuries with wraps, gave him some IV and helped him get in fresh oxygen and such before he began to wake up. That ringing in his ears was gone but his side aches like crazy. It hurt. He pushed himself to sit up and he blinked a couple times. Then he saw Aizawa? It had been a while since he'd seen him. Then he looked over and saw Bakugo? But he looked so panicked and scared in those restraints? Something was wrong, this wasn't a normal villain just trying to get free. Bakugo was starting to hyperventilate, memories from the sludge villain and the kidnapping, the way All Might simply ignored him, everything was starting to go back. Bakugo was panicking! "Ha! Mn! Ah!" Bakugo's chest raised and fell quickly, he was still trying to get free and then he saw Red Riot stand up? What was he doing? What was going on? Kirishima was walking a little wobbly. "W-We can't do this, w-we can't keep him down like this. He's panicking! A-Aizawa, something is wrong, h-help me!" Kirishima said. "What are you doing? Go back to your bed" he ordered firmly, approaching as well. Eijiro could see tears in Bakugo's eyes, he had to help him. Katsuki closed his eyes tightly, tears rolling down his cheeks but the something started tugging his restraints. It was Red Riot? Damn, he looked so fucked up.

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