7 years ago

598 22 10

Kirishima kept a sweet smile on his face as Bakugo actually said his name. Bakugo had actually taken his hand too! Kirishima gave it a small squeeze. "Katsuki Bakugo? That name sounds familiar to me".

Katsuki's smirk faded, hair more spiky than usual as the electroshock passed. His body shook a bit and his hand clenched over Eijiro's. Kirishima slightly rubbed his finger back and forth on Bakugo's hand. "Thank you for telling me your name, Bakugo. You can call me Eijiro, okay? If you want to, that is". Kirishima let out a soft chuckle and the blond tilted his head to the side as he stared a bit amused at this man.

What the actual fuck? He should've been electrified too! But he didn't even flinch?! Even worst, he didn't even notice!

This man was a monster!

There was no other explanation! The voltage that went through their bodies a few moments ago was enough to make someone spasm hard and flinch for a few seconds. Yet, the redhead was still smiling so sweetly at him. It made Katsuki sick.

Maybe Eijiro had been exposed to a lot of electricity before? But why? How? It intrigued the blond more than he'd like to admit... and the fact that he took that electroshock without any reaction was kind of cool.

Bakugo frowned a little, having this instinct to put distance between them. "Tsk, whatever" Bakugo looked at his hand that Kirishima was holding and looked away. His hand is bigger than mine... and he isn't letting go. It's weird. Bakugo heard him ask more questions and the blond huffed as he knelt down a bit. "don't kneel down right there as if I wasn't taller than you. I'm not a fucking child, Shitty hair" Bakugo snarled, resisting the urge to kick him.

Kirishima gave another chuckle at the nickname. His free hand held onto his side. "Alright, Bakugo. How old are you now? You seem... maybe the same age as me?" Kirishima kinda liked this. Being able to talk to Bakugo and look into his eyes like this. Though that name sounded all too familiar. The more he thought about it, the more he started to realize why the name was familiar. His smile wavered, just a tiny bit but Bakugo immediately noticed. He still not letting go of my hand... Katsuki thought and looked a bit uncomfortable but right then, Kirishima let go of his hand gently and stood up. "Hey, Bakugo? I'll be right back, alright? I'm gonna get you food and see if I can move you to a different room, Mm?" Kirishima gave him one last smile before he got up and he left the room, still holding his side. Once he got out of the room, he groaned and leaned against the wall a little bit. He looked around and tried to start looking for Aizawa. "Aizawa?" He called out and let out a slight huff. "Aizawa? I-I need to talk to you." He called out again and started to try and walk around to look for him.


Bakugo tsked and went back to bed, looking at his hand for a moment. It's still warm...


In some office in the building, Aisawa had just finished his talk with Tskauchi the detective. The file under the name Katsuki Bakugo was just sent to his email and also to Kirishima's, Denki's and Sero's. Aisawa sighed, getting out his phone to start reading and he walked around until he heard his name being called. "Kirishima? Is everything alright?" Aisawa asked, approaching quickly and glancing at the door of the room where Bakugo was. "We've already discovered his identity, it's already in your mail. We still don't know much why did he attack or what is his objective. What do you want to say?" Aisawa asked, feeling a bit anxious and worried about what was going on.

"Oh... I-I was gonna say that he told me his name. He... he let me touch him, Sensei. Haha.. he let me touch him!" Kirishima chuckled a bit and squeezed onto his side, briefly making a grimace at the sharp pain. "He... he actually let me hold his hand" Kirishima was happy about this he was so happy, not even knowing that Katsuki had tried to electroshock him as well. He thought this was progress. "I told him th-that I'd share my story to help him... I looked into his eyes, Aizawa. I know I sound crazy, I know... but I saw something... it was like hope. H-He can be saved. Bakugo. I know he can."

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