OS 16 - "i'm OBSESSED with this boy 😭😭" | JAMAL MUSIALA

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[idk just the game yk] [also Leroy is taller than Jamal here cause I like it that way better, you'll get why later lol✌️]

The refree whistled to halftime.

Jamal's shoulders fell down and he slowly strolled into the tunnel with his teammates.
He wasn't content with his performance in any way. Sure, they were leading two to zero, but it was the little things, which made him mad.

The one big chance with Thomas he gave away so easily, many lost duels and balls, unprecised passes, lacking communication with his teammates, coach Nagelsmann yelling at him from the sideline to react faster, a bad tackle,...

Every stair Jamal took up made him think of another awful action which pulled him back down.
With hanging head he walked into the cabin. He drank half of his water bottle, but refused a protein snack.

"Okay everybody listen up - besonders du Jamal - this is what we need to do in the third half:..."

Jamal could scream.
He needed to work on his technique more, do more after training sessions, go to get a massage more often, eat less and more healthy. He was so horrible! He sucked! A disappointment!

"Die Ansätze waren gut! Our ideas were great! But we need to be more aggressive! Mehr pressen! Mehr um verlorene Bälle kämpfen! Hey Jamal, hörst du zu!?"

Quickly the 19 year old nodded, while his heart sunk to his feet. Nagelsmann just kept on talking.

He never did enough. He needed to do better. The pressure was weighing him down. Sadness and frustration washed over him and he felt water well up in his eyes. The thick air, almost suffocating, the smell of Deo, sweat and rain, the huge chaos were extremely stressful and uncomfortable, not really helping in the try to swallow down the upcoming tears.


He couldn't start crying in front of everyone. He would be seen as weak. Quickly he stood up and facing the ground left. In all the halftine rush nobody really seemed to notice or care anymore.

Jamal went into a quiet corner and felt something running down his cheek to his mouth. When he catched it with his tounge a salty taste spread over it. He grabbed his sleeve and dragged it over his face. The boy grimaced when he smeared the snot coming out of his nose and quickly tried to pull it back up.


Oh no. Oh no no no.

Jamal tried to search for an entrance, but he had no chance to hide, Leroy already spotted him.

"Hey, warum bist du ge- oh..."

Leroy looked at him with big eyes. Then he sighed sympathetically.
Jamal broke right in front of him. It was emberrassing. The way his shoulders started to shake, how his lower lip trembled and more even more tears fell.

But the experienced player didn't hesitate long. He opened his arms and offered a hug which Jamal gladly accepted. He sobbed loudly into Leroy's shoulder, while Leroy gently, calmingly stroked his hair.

"Warum weinst du wieder, hm?", he asked his little protégé.
"Ich- I'm d-doing so...so bad again und- and Julian is p-probab- pro-...maybe going to take m-me out, because I'm s-so horrible-", Jamal  tried to say, but was repeatedly shaken by sobs in between.

"Willst du Atemübungen machen?", Leroy asked carefully. In response another wave of tears drenched his shirt.
Leroy's heart cracked a bit. He really didn't like seeing Jamal cry. And when he knew there was noone to beat up and it was Jamal's anxiety in his head attacking again, he felt even more mad.

"Hey, I know du machst dir wieder Vorwürfe, aber ich bin mir sicher es ist wieder nur halb so schlimm, wie dein Kopf es dir vorspielt! Julian ist sehr zufrieden mit deiner Leistung in der ersten Halbzeit. Du hast dich gut durchgesetzt! Das eine Vorlage daneben geht, kann jedem Mal passieren, sowohl dir, als auch mir oder Lewa. Die nächste geht dann dafür rein!", he tried to give him his confidence back.

Jamal nodded slightly and Leroy smiled, when he lifted his head.

"Good to see you again!", he joked and Jamal couldn't help but scoff.
Leroy gently wiped a last tear away with his thumb. He didn't show a lot of affection through actions, he was better at talking, but Jamal was an exception.

"You got this, okay?"

Jamal nodded slightly. "Danke..."

Leroy nodded and smiled.
Jamal smiled back gently, sniffling. He took a shaky breath.

"I don't think you have time to wipe your nose, the others are coming again", Leroy whispered, when footsteps got loud.
Their teammates passed them and made their way down the stairs.

"Let's go, okay?", Leroy pat Jamal's back and pushed him into the escalator.
The ride over Jamal fiddled with his sleeve in silence, looking down at his feet, because his eyes were visibly swollen.

"You good?", Leroy asked before they would stop at the end.
Jamal quickly nodded.

"I got this!!", he hyped himself up and cracked his knuckles.
In the corner of his eye Jamal could see Leroy smile proudly, then he walked onto the field.

- - - - -

Der OneShot stammt vom 9. Dezember oh Gott 😭😭

Aber ja, hier nochmal ein Jamal OneShot!

1. Weil Bambi elite ist ✨
2. Weil der andere OneShot mit ihm iwie 150 reads bekommen hat????? Woher?? Warum??
Und 3. Weil ich meine Jamal-Leroy-haben-Father-Son-dynamic-agenda weiterverbreiten will 🥰🥰

Aber ja, ich hab das Spiel am 9. Dezember, ich weiß nichtmal mehr gegen wen das war lich glaube Barca :'D) geschaut und als Bambi mit Leroy die Treppe runtergefahren ist hatte ich einen Geistesblitz und musste es direkt aufschreiben.

Irgendwie lasse ich Jamal nur suffern... und das wird sich auch nicht ändern 😶

Ich hab noch irgendwie 2-3 Ideen mit ihm angefangen, vielleicht werde ich die irgendwann auch wieder ausgraben!

Bald kommt vielleicht wieder ein Reyland OneShot, seid gespannt! :D

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