OS 12 - "for mina <3" | Gio Reyna x Erling Haaland

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"Okay last try!"

The Twitter Admin positioned himself behind the striker, ready to press the button to start filming.
Erling took a deep breath then he bend down to grab the first ball. Carefully he tried to balance it on top of another one.
But just as he thought it would stay in position and he pulled away, the leather tilted slowly to the side and fell down with a damp sound.

"Imagine not being able to staple three balls on top of each other and shoot at a target, tsk"
Erling spun around and glared at Gio. "Do it better then!", he demanded.
The dark haired boy grinned and shrugged provokingly. "Sorry, the doctor said no!", he unnecessarily pointed out the kinesiotape on his lower leg.

Erling scoffed and turned back to the balls.
Without saying anything he grabbed the first one again and tried to put it as perfectly on the other as he could. Then he grabbed the last one lying to the side.
With steady hands, concentrated he searched for sense of balance. When he thought it felt alright, he cautiously pulled his hands back.

The three men hold their breaths.


Erling had to hold back the reliefed sigh he wanted to let out. The hardest part was over.
He took a couple of steps back.
The first shot perfectly hit the sign at the top left corner.
The second took half of it down.
The third teared the tape between the paper and the goal and the target fell to the ground with a rustle.

Erling wanted to cheer so bad. He wanted to kick and scream. It took him six tries. He got impatient after the second already, but his eager - and Gio throwing mean comments at him from the outside - led him to insisting on finishing it.

Now he kept his happinesses silent, because Nico and Greg were shooting a different video on the other side of the pitch.
He saw the Admin grinning and putting down his phone after ending the recording.
"Great job!", he said and Erling gave him a high-five as thank you.

Then the Lad already began cutting so he could upload it straight away, completely focusing on his job to bring the community he interacted with so often some fresh content.

Meanwhile Gio slid down from the side fence he was sitting on and slowly strolled into his direction.
"I knew you could do it!", he claimed and smiled widely.
Erling tugged Gio into a hug and thought his heart would explode with love, as the shorter wrapped his arms around his neck and pulled him down to give him a kiss.

Gio pecked at Erlings lips again, gave him a third one as reward for bearing his teasing and a fourth that he actually made the shot.

"How do I deserve you..."

Erling didn't even bother to hide his grin. He placed a soft kiss on Gio's cheek and couldn't hold back a soft "awe" when he saw the brown eyes lit up even more.

"Are you done yet!?"

The both of them whirled around to see Mo still standing at the gate collecting balls with Greg, who seemed to have finished shooting. In opposite of Mo he laughed and wasn't visibly bothered by the couple, rather happy for them, that their relationship only growed since they admitted their feelings in the last summer after they met way back under Favre being the coach.

"Get that three balls over here. Und hört auf euch vollzuschlabbern, ich kotz' gleich!"

Gio and Erling looked at each other, but none of them had no clue what Mo just bugged about.
"I said: STOP KISSING OR I'M GONNA PUKE!", he yelled jokingly.

"Oh...", Erling simply stated.
Greg bend with laughter and had struggels to hold the bag open so Mo could throw the balls in.
Gio was also close to loosing it, so he quickly got the balls and the target out the goal and he walked to the exit with Erling.
Mo smiled at them kindly. "Thank you!", he chirped in a high voice.
Erling rolled with his eyes while Gio slightly broke and started giggeling.

"Come on, let's go!", Erling took Gio's Hand and dragged him away from the field to the cabin.
Gio looked at Erling with suspicion. "You're not really mad, are you?", he asked after a brief pause.
Erling smiled softly. "Of course not, Babe!"
He bend over to give Gio a quick kiss, before crossing their fingers and slowing down his tempo til the shorter could keep up.

Gio, happy that Erling took the joke so lightly, smiled at the sun and let the moment sink in. Right there at his home, living the life of his dreams, at his boyfriends hand.

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AYEEE ES IST SO WEIT! Mein erster englischer OneShot!!

Und wie fandet ihr ihn? :D

Der Plot ist übrigens mit dem Video mit derselben Challenge mit Erling auf Twitter und Minas Kommentar, ob Gio ihm danach ein paar Küsse gegeben hat, entstanden. Wow, der Satz war ja fast komplizierter als der OS 💀

Ich musste durchgehend Wörter googlen, aber ich glaube das legt sich, sobald ich mich daran gewöhnt habe, auch beim Schreiben in Englisch zu denken 👀

Falls Grammatikfehler vorkommen tut mir das sehr leid, ich bin kein Native Speaker und das hier ist nicht korrekturgelesen, ich hoffe es ist nicht allzu grauenhaft XD

Wollt ihr mehr in Englisch? Oder nur ab und zu als besonderer Anlass? :O

Habt eine gute Nacht!

- Lona 💛

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