"Wait..is that my shirt?" Gio Reyna x Erling Haaland

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When Gio woke up the first thing he noticed was how the insides of his thighs were wet.

He sighed before turning around. The other side of the nest he had built was empty, the sheets cold. Erling already had to be at training.

Gio felt a little bit of heat in his core. His skin was itching. But apart from that he was fine.

With a little huff he got up.
The house was empty. Gio shivered as he walked his way down the stairs to the living room and into the kitchen. It was weird living in this place, pretending to know it, when all you did was sit on the couch, and then failing at finding a simple bowl in the endless cupboards Erling's kitchen seemed to have.

After a quiet breakfast Gio took a shower. On the one hand trying to get rid of the itch, on the other to just do it as long as he could himself. Tonight the heat might hit his body in full force. Maybe tomorrow. Then his mind would be clouded with nothing but primal instincts.

Gio felt more than thankful for Erling willing to help him through this time. Though it had been akward at first when Gio arrived yesterday with a bag full of nesting materials and clothes, as soon as Erling had sat down with him at the table in the evening and talked everything through with him in such a calm and mature manner, Gio felt comfortable and safe.

And after coming out of the shower freshly without any hint of smell on him Gio naturally felt the need to scent. But Erling wasn't there.

Gio stood in the bathroom, thinking about just putting on his old clothes again even though that was kinda gross, til his view fell onto a small basket next to the sink. Erling's laundry. He bent down and picked up the first piece on top. It was a T-Shirt.

In his mind he was debating between if that was appropriate for their level of closeness but tomorrow they would be doing stuff completely out of this range anyway, so Gio took the long, grey T-Shirt and pulled it over his head. The shirt had been big on Erling and now it was huge on Gio, pooling around his thighs. Comfy.

He brought it up to his nose, sniffing at the material and let out a long, content sigh. Wet moss, forrest and a bit of tree resin...

Gio threw his worn clothes next to the laundry basket onto the floor and went out of the bathroom to the opposite area, the bedroom.

He let himself fall into the bed and reached for his phone on the nightstand. He texted a short message to his mom, scrolled through his social media notifications, but his eyelids were getting heavier and heavier by minute. He rolled over to the side Erling slept on last night, burying his nose in the covers. It only took a couple of breaths of the intoxicating scent that calmed Gio so much until he closed his eyes and fell asleep.

He was woken up when the door to the bedroom was opened and the handle ungently slammed against the wall.

Gio stirred and blinked against the bright light.

„Oh. I didn't know you were still sleeping-"

Erling was standing in the doorway, eyebrows furrowed in concern. Gio couldn't help but whimper loudly when he catched whiff of Erling's fresh scent mixed with his shampoo.

"Are you okay??", Erling came near quickly and then stopped abruptly right in front of the bed. "Wait...is that my shirt?"

Gio nodded, feeling the blush on his cheeks spread all the way down to his chest.
Erling growled.
Low and in the back of his throat. It made Gio squirm, bear his neck and the Omega could feel a line of slick slowly trickle down his inner thigh.

"Fuck", Erling stated and you could see him clench and unclench his fist. He had smelled it.

"Please, can you scent me?", Gio begged lightly, tried everything to keep his thighs closed and himself from trembling under the sharp look of the Alpha.

"Yes. I think- no, yes I can." Erling slowly approached. Carefully he laid down next to Gio who immediately scooted closer, pressing himself to the broad chest.

He sighed when Erling started rubbing over his back, the tension in his body slowly releasing.

"You're really close to your heat now, aren't you?", Erling mumbled.

Gio nodded, knowing the blond could feel it.

Erling only pulled the Omega closer. "I'll make sure you'll be alright. Promise", he whispered and Gio could feel a gentle kiss pressed onto his temple.

- - - - -

I wrote this during my catholic religion class 🧍🏼

Anyway- hope you enjoyed, Kaninchen310 !!! Thank you so much for the prompt, I loved writing this! 💛💛💛

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