My heart is yours

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Kirishima kept calmly eating his Onigiri, taking bites every now and again while trying to hold Bakugo which was working out better than Eijiro expected. Though once they were both finished, Bakugo started messing with Eijiro's fingers which was nice. However, soon enough Bakugo called Kirishima by his last name but then seemed to correct himself and then called him by his first name. But he didn't say anything afterwards, he just said his name then rested his head back on Eijiro's shoulder. "Do you need something, Bakugo? If you wanna rest some more that's okay, you can. I'll stay right here with you the whole time" Kirishima leaned his face into Bakugo's neck a little bit and he closed his eyes, slightly tightening his arms around Bakugo's waist holding him closer. "I don't think I want to rest more... but I want to stay like this" Bakugo mumbled and sighed, gently grabbing Kirishima's hands and intertwining their fingers, then just playing with them, staring deeply at them as if there was something there that he should figure out but couldn't quite find it. "You must be cold, Bakugo. How are you not shivering? You're skin's freezing. Come here." Kirishima shifted the both of them around a little on the bed before he got one of his blankets and puller it over Bakugo's lap and then he grabbed another and wrapped it around the both of them. "There we go. Now we can get you nice and warmed up." He said nuzzling back into his neck with a smile. "You're great, Bakugo. You're so nice to hold."

Katsuki shivered a little, having goosebumps since Kirishima's breath was right against his skin. I am shivering, Bakugo thought. Just not because I'm cold... there's this feeling in my gut, it makes me tremble and makes my heart beat faster. You make me tremble. The blond shivered again when Kirishima nuzzled more against his neck. Something made Bakugo's heart warm when the redhead told him he was nice to hold. "Call me Katsuki..." Bakugo mumbled, tilting his neck to the side so Kirishima could have more space. Kirishima cocked up a brow a little bit but smiled. "I... I want to try more things with you" Katsuki said, ears getting red but he had this calm face though he felt nervous? "I-If there are more things to try, that is. I just... want you to be the one that I try with. Just... before everything is over" Bakugo said, squeezing Kirishima's hands in his and closing his eyes softly. "I don't know what I'm fucking saying, this is all really confusing and... new. I don't want to go without knowing that there were more things I could've done. That's just it. But I trust you and..." Bakugo gulped, not wanting to look Kirishima in the eyes. What did I even ask for? I'm pathetic, this is so fucking embarrassing. "Fuck, you know what? Never mind, I guess I'm just tired" he mumbled shrugging it off and tilting his head to the other side so Kirishima wouldn't see him.

Kirishima then listened still nuzzled into Bakugo's neck as he said all these things that sounded so sweet and a little funny. He even had a kinda grumpy pout and tried to blame all his talking on being tired. But Kirishima shook his head a bit and slightly lifted it. "Bakugo, no. Not "never mind" I'll be the one you do these things with I promise. Look there's more that we can do but I was suggesting taking it slow because I don't wanna ruin anything. But I guess I should just go for it huh?" Kirishima lifted one of his hands and gently took Bakugo's chin. Bakugo was thinking of an excuse, something, anything to just get out of there. He felt so embarrassed. Bakugo's heartbeat grew faster, he closed his eyes tightly.

What if he doesn't want to try anything?

I don't even know what I said! I fucked up everything, my heart feels like it's gonna get out of my chest.

Katsuki didn't want to look at Kirishima. "Katsuki? Will you look at me for a second?" But then Kirishima called him by his name, Bakugo's heart skipped a beat and he slowly opened his eyes. Kirishima slowly moved his head to make him face him again and once he did, he gave Bakugo a smile. Red ruby glossy eyes were staring at Kirishima's crimson ones, expectant, scared, intrigued. Katsuki felt like he was trembling, but he wasn't, was he? "I really really like you, Bakugo. And I wanna cherish you, okay? So sorry if this upsets you but I can't help but feel it's right" He said, blushing a bit. As Kirishima said those words, Bakugo felt himself melt right there. He admired for a brief moment how Kirishima's cheeks turned pink and god, he felt he could stare at him forever. Eijiro leaned forward, closing his eyes and he placed a small kiss on his lips. He held it there for a moment. Now, Bakugo really melt. His brain stopped working and his heart was now at command, which was not the best thing since all it was doing was go faster and crazy. Katsuki's mind was repeating something over and over again.

My lifeline (Villain Bakugo x Pro Hero Kirishima)Where stories live. Discover now