Not even love?

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Kirishima looked to Bakugo as he entered the room and just softly sighed as he once again started to kinda rip into him but Kirishima stayed quiet and listened. Once Bakugo finished, Kirishima actually smiled a little bit. "Because... I told you I'd listen to everything you had to say. So I did. And I still am. I promised you I'd help you. You're right, Bakugo. I'm not a confident pro hero. In reality, I'm actually pretty weak. I'm hard on the outside but I'm still human inside. Words hurt. Different than knifes or bruises, sorry you have to see this. And I'm sorry you're disappointed that I won't yell at you or fight you. But I want to help you. Even if you keep telling me that you can't be helped. I can't help it, I guess." He leaned his head back again and looked up to the ceiling. "I'm trying, I really am. But I just don't want to hurt anyone." He said simply and closed his eyes. "So I'm sorry, for everything. The things I've done. The things I haven't done. The things that happened to you. And to your family. I'm sorry."

Bakugo listened to everything the redhead had to say but Kirishima just admitted he wasn't confident? And that he was weak? That wasn't the same guy he fought earlier, was he? The guy that captured his attention was strong, confident, he would fight for what he thought was fair. But here he was, admitting his weakness. No. This can't be right. "Why the fuck do you apologize? This is why you're getting down in the ranks, you don't say anything, you don't address the rumors, you do nothing just because you want to be nice? Fuck that" Bakugo groaned, sitting down next to Kirishima and pulling his own knees to his chest and crossing his arms as well.

It was unconscious the way Bakugo protected himself even in those little actions like sitting down. Eijiro watched him carefully and he let out a soft hum.

"Why won't you hurt the people that hurt you?" Bakugo asked after a while in silence. "There's no one here, you can fight me right here and now. I'll say I started it" Katsuki leaned a bit closer to him "Honestly, I don't give a shit about the things you've done and the ones that you haven't if I'm not involved but it's frustrating to see someone like... like you simply taking all the punches and not fighting back. Fucking do something about it, that's that we do" Bakugo spoke, also leaning his head back to the wall "we, villains believe in our strength and we're confident enough to go out and show the world that what we believe in is worth to fight for. The league offered me what no one else did back then... power. They saved me from this stupid dream I had, they saved me from ending like you" Bakugo glanced at him for a moment without saying anything. He is in pain. "But you can still change" Katsuki said, holding back a smirk. He was good with words, so good with words. He knew he could convince Kirishima, at least a little. "Let's do something about it, show the people why they should respect Red Riot" Bakugo said, nudging Kirishima's shoulder "let's fight for your name together"

Kirishima could understand what Bakugo was saying, he did. But he slightly shook his head. "Bakugo. You're right in a lot of ways. But... I don't want power. I don't need it. I wanna be myself, I don't need to fight for my name. People have their own opinions on other people. You know, when I was younger I thought about running away from home to be a villain. But I don't wanna hurt people or make them fear me. I want people to think of me as someone good. I wanted to be a person that when I'm gone, I did something that saved people. Something that even made a small difference to make someone's life better. If I die having done that, I'll be happy. Dreams are not stupid, Bakugo. Dreams are good. They help people grow and eventually they achieve those dreams. What was your dream Bakugo? I'll tell you mine... I wanted to be just like the hero Crimson Riot. He inspired me so much. That's why I took on my hero name as Red Riot." Kirishima looked to Bakugo and kept his head leaned against the wall. "What was your dream Bakugo?"

Bakugo glanced at the redhead, quietly listening to everything that he was saying that surprisingly did not sound like bullshit to the blond though that did not mean he agreed. "Sometimes if you're too good, you're doomed " Bakugo said. "Then I guess we're not really on the same page, what a shame" Bakugo huffed, hugging his knees and resting his cheek on one as he listened to Kirishima talk about his dream. He knew this guy called Crimson Riot but he was not a hero anymore since well, he grew old. "Dreams aren't good. Dreams are just that, dreams. They lift the hopes of people that can never reach them so they just see others achieve what they always wanted while they suffer" Bakugo said, frowning a little. "Mine? I wanted to become a stupid hero like All Might. Well, I wanted to defeat him and be better than him. I can still do that but I don't want to be a hero anymore. Apparently, all you guys do is smile and few actually live up to my expectations. You... you did, though you've been crying here like a weakling I still believe there's more to you than that. It's shameful that I'll never get to see you actually developing your maximum power" Bakugo said, referring to the proposal about being a villain with him. "Reconsider it, the people out there want nothing to do with you. Soon enough you'll have no choice than join us and I'll be waiting for you. But know that I won't be a stupid hero, that's for the weak ones" Bakugo tsked, closing his eyes and taking a deep breath. Maybe talking wasn't so bad after all, there was nothing much to do in this place and he usually never got someone to talk to. Resting his head in his knees, Bakugo took a moment of relax, think, breathe. "Red Riot... would fit as a good code name for a villain if I do say so myself. Kinda childish but we can work on that if you agree" Bakugo said, his voice a bit calmer but he had a little smirk in his face, eyes still closed. It was weird to see him so calm and without a frown.

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