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Kirishima's eyes were puffy and his lips were a little parted. Once Katsuki had fallen asleep, Kirishima managed to nuzzle right back into his blonde spiked hair. He was out pretty hard. That crying really knocked him out and drained him, it just felt so comfortable to lay with someone and cuddle. He didn't feel alone. However, after a while of this nice slumber Kirishima heard a sound and someone's voice? He held Bakugo a little bit closer and let out a small groan as his eyes struggled to open up but eventually they did. The first thing he saw was that soft fluffy blonde hair but as he moved his head a bit and looked around, he saw Sero and Denki. He would have had a bigger reaction but he was so out of it that when he looked at them he just yawned and looked confused, soon enough sleepily mumbling out. "It's... mmm... it's not time yet. There's still. Mmm... there's still room in the back." After that pretty much nonsense, he just laid his head back down and closed his eyes again, trying to fall back asleep with Bakugo.

The blond was so tired from the electroshocks from earlier and the mental effort he had to do to talk about his past, it had been hard even if it didn't look like it. But now, with Kirishima holding him close, it was like everything was alright. He didn't wake up when Sero and Denki came, they looked at Kirishima. "Pfff bro, what?" Sero asked, giggling lowly as he heard what Kirishima mumbled out. Denki also giggled and snapped a few more photos. "Mm..." Bakugo grunted in his sleep, squeezing Kirishima's body in his arms. "Shh... it's fine bros, go back to... cuddle" Sero said, giggling again and sitting down on bed. "You guys seem tired so we can go eat later or tomorrow if you guys keep sleeping, don't worry about it" Denki said, also going to sit down on his bed and turning off the lights. Sero and Denki chatted in mumbles for a while and watched some TV, even made some paperwork but they were also tired and eventually laid down on their beds. "Night!" They mumbled even though no one else listened. After that, everyone fell asleep peacefully.

Kirishima just unconsciously nodded in agreement"You know... I can. Yeah. Smm.. of course I can. He knows..." he mumbled some more random nonsense before falling silent only giving a couple snores here and there throughout the night. However, come morning time Kirishima was rudely woken up by the sun and a bit of hair tickling his face. He groaned and pulled his head back looking around with squinted eyes that felt all dry and a bit irritated. "Mmm... it's morning? When did that happen?" Kirishima asked and looked down at Bakugo with a yawn. He moved him just a little bit to be more comfortable with him and he put his head down on the bed again. "Do I have to wake up? Nobody is telling me I have to. So I'm just gonna... I'm.. gonna... Mmmm..." Kirishima already was starting to drift off once again. "Mmm... Bakugo... so warm..."

The blond slept absolutely good during the night, Kirishima's arms securely wrapped all round his body gave him a warmth and a feeling of protection he'd never thought he'd have. Katsuki didn't even move much while he was sleeping and nuzzled against Kirishima's body every know and then, enjoying his smell. Anyway, Bakugo was still sleeping though that little grunt and the shuffling of the bed made him snap out of his wonderful sleep. "Hm?" Katsuki opened his eyes, hearing Kirishima's voice and he heard his name? So he blinked a couple times to adjust to the light and looked around though it was hard when he had Kirishima in front of him "Kirishima..." Bakugo asked with an extra deep and raspy voice, he cleared his throat a bit and moved around for a moment "Eijiro..." he whispered now, in a sigh. Kirishima shook his head as he heard his name, he didn't wanna get up. Because if he got up that means another days passed with Bakugo and they'd have to say bye sooner. "Do we... Do we have to wake up or...?" He asked, looking around and seeing Denki and Sero watching TV. "Hey guys! Uh... I don't know if we have to do something but for now you can rest!" Denki said with a smile "yeah, but in a couple minutes we'll have to go to get some nice breakfast" Sero said, also flashing them a smile "Hm... kay" Bakugo said, going back to look at Kirishima and he placed a hand on those soft red strands of hair, then pressed gently his forehead to Kirishima's. "Morning..." he mumbled, only for Kirishima to hear.

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