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Once Kirishima had brushed his hair and freshened up, he got changed into his clothes and slid on a pair of red crocks. His hair had gotten nice and dry at this point so he decided, since it had gotten longer, he pulled it back into a ponytail and tied it up. Then he headed to their room, hoping that Bakugo was still eating. Maybe he'd come back to the room and join him and the others. But when he got there, it was empty. He didn't know what Sero and Denki were doing but he just walked in anyway and he folded up his hero costume clothes and put them down beside the bed before he sat on his bed and eventually laid back, putting his hands under his arms. He was glad that he made a bit more progress with Bakugo today. Maybe things could actually go well? He just had to take things slow? So he started thinking of some other things he could do with Bakugo, to show him that it wasn't so bad and that being a villain was restraining in many ways. It just wasn't the right path. Plus, after hearing about Bakugo's dream... Kirishima even wanted to try to help him achieve it.


Katsuki, Kaminari and Hanta kept eating their chocolate in their silent comfortable moment, just them enjoying their chocolate bar with the sound of people chatting in the background. Anyway, Bakugo stood up and started walking away. Sero and Denki were a bit confused but before they could ask him where he was going, Bakugo looked over his shoulders "aren't you idiots gonna come?" That made them smile. The three of them walked calmly back to their room, Sero was bringing Kirishima some curry and Denki was carrying a bottle of water for him along with his designated chocolate. When they arrived, they saw Kirishima there sitting in the bed. "Oh hey Kirishima!" Denki greeted, smiling. "Hey" Sero said and Bakugo just nodded at him. Kirishima smiled a nice toothy grin as they others had finally came into the room again. "Hey there, you guys! And you've got Bakugo with you too, nice haha" Kirishima said nicely. "Here, it's really tasty" Sero handed him the back with warm food with a smile. "Thanks, man" Eijiro said as he took the bowl in his hands. "Oh and guess who's a fan of chocolate?" Denki giggled, pointing to Bakugo that had a little spot in the corner of his mouth dirty with chocolate.

"Hey! No kidding, Bakugo likes chocolate? That's great! My personal favorite is strawberry flavored things haha" Kirishima took a couple more bites of food, enjoying how Katsuki seemed so calm. "Haha yeah, when we get out of here we're gonna buy Bakugo a nice chocolate cake" Sero said and passed an arm around Katsuki who tensed but surprisingly didn't pull away. Play it cool. "Tsk... I'll take the cake but the moment I get out of here I'm killing you all" Bakugo said but it didn't really sound that much of a threat. "Haha sure thing, bro" Denki said. "Hey Bakugo, come here" Sero pulled Bakugo closer and softly wiped that spot with chocolate in the corner of his mouth. Bakugo wanted to punch him but all he did was look away. Kirishima paused as he watched Sero clean Katsuki's mouth. But wait why? Why did he stop? He wasn't... no, he wasn't jealous. Was he? Kirishima shook his head a little bit and went back to eating. They all looked like friends now, it seemed that Denki and Sero got into Bakugo's heart quickly, huh? Well that was a way to put it, Bakugo was just faking to be okay with that. "So what do you guys want to do?" Denki asked. Katsuki simply flopped down on bed and glanced briefly at Kirishima but didn't say anything.

"Hmm... I'm not too sure. Oh but I should probably mention that Bakugo isn't too good with being touched a lot, he's not a touchy guy" Bakugo huffed a little to what Kirishima said. Yeah, you say that about the touches now and what about earlier? "So just keep that in mind. I know how much you like to hug people and stuff, Denki. And I do too but I think we can all agree to give Bakugo space if he wants it." Kirishima said nicely and started to finish up his food. "I also told Bakugo that for now me and him are kinda putting the hero-villain thing aside to get to know each other more. And so it's easier for both of us." Kirishima looked over to Bakugo and gave him a smile before he placed the empty bowl from his food onto a little table next to his bed.

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