„You don't know what it's like to love someone who sees you as a friend."

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It all spills over when Donny brings his new girlfriend to dinner the first time.

The young players were meeting in a bar to spend some time together apart from the pitch.

When Donny walked in with a tall, blonde gir, their hands intertwined, nobody had said anything, but when she left after a couple of drinks to go to the toilet everyone started whistling and playfully shoving Donny's shoulder.

„How did you meet?", Nico asked straight away.

„In a club. Her friend came over to me and said that she's too shy to ask me for my number herself", Donny explained, red in his entire face.

Gio chuckled to himself. Very cute.

„How's she in bed? Freaky?"

Loud laughing went around the table and even Gio felt his cheeks heat up. How did Jude ask that without any shame!?

The brit was wearing a wide smirk, not a hint of uncomfyness in it. Once again Gio wished to have the same level of confidence.

The question was left unanswered.

After another round of drinks the first started leaving. Mouki, Karim and some time later Donny and his girlfriend also said their goodbye's.

Jude sighed and laid back against his chair next to Gio, stretching his arms and you could watch the big muscles shift underneath his T-Shirt. „When are you bringing a girlfriend with you?", he asked, looking at Gio.

The American froze for a second. Then he quickly laughed. „Not happening any time soon."

That should close the conversation.

But it was Jude Bellingham he was talking to.


Gio blinked. „What do you mean ‚Why?'? It's just...not happening."

Jude shrugged. „You definitely seem like you have many girls lining up..."

Gio laughed. „Bro, you're literally Jude Bellingham, you have like...thousands more than me... And also I already have my eyes on somebody."

He wasn't sure why he'd said that. Maybe because he thought Jude would stop asking then, but nope, in contrary he seemed to have spiked the interest of his friend even more.

He leaned forward back onto his elbows, eager. „Really!? Who?"

Gio laughed. „As if I'd just say it like that..."

„So it's somebody we know!", Jude concluded and grinned widely, proud of himself.

Gio rolled his eyes. „No further comments!", he said, but Jude simply ignored that.

„No, come on, mate! I'm sure they feel the same! I can arrange something for sure!!"

And that did it.

„No!", Gio yelled. Too loud. The silence following that was...very akward and Gio's eyes were practically glued to the table. Then he whispered: „You don't know what it's like to love someone who sees you as a friend."

„Oh yes, I do."

Gio looked up to see Jude all tense and somehow sad, view also stuck on where Gio's just had been.

„We're really screwed, aren't we?"

„Miserable, yes", Jude laughed. It was a broken laugh. Full of hurt.

They looked at each other. Slowly. Gio smiled. Jude smiled back. Something sparkled in them. Something so obvious but Gio still couldn't pinpoint it.

Then he realized.

„Wait- Oh my god, you t00!? Is it me??? Please say it's me-"

Jude laughed again, this time full of joy, definitely the way Gio preferred it. „Took you long enough!", he giggled. „Yes, it's you moron!"

Gio's mouth opened in disbelief.

„Can I- like- do we kiss now??", he stuttered.

Jude grinned. „I mean if you want t-" „Yes!"

Both giggled like little school kids. Then they leaned in, slowly, carefully. And they kissed. Two friends turned lovers on a simple saturday night in a little bar. And it was perfect.


Für @someblue22 <3

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