"Just so you know, this is not a date." - Hazard x Meunier

252 11 14

fronkle_tople |

Ich hatte eigentlich eine ganze Vorgeschichte geplant, aber so offen hat es mir dann einfach doch besser gefallen hehe
Hoffe es gefällt dir <3


Thomas was unsure of what to do next. Should he start a conversation? Get something new to drink?

He cleared his throat.


Thorgan looked up from his bowl with big eyes, mouth full with some of the noddles hanging out of it. Quickly he slurped them up and grabbed the napkin to wipe his chin.

"Yes, uhhh-"

He didn't know what to respond exactly and yet, he already had said something and then he realized what this must look like. Two men at midnight eating in a small bar sitting way to close to each other. Thomas probably wondered what meaning this had.

"Just so you know, this is not a date!"
"No, yeah, of course not, i mean-"
"Haha, yes..."

Oh no.. now this entire thing totally got awkward and failed emberrassingly. Thorgan wanted to slap himself.
God, why did he say that!? It wasn't even like he didn't...show interest at all...

He stared into his almost finished bowl as if it would give him an answer. Then he got an idea. He peeked over at the male who was looking at the rain outside, weighting his chances. Maybe Thomas didn't hate him too? Well he wouldn't have brought him here and payed for him if he despised him but, you know.

"Unless you want it to be?"

As soon as it was spoken Thorgan held his breath. Watching every single movement he waited anxiously, his heart hammering in his chest.

Thomas turned his head slowly. His eyes danced from one spot to another over Thorgan's face. He blinked with his long eyelashes. The corners of his mouth went up slightly.

"I'd like that..."

Thorgan couldn't help but exhale loudly. Thomas laughed.

"Are you alright?", he grinned, his teeth showing.
"Yes. Yes, I am!", Thorgan smiled back.

Thomas' looked at his hands for a second, then his little finger twitched, as if hesitating, but then he carefully slid his right over the table in Thorgan's direction.
He flipped it over onto his back, opening the palm of his hand.

"May I hold yours?"

Thorgan's lips parted slightly.

"I- sure?"

He lifted his hand.

Suddenly a dark figure passed in the window and not a second after the door opened.
A person with black rain-jacket came in. They were soaking and left a mess out of the floor. The owner of the shop turned up behind the counter to take the order.

Thorgan left the small distraction be and turned back to Thomas. He layed his hand onto the table. Thomas gently took it and intertwined their fingers. It was nice and warm. Thomas hands were a little bigger than his, more thick than long. They were rough and his thumb stroke over the back of his hand nicely.
            Thorgan didn't say a word more, he just took the spoon and started eating again.

Thomas stared into the darkness outside again.

The guest that came in previously took their order in a container and zipped up their jacket.
The doorbell jingled when they left.

Thomas and Thorgan were alone again and sat in a comfortable silence. They didn't know if they would part after Thorgan had finished his meal or if one would stay at the others place. They simply sat and enjoyed the fragile moment.

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