I hate goodbyes

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"Other than hugs and hand holding, you can do things like rub people's backs or play with their fingers, you can mess with people's hair or maybe cuddle? Sharing clothes is actually another way to kind of show affection" Katsuki hummed a little as a response as Kirishima mentioned other types of affection and when he said that sharing clothes was also part of it, he looked down at the hoodie he was wearing. "Here, I can show you some little kind of demonstrations of these things." Kirishima moved a little closer to Bakugo and he rubbed his hand a bit. Then, he gently moved a hand up to Bakugo's head, giving his head a couple little scratches. Now, he shifted a bit to lay on his side next to Bakugo and he smiled softly. "Now, this one is cuddling. And it's kinda like hugging but while you're laying down" Kirishima said. Bakugo's eyes fluttered close, enjoying the scratches on his head but then he heard Kirishima's voice. "Cuddling? I remember my mom used to do that all the time, we would lay down with dad on this huge bed we had and watch movies..." Bakugo thought out loud, remembering the warmth of his parents love but his thoughts soon were interrupted by Kirishima's arms around him. Eijiro gently slid both his arms around Bakugo and he carefully pulled him closer and he let out a soft hum. "Is this alright? Nothing wrong, right? I'll remind you that is just me. So you don't get frightened. Now, you can wrap your arms around me too. Even your legs if you want but you could also have your back to me or you could lay on top of me, even between someone's legs or something. Whatever makes you comfortable. You can cuddle in all different kinds of ways"

Bakugo looked at him and heard what he said. "Uh... no, it's fine" he mumbled. "...all different kinds of ways?" He asked, staring at Kirishima as he thought for a moment but then he nuzzled against Kirishima's neck, placing his arms around his sides and pressing their bodies together "I like this way" he mumbled against Kirishima's neck, humming a little and taking a deep breath "you do this with every villain you catch?" Bakugo asked in a joking tone, whispering to Kirishima's ear. "No Bakugo I don't do this with every villain." He said in response to him and gave a slight chuckle, shivering a bit thanks to the blond's whispers so close to his ear. Though hearing what Bakugo said next kinda made him sad. He didn't want Bakugo to think like that. Kirishima wouldn't just leave him in the dust. "If people found out that you're being so good to me... do you think they'll make you leave me? I mean, I've tried to get rid of you but you won't listen even if I hurt you... and you seem to care about what people say about you so would you leave me if they told you to? People hate me, I've killed their families, friends... and you're here, cuddling a killer, a monster and a villain. Not the best when you're a hero, right?" Bakugo had this sleepy tone as he whispered to Kirishima's ear. "I don't know what you expect from me... but I'm probably not going to do it. I'm rotten to the core... but I guess this broken monster likes to cuddle" Bakugo chuckled a little "pfff a killer likes to cuddle, how stupid is that?"

"Bakugo, I don't expect anything of you. I just want you to see that you can be who you've always wanted to. You aren't rotten to the core, Bakugo. You're not. And we're all broken. But that's why we, as people, need other people that are special in our lives to be there for us. Because we can help each other pick up all our broken pieces and patch them together. And it's never going to be perfect or anything but sometimes we need to keep the cracks we have in order to show how much we've grown. I'm not going to leave you, even if they try to make me. You're special, Bakugo. I know you are. I see it in your eyes, I can hear it in your voice. You did bad things. And it will be hard, even impossible for a lot of people to forgive you or forget what you did. But I know you can change. Just let me ask you one thing, Bakugo." Kirishima sighed softly and gently rubbed Bakugo's back leaning his chin a bit into his blonde spiky hair. Bakugo sighed. "Did you really want to hurt all those innocent people? Or were you afraid that if you didn't you'd have to suffer consequences from Shigaraki and the rest of the league? And I won't be mad at either answer, I just want to know. Okay?" He said softly to him and even moved a hand up and into Bakugo's hair giving his head a couple scratches.

My lifeline (Villain Bakugo x Pro Hero Kirishima)Where stories live. Discover now