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Kirishima squeezed Bakugo's hand once he felt him intertwine their fingers and he took a shaky breath. He cleared his throat a little bit and tried to compose himself when Bakugo told him to not look at him like that. He just... he couldn't help it. There was something so big he saw inside of Bakugo and he couldn't just let that disappear. Bakugo was even rubbing his hand in little circles with his thumb like he'd done to him last night to help him feel comforted and safe. "Oh Bakugo... I wish I could. But I can't, not with you. There's something about it, it just... I can't... I can't let something bad happen to you." Kirishima wiped off his face a little with his free hand and moved closer to Bakugo. Bakugo stared at Kirishima with a bit curiosity, expectant for what he had to say. Because seeing Kirishima talk, think, feel... was a show. The way his face changed when he was thinking, how he had different smiled and a hundred ways to laugh. He was just so... him. "I'll show you why,  Bakugo. It's because that when you feel things... it makes something happen inside you, that's different than anything you can get from power, or fighting, or pain... your heart beats faster and your body feels all warm and you feel good." Kirishima moved his free hand to place it on Bakugo's chest over his heart. "Right in here. You can feel things like that from small things like holding hands or hugging. Maybe small things like getting your back rubbed or being cuddled, even having someone mess with your hair. And sometimes those feelings can be stronger, you feel a lump in your throat and you get nervous around a certain person whenever you see them. They give you butterflies in your stomach and you think your heart skips a beat. That... that's love,  Bakugo. Like the act of a kiss or being intimate with someone. Because they're more special to you than anyone else ever could be." Kirishima smiled softly and gently let go of Bakugo's hand and slightly opened his arms. "Do you wanna try it?" He said referring to having a hug.

Eijiro said that he couldn't let anything happen to him... but Bakugo was the one that hurt, the bad guy in the story. Why was the hero worrying about him instead of going to save some princess around? Why did he have to deal with his silly smiles, his affection? Bakugo had a mission, he had to be cruel, he had to get him to be cruel. He shouldn't feel anything about him, he shouldn't feel nothing at all. But there he was, the tips of his ears red, his face had a bit of a surprise expression along with a confused one and he felt like if he was trembling. But he wasn't, was he? He felt like he wanted to hide, to let go of his hand but at the same time he wanted to be closer and closer. Was that what Kirishima was talking about? Was Bakugo able to feel? Katsuki felt that hand over his heart and looked at it. But he froze when Kirishima said that it was love, what he was feeling... was love? Katsuki looked almost scared but intrigued. Heart beats faster? Body warm? Butterflies in your stomach? Getting nervous? Feel good? Then, Kirishima started mentioning kisses, being intimate with someone, being loved. The only thought of that made Bakugo's ears deep red and he looked away. But Kirishima let go of his hand, the blond looked at him opening his arms and was confused for a moment. Try? Try what? but he soon realized he meant hugs. Bakugo stepped forward but looked hesitant for a moment. His body moved without realizing, head resting in the crook of Kirishima's neck, chest flushed against his, arms calmly laying beside him since he didn't know what to do with them. "I'm not supposed to do this..." he mumbled but he kind of hid his face on Kirishima's neck as if he was a pillow, sighing. "Kirishima..."

"What do you mean, Bakugo? Of course you can do this. And here, I know how it can scare you because of what happened years ago. So look at me a little bit, okay?" Bakugo felt like he had to hide, there's was just something that was making him a little... embarrassed? What was this feeling? Even so, the blond looked at the redhead and his eyes widened a little bit seeing how close they were. Is this okay? Is this normal? Bakugo looked at Kirishima's eyes, seeing how... nice the color was. It was a crimson red that was glossy and shiny from the crying earlier and they were a bit puffy though it didn't look bad at all. "I'm just gonna slowly and carefully move my hands to take your wrists, yeah?" Katsuki watched calmly Kirishima's features, the little scar over his eye which made him look a bit badass, his perfect nose and cheekbones, his lips... he looked back up to his eyes, like if he was searching for something in them. "Then, I'm gonna lift up your arms and move them around my back like this and you gotta squeeze me a little bit, okay? And I'll do the same. Lift my arms carefully, put them around you but I won't squeeze you. Not unless you tell me to" Kirishima said as he did, each and every motion he mentioned slowly to reach Bakugo and kinda help him but also to not frighten him or make him freak out from the hug.

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