OS 17 - "Donny Angst 🥚" | Donyell Malen

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[another explanation why Donny's hair was shaved off one day onto another THIS IS NOT REAL IT'S ONLY A STUPID IDEA I GOT AND I DON'T BELIVE IN THIS! ALSO WHY DOES THE EGG LOOK SO FUCKING HILARIOUS!? IT'S JUST LIKE- ..."egg 🧍🏼" BAHSHSHSHAHAHA]


When Donny woke up, everything seemed normal.
He was laying in his bed, alone in his big flat in Dortmund.
In pijamas he made himself a cup of hot coffee, scrolled through social media, mentally relaxing before the last training of the year.

"What a dumbass...", he murmured to himself when he saw Jude's private Instagramstory that he woke up hungover in a bed that wasn't his.

He ruffled through his hair. When he grabbed after the coffee, his heart dropped.

Hair. There was a tuft of hair laying on his table. His hair.

"No", Donny whimpered. "Nonononononono, PLEASE-"
He shot up from his seat and rushed through his flat into his bathroom.

His breath was running faster than after 90 minutes of sprinting.
Slowly he sank his hand into his curls. Then he pulled.

His shoulders slumped down, when he saw the strands of hair effortlessly leave his scalp.
He couldn't believe it. It was like a bad dream.
He tried it again.
Shaking he looked at the two hands full of hair in his sink.

When he looked up he saw his reflection in the mirror.
Scared eyes looked back at him. In his hair you could see the two spots without anything left.

He felt tears prickle in his eyes. It didn't take long, then they were streaming down his face, hot and salty.

It had happened again.

He fell down to the floor and curled up into a little ball, heavily crying from shock. With every shake his body took, a strand hair fell to the floor.

- - - - -

"So even though you weren't at the last training I would still like you to be on the bench, yeah?"
"Sure, thank you coach!"

Donny turned away from Marco Rose and opened the door to the cabin.


His teammates stared at him with wide eyes.

"Hey", he answered unsure of their reaction.
He closed the door and dropped his bag onto the floor next to his locker.

"Are you alright?", Marco Reus asked straight away. He knew how proud his teammate had been of his full, little curls. Something must've happened. "Do you want to talk under four eyes?"

Donny quickly turned down the offer. "No, don't worry, it's- uhhh... Can I explain while we drive?"
"Of course!", they nodded.
The starting eleven and all the players on the bench prepared themselves and got into the teambus one after another.

As soon as everybody sat down and the doors closed with a woosh, they turned to Donny.

"Okay dude, seriously, what happened!?", Jude asked in horror.

Donny sighed. "I have a 'disease' called Apolecia", he stated.

"Oh my god, are you alright!?", Erling jumped at the word "disease".
"Are you hurt??", Thomas scanned him up and down with his eyes.
"You're not going to die, are you????", Gio asked scared.

Donny couldn't hold back his laugh. "No guys, chill! I'm totally fine, don't worry! Apolecia is just baldness", he explained quickly.

"What do you mean, 'just'?!", Jude screamed.

"Well, every 2 til 6 years, my hair falls out. After two months it regrows."

Jude was now seriously terrified for his live. "Every two til six years???", he muttered hoarse.

"And it's this time again?", Mats asked, genuinely interested.

Donny nodded. "I've been having it since a child. The last time it happened was when I was in highschool. It was...difficult...", he swallowed when he remembered how heartbroken he was, when his cool, by everyone loved hair fell out. And also the months after. He got bullied, hit on the head over and over. The girls called him a freak, thought he was weird, even though it had been people he had been hanging out with for years.

Mats noticed it was a bad topic to talk about now, so he hastily moved on. "And you have to shave it all off?"

Donny nodded again. "That's why I wasn't at training this morning. I was uhhh...suprised by suddenly holding my hair in my hands and called my barber to shave it off. Nobody wants to run around with only half of their hair in, right?"

He shook his head. "It's shit. To loose what you got over the last couple of years again and again. You never really...get used to it.."

But then he simply shrugged.

The team was speechless and silence filled the bus.

"But it doesn't affect you in any way?", Gio made sure.
Donny nodded. "Yes, i am totally fine now! Acctually I really like my new haircut. I look a bit like "The Rock", don't I??"
"No you don't."

Everybody laughed at Rapha's dry response and the tension left.

"Okay, let's turn on some music everybody!! LET'S GET HYPED UP IN HERE!!", Zaga yelled, packing out his music box and everybody woo'ed, getting ready for their match in only a hour.

Back in his seat, Jude still stared at his hands as if they could fall off any minute like Donny's hair did.

"Every two til six years... HELL NO, I'M TOO YOUNG TO DIE-"

- - - - -

Jude was deffo still onto something in this one 💀

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