Show me your dark side

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Kirishima knew Bakugo was starting to cry, he knew he was starting to freak out but he kept holding him. He didn't do it to put fear into Bakugo and make him afraid of him. He did it so he could show him that he was safe. He was still holding onto this fear and trauma from that sludge villain attack and Kirishima needed to show that he was going to be a form of safety and comfort for him. So as he started to grab at his throat and he started to struggle, Eijiro unhardened his arms and slowly moved down to the ground, hugging Bakugo still and he moved a hand up into his hair. Kirishima began to slightly massage and scratch the back of his head. "Shh... hey, take a breath. Okay? I'm not the sludge villain, alright? You're safe. It can't get you anymore. You can breath, Bakugo. In slowly and out. Hold on to me. It's fine... you're safe with me, Bakugo. I'd never hurt you. I'll never hurt you. You're okay with me. Breath." He said softly to him and his other hand started to rub his back. He's just scared... please, let this do something. Anything. I need him to know that he's okay now.


Bakugo was panicking, everything was confusing, all he could see were white dots that fogged his gaze. He struggled for breath but whatever that was holding him was not letting go.

Let go! Let go, I just want to live!

Bakugo couldn't form words, he closed his eyes, suddenly feeling ground underneath him but he was still being held.

I don't like it! Make it stop! I can't breath!

The blond realized that whatever that was holding him, now was soft and warm.

No, no, no!

He felt something in his hair, his whole body tensed and he trembled even more.

I am going to die. I'm going to die.

He closed his eyes tightly, tears rolling down his cheeks without stopping. Katsuki still was struggling to get air, hiccuping and the crying wasn't helping.

I'm so weak. I'm going to die being so weak.

Then, he heard a voice, he couldn't quite hear it properly, his ears were ringing.

Someone save me. I'm gonna die.

Bakugo's face changed from bright red to pink and then pale, his body muscles weren't tense anymore, his eyes relaxed, tears still rolled slowly down his pale cheeks. He passed out from the choking but the moment before he did, for a split second, he felt it. Peace. Calmness. His chest started going up and down slowly, finally filling his lungs with air. But he was already unconscious. This was so not what he wanted, not what should happen. He was there to convince this hero to join him with the league and so far he'd done nothing.

I'm useless.

Kirishima kept caressing Bakugo's back and scratching his head as he felt him fall limp. Kirishima sighed and just sat there. He kinda pulled Bakugo to rest against him and he kept rubbing his back and scratching his head gently. He looked at Bakugo's face and some tears actually came to his eyes. Bakugo was in so much pain. Kirishima could tell. And it hurt him that Bakugo was keeping this pain so locked away that he was hurting himself because of it. This trauma from the sludge villain was so bad. And Kirishima wanted to help him, so much. He couldn't bare to see Bakugo like this. He had to save him. He had to do something. He had to!

"I-I'm sorry, Bakugo... I'm so sorry. I want to help you so bad... y-you have to let me help you." Kirishima said as a few tears fell down his face. Come on, Eijiro suck it up. You're being so unmanly right now. He sniffled and a few of his tears fell on Bakugo's face. He felt so bad for him. How could he not? The way he looked as he cried, the man was beautiful and seeing something as beautiful like him tear itself apart... it was horrible. And it wasn't only because of that, the thought of someone just suffering that way... Eijiro couldn't stand it. He didn't wanna see him like this, it was like he was already growing so attached to him.

My lifeline (Villain Bakugo x Pro Hero Kirishima)Where stories live. Discover now