"I'm not helping you babysit!" | Jude Bellingham und Gio Reyna

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giosbellingham | Ich hoffe es gefällt dir! Der ist echt verhältmäßig lang geworden, aber ich hatte einfach zu viel Spas, das hier zu schreiben! :D


Gio walked up and down the room. His hand was grabbing his phone thight and he stared at it as if he wanted to burn holes through the display.

He stopped, hesitated again.
Then he pressed the button.

"What do you want?"
Oh no. Jude sounded pissed.

Gio stuttered. "Uhhhh- Ehrm... Weeellll"

"Dude, you woke me up in the middle of my holy afternoon nap, you better talk now and you better have a goddamn reason to call or else..."

Jude didn't make jokes when it was about his daily nap from 4pm to 5pm. It was a big deal in his eyes. He didn't take any appointments in that time of day, if there was anything planned he would cancel it immediately. When it was something he had to attend to - for example a photoshoot from 2pm til 6pm for the club's next merch collection - he would stop in the middle of the thing and go to sleep for an hour right on time.


"What did you say??"

Gio exhaled to calm himself. "I need your help."


Gio had never understood naps. They were inefficient in his eyes. The hour more would bring him through the whole day, so why settle for less and take the rest when you were supposed to work on daytime?
So of course he had to call Jude in a time that was absolutely going to make him mad and thought he could bear the consequences and now Gio was in deeep trouble...
"Wha- No, I'm not going to help you babysit!"

"Please!? I swear only for an hour and Axel is probably gonna pay us for it!!", Gio had his hands clasped together and was ready to get on his knees.

"We're rich, bro", Jude replied, his face not the slightest impressed. He sighed and turned to the howling four year old sitting on the floor in the middle of the living room.

"What am I even supposed to help you with here?? Jobe and me barely have an age difference, whereas you have two younger siblings which you had to take care of a lot. You know all the tricks 'n stuff!"

Gio ruffled through his hair and sat down next to the child.

"I know, but I already tried everything and she just won't stop! She keeps blabbering on and on about this 'Harvey' and I hoped you could figure out what it is?"

Jude sighed again and closed his eyes, visibly collecting himself. When he opened them he was like a totally different person.

"Heyyy! I'm Jude!", he reached out his hand to the little girl.

She didn't even acknowledge him. Tears kept coming and snot was running down from her nose already.

"Well, I'm trying to help you here! Could you please tell me why you feel so upset?"


Gio rolled his eyes. "Dude, I told you, she's totally-"
Jude turned to him, broken character, his eyes firing daggers at him. "You better shut up or im'ma leave you here on your own and you can figure this out yourself!", he pressed out through his teeth.
Gio closed his mouth.

"So, is this Harvey a TV-Show? Orrr maybe food? Isss he a...friend of yours?"

Suddenly the additude in the girl changed. She stopped bawling, sniffled loudly and then slowly nodded.

"Great! What does he look like??", Jude asked with big eyes.

"He- he is s-small and- and has a pink t-tail", she quietly described.

Jude's fist tensed behind his back for a second, then he let go again.
"Sweetie, sadly that's not gonna help me, so do you maybe know anything else?", his voice was sweet like honey.

The girl thought for a moment. "He's a lion!", she then proudly revealed and even smiled slightly.

Jude grinned back. "That's better! Do you know where it is??"

Suddenly her smile dropped and water shot back into her eyes. Then she started her high-pitched crys again.

Jude turned to Gio.
"Find that goddamn lion!"

So they searched and they searched and they searched. The little kid was crying in the background, having lost her dear friend Harvey hit her hard and she just didn't stop. God, why do little kids have so much energy to cry...

Jude was at the end of his nerves and kept ranting about how he would pay Gio back for all of this with the worst threats possible, like stealing his earphones before long busdrives, opening his shoelaces every time he had just tied them, revealing his darkest secrets in live interviews and all of that stuff included.

Gio was looking at the bookshelves while Jude was going through the sofa cushions and when latter accidentally stubbed his knee on the low sofatable, tripped over a Lego Toy Firetruck and landed with his chest down on the ground he was about to loose his temper horrendously, but then he saw it:

The lion with the pink tail. Under the couch.

He reached out his arm, pulled the stuffed animal out and held it into the air.

"I GOT IT!", he yelled and slumped back down to the ground.


"Boys, I cannot thank you enough for your help!!"
Axel was holding his daughter in his right arm, the groceries were to be seen in the background on the table.

"No worries, man, it was a real pleasure! See you soon!", Jude responded with a smile.

"I will get you both something as a thank you, I won't forget you, don't worry!", Axel said and closed the door.

Jude dropped his smile and turned to Gio with a killer-stare.
"Never do this again."
"I won't, I won't!!", Gio quickly lifted his arms in defense.

Jude grinned.

"Good. Now let's get something to eat, I'm starving, dude!"

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