Chapter 6

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Savannah's P.O.V

I woke up in was still dark. I was confused, why was I in a bed? I got up and saw my clothes folded neatly on the floor. I changed then walked in to the hall. This hallway wasn't in the Apollo Pack house, nor in the Apollo guest house. Then it hit me I wasn't in the Apollo pack anymore, I was in the Silver Lune pack now. I looked at my wrist to see the wolf in the moon carved into my skin.
I went out into kitchen and looked at the clock hanging up. 4:43a.m. I wondered when the boys woke up. I looked around the kitchen and spotted a cake tin. I walked over to it. It was the remains of my chocolate cake. The boys looked like they hadn't even taken the cake out of the tin. Wondering what to do I decided to go for a walk. I went outside and walked to the trees and sat down and found a flat piece of wood and a sharp piece of glass. I started to carve a flower out the wood - a hobby I picked up from being a rouge.
I looked at my watch 5:39a.m. I got up and walked back to the house. I noticed a small grave yard around the back of the house. I walked through the door.
"Ok, lets let her sleep in and make her breakfast with this pancake mix stuff she brought yesterday." I think Ethan said.
"Yes, by the sounds of it she hasn't slept in a bed for a couple of years." Darren whispered, as if he was afraid to wake me.
"Woo, were making pancakes." Leo or Jordan said, the other doing a little jig.
I quietly closed the door behind me, they hadn't noticed me yet.
I watched as the boys tried to make pancakes, they added some flour, full eggs (Including the shell), a lot of sugar and and the rest of the bottle of milk. Then they put the whole mixture into a huge oven tray and put it in the oven, and I'm not sure if they even turned it on.
"Ok, Leo and Jordan go and wake up Savannah."
Leo and Jordan raced down the left hallway.
I heard the opening and closing of doors and Leo and Jordan racing back into the room.
"She's gone! She gone! We couldn't find her in her room." One of the twin was shouting in distress.
The other, who had spotted me stand by the door, said. "Jordan calm down she's just over there."
Jordan, Darren and Ethan all turn their heads to look at me.
"Um how long have you been standing there?" Darren asked.
"Oh, since you started cooking." I replied.
"You saw everything?" Ethan asked.
"Did you do everything right?" Ethan asked.
I walked over to the kitchen and looked at the oven.
"Well, for starters, you haven't turned the oven on."
"Oh." they all said.
"And," I said. I picked a second unharmed bottle of mixture."This mix already has everything in it, you just need to add water and shake the bottle."
"Oh, so we did everything wrong?" Darren said.
"Sort of, but it's the thought that counts."
The boys looked embarrassed.
"Here I'll make the pancakes." I said
"Okay." They all said and they sat down at the bench and watch me add the water and shake the mixture, then cook them in the pan. I got out the lemons and sugar. Half an hour later I had pancakes on the table and the boys were eating away.
"So Savannah, we never finished talking last night." Ethan said.
"Oh, yeah." I said.
"Was there any more to the story?"
"Um, I don't think so, if you want to know just ask."
"Ok, um how old were you exactly when your parents died."
"Nine, and you were there slave?"
"No not exactly it built up over time I was about 12 when it was at it's hardest, but then it continued."
"Did Luke ever hit you?" Darren asked.
"No not on purpose, occasionally as either play fight or if someone was watching him with me."
"Have you found you mate yet." I saw the twins take a big drink of their water.
"I must not have finished the story." I said. "Sorry." I took a big breathe I was not going to cry.
"Yes-" The twins spat there water at Ethan, and Darren fell of his chair.
"Why aren't you with him?" Ethan said. Then without giving me a chance to answer he said.
"Oh on I'm sorry never mind."
"What?" I asked.
"He's probably dead."
"Oh no, he's-"
"Ok guys, I've decided that we are going shopping today." Ethan said cutting me off.
Darren, Leo and Jordan looked at Ethan shocked.
"Seriously?" Darren asked.
"Yes, Savannah needs some clothes, everyday things and a ride."
Suddenly the three boys had left the table and raced down the hall, probably to there rooms.
"You don't need to buy me anything." I said to Ethan.
"Savannah, you can't live in sweats all year around, I understand that your body is covered in scars, but thats not a reason to hide. And you need some new everyday things. Plus the others love going shopping in town." Ethan said.
"As you, probably, know, this town is not that big and don't have many shops so we don't get things very often and the others are always saving up for things."
"What about when you help other packs."
"Yes there's that, but this is the one of the longest times we've been at home, cause normally we'll be by a town were the pack we're helping is."
"Ok that makes more sense."
"That reminds me here's a credit-card, the pins 5593, there should be about 50,000 dollars on it. We always have a spare card in case someone new joins, like you." Ethan explained.
"50,000 dollars?"
"Yes, but don't forget you will need to by a car."
"A car?"
"Yes, let me show you." Ethan said.
He lead me outside and around the house to where the small grave yard was. Beside the small grave yard was another log house about the size of the middle room of the main one, but with a garage door. Ethan press a button and the door went up revealing 4 cars.


After the 3 hour car trip we were finally here. Me, Darren and Ethan got out. Seconds later Leo and Jordan pulled up and got out.
"Has everyone got phones?" Ethan asked.
Everyone nodded expect me.
"Oh Savannah you'll need to get a phone while your here." Ethan said.
I nodded and Ethan got a piece of paper and a pen and wrote something down and handed it to me.
"That's my phone number, text me when you have you're phone ok." I nodded again.
"Right everyone meet here at 3:00." Ethan said.
We all said our goodbyes and everyone parted. Ethan in his car, Leo and Jordan in Leo's and Me Darren on foot.
"Well have fun Savannah, here's my number just in case." Darren said, handing me a piece of paper. He then waved and turned to walk away.
I looked down at the paper and smiled written next to the number was 'Have Fun Savannah' with a smiley face. I looked up and saw there was a phone shop a couple of metres away and walked inside. Little did I know Ethan was watching me.


3 o'clock came whizzing around the corner quickly. One minute it's 12:00 the next's it's 2:55.
I raced back to the meeting spot. Luckily only Darren and Ethan were standing there. They seemed to be arguing about something and Ethan was pointing to his phone, but then Darren spotted me and they stopped and waved.
"Typical Leo and Jordan not being here on time." Ethan said after waiting for them for 15 minutes. Seconds later Leo and Jordan pulled up into the nearest spare car park.
"Ok Savannah we're all going to go to the nearest car sale shop and we're going to buy you a car." Ethan said.
Before I even got a say Ethan carried on.
"Everyone follow me." Ethan said while walking towards an auto dealership.
When soon entered a shop. All of the boys seemed to know a lot about cars and were eager to show me their favourite ones.
After, what seemed hours, we had gone round all of the cars.
"So which one do you like?" Ethan asked me. I looked around I still had no idea. My eyes came to rest on something that gave me and idea.
"Could I," I started. "Could I get a motorbike instead?"
I know I said I wouldn't update for a while but...
My friend...
Not naming anyone. *cough koala cough*
...said I should so I did.
I hope you like.
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