Chapter 36

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Savannah's P.O.V

Breathe in.
Breath out.
Breath in.
Breath out.
Breath in.

I looked at the moon, trying to calm my breathing.
It wasn't working.
I chuckled slightly, despite the current moment, knowing that every scientist on the planet would be going nuts; every person if we're being realistic.
Considering the fact that it was the beginning of the month and there was a bright full moon in the sky. A super moon if we are beginning technical.
Even though it is kinda funny, which it is, for me it only confirmed the doubt that was slowly eating my stomach alive. I could feel it crawling up my throat, threatening to escape. I swallowed.

Breathe out.
Breathe in.
Breathe out.
Breathe in.
Breathe out.

It was 5:30.
And I was pacing around outside. 
Mindlessly, fiddling with my promise ring.
The one Ethan gave to me the day prior.
Most of the Apollo pack had realised we were getting ready to fight, and was following suit. They just assumed that something had happened.
And something had, Mark Wilson, had gone 'missing'. Disappeared without a trace, but he is Mark Wilson. So it was just confirming what we already knew. Not that the rest of the Apollo Pack needed to know that.

Breathe in.
Breathe out.
Breathe in.
Breathe out.
Breathe in.

I looked down at the ring, for some kind of support.
My head shot up.
"Whoa, sorry didn't mean to scare you." The voice said, backing away ever so slightly.
"Sorry, just a little tense." I said, after registering that the person in front of me was Amy.
"I can tell, your sending of some strong vibes, everyone can tell." She said gesturing to the people who were staring at me.
I smiled sheepishly.
"You alright?" She asked.
"Just got a bad feeling about this." I replied.
"Well, it is war." She said confused.
"Yeah, but they have done this before, eleven years ago. There must be something different, they lost last time. Something has changed and I can't quite put my finger on it."
Amy didn't say anything. Just nodded.

Breathe out.
Breathe in.
Breathe out.
Breathe in.
Breathe out.

The clock inside my head, was counting down, driving me insane.
I was sitting on one of the steps of one of the many porches, with Ethan. I had my head rested on his shoulder, and his arm was snaked around my waist, pulling me closer towards him.
There was something different.
It was in the air.
And that's when I saw it.
In a tree, in basically plain sight. Everyone was looking into the murky darkness, that was consuming the trees, we were missing the enemy in plain sight.
I looked along the edges, every tree has two or three men and woman in them.
'They must have climbed them to get over the boundaries,' Jade whispered.
'And since then.' I finished.
'They will howl in the distance and make everyone run into the forest,'
'Then follow behind as a surprise attack.'
'Trapping us like Guinea pigs in a cage.'
'Do people say that?' I asked.
'Now, is not the time Felix.' Jade growled.
'Telepathically tell Bianca to get the woman and children inside.' She said before cutting me off.
Before I had a chance to process any of this information. I saw Ian waving out of the corner of my eye.
I made eye contact with him.
He just shook his head, then made a throat cutting sign.
Don't kill.
I mouthed 'What?', then telepathically linked Bianca.
'Get the people inside down to the basement, don't make a fuss though.' I told her.
'What? Why?'
'There on the property.'
'No, our system would have told us.'
'There in the trees.' I told her.
'Don't look!' I shouted as she began to lift her head up.
'Ow,' she complained, taking a quick glance to her right.
'Your right.' She said.
'I know, now get the woman and children to the basement.'
'Will do.' She said before cutting me off.
I made eye contact with Ian.
He was making the same gestures.
'Don't kill'.
Suddenly he was pointing.
To a figure walking in the shadows.
Ethan and I rose to try and see the figure properly.
"Mark?" Oliver called out, since he was the Alpha.
The figure visibly shook their head.
'Don't kill'. Ian gestured again, before slinking into the shadows, almost like he was afraid.
The figure stepped into the light.
"John?" Darren said beginning walk up to him.
"Stop." I heard myself cry.
"Cupcake, come on it's me." John said with his arms wide open.
"Sav, it's John." Darren said confused.
"His colour Darren, we don't truly know." I pleaded.
"I trust him."
And with that Darren stepped forward and in one fluid motion, Darren was on the ground with a snapped neck. A strangled cry came from somewhere and Leo, who was the closest of the rest of us, was being snapped up as John's next victim. A war cry came from within the depth of the crowd, and the flash of sliver confirmed my doubts as I helplessly watch another death of a warrior. The once bright eyes grew dull as death scooped up her soul. With Leo holding Amy's body pleading for her return. I looked to John, the red monster bloomed like a rose, only now I realised the sickness of the name of his pack. He smirked at me.
"So long cupcake." He said, wheezing out his last breath.
"No, no, no." I shouting trying to be over heard by the howls coming from beyond the pack border.
"Don't go, don't go." I screamed, as the first wave, including Leo and Jordan, raced into the woods.
"Savannah, we gotta go now." Ethan shouted at me above the commotion, grabbing my hand pulling me towards the rest of the people.
Caught in the moment I ran, as fast as I had ever ran before.
Thought were flying through my head.
'There in the trees.'
'I can't make them retreat.'
'I can't go back.'
'Let me try something.' Jade said, in the back of my head.
She took over.
"Look to the tree." She shouted, in an Alpha tone, before dropping me to the ground.
I looked around me, then world seemed to stop for a spilt second, everyone, even the wolves of Blood-Red Rose Pack looked up, even the rain didn't feel like falling.
The Apollo Pack seemed to realise there mistake, and the Blood-Red Rose Pack realised that they had, probably, been betrayed.
The sound signal for the second wave to approach was sounded, but something felt wrong.
That's when we collided.


I was the first to throw a punch, which was immediately blocked by my component.
However, a simple kick sent him flying to in the nearest tree, and he was replaced by another, who followed suit and ended up in the same situation.
Minutes went by, but they felt like hours.
But we were still going strong.
That's when everything went wrong.
The world suddenly became silent, yet the fight was continuing. A voice boomed in my head, making me drop to the ground in pain.

'The Other shall rise while the One will die.'

I tried covering my ears, not that it helped. I still could faintly hear the scream that came from my lips.

'One lover shall die, only fate can decide.'

I looked up, only to see that my vision was failing me.

'Two is grieved and the others will morn.
Three wrong moves and a monster will be born.'
I saw the figure, that resembled Ethan, running towards me, with a man chasing after him, his hand flashing with silver. I tried to yell at him, tell him to turn around, but I couldn't stop screaming.
The pain was unbearable.

'A war between black and white.'

I collapsed as Ethan fell to the ground, the man backing away slowly, his hand no longer flashing sliver, but a brutal red.
He looked to me, that's all I could make out.

'From a fatal day with a fateful bite.'

I turned to my right see Bianca, fall to her knees. To my left Leo and Jordan had stopped fighting, but I knew the worse was still to come.

'The wolf that could let all evil fall.'

Through all the sorrow and pain I was feeling, it was slowly turning into anger.

'Or the one who started it all.'

I let myself fall onto my back. Feeling the grass tickle my ears, and blood, although who's I didn't know, creeping onto my hair.


I welcomed the darkness.
It gave me that relief from the pain.
But only for a moment.
There's always a calm before the storm.
There's alway a break before hurricane.
There's only a second before all hell breaks lose.

But there's nothing more chilling than what I heard Jade whisper.
'Felix, wake up.'
Duh, duh, duhhhhhh...
Have fun with that.
And people dying and what not.
How are you all?
Vote. Comment. Breathe. (- it's kinda important ya' know)

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