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Kirishima chuckled a bit as Bakugo dodged, moved from his attack and even jumped over him to land a hit to his back making Kirishima groan and stumble forward a bit. Then, as Bakugo told him to show him his strength, he chuckled. "Okay! You got it, Bakubro!" He said and threw a couple punches that Bakugo impressively dodged. The blond loved to fight, it was simply his nature. So when Kirishima started getting at it with all his strength, Bakugo absolutely loved it. They kept sparring with each other for a while, landing some hits back and forth between the two of them. They both got sweaty and their faces got all bright and red from moving so much. Once they both kinda worked each other out to the point where they had to stop, Kirishima sat down and panted a bit before he grabbed a water bottle and just chugged some of it down and even poured some of the cold water on his hand to rub it on the back of his neck to help him cool down a bit. He looked to Bakugo and gave a happy smile. "Nice work, Bakugo. I haven't had a good spar like that for a long time. It felt kinda good. You're okay, right? Wanna head to the showers?"

Bakugo flopped down to the floor, on his knees in front of Kirishima, taking deep breaths. He looked up at the redhead with a side smile and wiped some of his sweats "yeah... yeah I'm fine, dumbass. I... yeah, sure" Bakugo snatched the bottle of water out of Kirishima's hand and drank it completely, grabbing another one to pour it over his head. The blond closed his eyes and grunted, cooling down a bit "aughh~ that's good... it's so fucking hot in here" Bakugo managed to catch his breath and stood up, using his shirt to wipe his face, shivering a bit. It was also wet and against his hot skin, it wasn't so pleasant. "Let's get going" the two men walked to the showers calmly, catching his breath and relaxing his muscles a bit more. They got there and the blond grabbed fresh clothes for him and the redhead, also grabbing some towels and placing them on a bench "that was nice" he mumbled, taking off his shirt and sighing, stretching his body for a moment.

Kirishima started to slip off some of his hero costume. "Yeah, it really was nice. You're really manly Bakugo. That was a pretty fair spar." Kirishima took off his boots and then slid off his pants, leaving him in his boxers and before he got into the shower. The blond glanced at Kirishima "manly?" He asked, quickly turning around when the redhead started taking his pants off. Kirishima took off his boxers and stepped behind the curtain. Bakugo's ears got red and he also took off his pants, looking for a stall and entering, taking the rest of his clothes off and turning on the shower. Eijiro turned on his shower and let the water run for a little bit before he got under it and started to let it soak his hair. Kirishima really enjoyed his showers. They felt nice and he liked getting a fresh manly smell on him. And well, he was used to the way he smelled so he didn't really notice anything but he'd heard from others he smelled good? So well he thought he might. He got some shampoo on his hands and started to nicely scrub his hair and he let out a soft hum and soon enough that soft hum turned into a quiet little tune.

The cold water gave Katsuki goosebumps and his spine chilled "Kirishima..." Bakugo called as he poured some shampoo on his hair and started to scrub. Kirishima stopped his humming when he heard Bakugo call his name . "Yeah, Bakugo?" He asked. "What do you usually do when you have free time?" He asked suddenly, continuing to wash his body. "I mean, I know you're a hero and all but when you're alone at home... I forgot what I used to do, it's been a really long time since I've had free time and all I've done here is uh... our touch thing and spar. I don't know how to live my life anymore..." Bakugo mumbled, taking a deep breath. Kirishima had to think for a moment about this. He'd gotten quite a bit more free time lately since he wasn't being allowed to take a lot of jobs nor had he been asked to do any. So he started to think about what he'd been doing. Bakugo was quiet for a moment as he let the water wash off the soap and shampoo. Katsuki loved cold showers. "Also is there anything else there's left to try?" He asked, referring to the touches. After a couple more moments, the blond stepped out of the showers, drying his body. Then, he started drying his hair and put on his boxers. The blond moved to the mirror and placed his hands on the counter, leaning closer. He remembered where his scars used to be. Bakugo placed a hand over his neck, trailing the long scar that used to be there. Then his chest, his sides and shoulder. And finally he stared at his hands, that used to be covered in scars. Katsuki's eyes got slightly glossy, he remembered that sometimes it was hard to move his fingers since they didn't heal completely. Why does everything in my life has to be so fucking sad?

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