OS 20 - "<🏳️‍🌈3" | Gio Reyna

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Quickly Gio dribbled between the feet, he tunneled a player, their face just a blur, but just as he wanted to pass them he felt a pair of studs slide in against his ankle. Legs tangled, he hissed in pain, lost his balance and fell over.
His hands snapped to protect his head when he felt an elbow poke into his side, scared to get trampled on by somebody. 
When the body next to him moved he slowly opened his eyes again and sat up.

A Union player had tackled him. The same guy who was now rolling around, whining about his knee or something.
Gio rubbed his - luckily not much hurting - ankle and then took the hand Mats offered him. Erling was jogging over already.

"Are you alright?", he asked, worried. He let Gio wrap an arm around his neck for support and pushed him back up to a standing position. The American carefully tried to put weight on his right foot. A little sting was there, but nothing serious.

"Yeah, should be good!", he answered and smiled at Erling thankfully, let his arm fall down and turned to the Union player to check on him.

"What an actor", he said, not even in a raised voice, but a teammate from that guy seemed to have heard it.
"What did you say??", the man with the 12 on his jersey spun around and came a step closer.

"Oh c'mon! I was the one hit, not him!?", Gio scoffed and made a gesture to the player on the ground still curled up in a ball. By now the medics of Union had arrived too.

"And that means he can't have hurt himself!?"

Gio couldn't keep serious at that broken English with German accents. He just wiped his sweaty forehead with his shirt, mumbling a little provocative "I'm sure he's deeply in pain...".

That seemed to have struck the line from 'Number 12'. His face flushed a dark shade of red and he caught Gio off guard by giving him a rough push.

"Yo what the heck-"
"Du denkst wohl du bist was besseres, huh!?"

"No?", Gio tried to get some distance, but when the player kept up he took the offensive, he raised his voice.
"It's not my fault! Your teammate was the one tackling me. He obviously didn't have the purpose of reaching the ball. I felt his shoes on my ankle and nobody fell onto him. He couldn't have hurt himself at his knee in any way, stop blaming me!"

"How do you know what he was trying to do!?", the 12 yelled at him.
"Because it's literally obvious, you have to be dumb to not see that?"
"Are you calling me dumb? Huh?"

His volume level was so high, their teammates got alert.

"Gio, are you good??", Jude called out.
"Hey, hör auf zu streiten! Was ist denn los?"

He had to admit that he loved to make other players blood boil and often paired up with Jude to call each of them specific swearwords. But in opposite to Jude he was more responsible and knew when to stop. Often Gio was the one to lay the weapons down first.

"This jackass be accusing me of things, because the donkey on the floor is faking like shi-"

Nevermind, let's screw the responsibility part.

Gio couldn't even finish the sentence as all hell broke loose. Five different players in red started to shove him in every direction possible. There were hands tugging at his shirt and pants, at the same time they were continuing to push him around. Gio felt himself loosing balance and stumbling backwards.

Suddenly a two meter figure, who he identified as Erling, pushed itself in front of him, cutting off all the arms.

Gio quickly realized his teammates came to back up, especially Emre, Daxo and the other tall guys were fighting back, building a sturdy barrier.

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