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Savannah's P.O.V

Shouting, I raced outside.
"Don't you dare leave me here you mud cakes."
However, the only response I received was the spray of dust in my face.
"They actually left." I say, helplessly standing on the driveway.
"They actually left me here." I watched the car disappear into the curtain of trees.
"Are you going to go after them?" Bianca asked, walking to my side.
"We won't mind what you choose." Scarlett said, coming up from behind me.
"Of course, they have my phone." I joked.
I looked at Bianca's fallen face.
"I'm sorry, I know you want me to stay, but I don't belong here. I belong with them." I turned around to the people who are my family.
"Write this time." Luke said, coming forward and hugging me.
He stepped back. "Oh and Savannah?"
"Yes Luke?"
"I am your father."
I punched his shoulder lightly.
"Take care." Scarlett said.
"You too." I said motioning towards the unseen bump. "Call me in a few months, I want to be here when it happens."
She nodded.
"Savannah, I'll see you around."
I looked down to see Luna.
"Okay, I just wanted to-" I began but she was gone.
"Where did she go."
Luke shrugged, "she told us that she was leaving for good this morning, she could be anywhere."
I nodded, and two seconds later I was engulfed into a hug.
"Bye." Bianca said.
I hugged back tightly.
"Write, call, keep in touch. Don't kill yourself."
"I'll be fine."
"I don't want to lose you so soon."
"You won't lose me, I promise." I said, stepping back.
"Oh, and I wanted to say, put Ian forward to become the Alpha of the Apollo Pack." I say.
"I think he would lead your pack well, especially with you by his side."
"Do you really mean it?" She asked shyly.
"Of course." I say giving her one last hug.
I step back and observed them all. Giving Oliver, who was standing by the front door, a short nod, I grab my helmet and duffel bag which held my belongings.
"See ya all soon." I call out walking bike, and with a final wave. I race after Jordan and Leo.


I groan lying in the ditch beside a diner.
"I've got to stop trying to save those stupid squirrels that don't know when to cross the road." I mutter.
"Are you alright miss?" A voice came from above me.
"Just dandy." I call back, wriggling out from underneath my bike.
"Here let me help you." The young man says coming down in to the ditch.
"Oh thank you." I say, as he picks my bike up.
"It seems still ride able." He says looking up. "Oh my gosh, your hurt, I'll go and get some more help." He says in a panic.
"What?" I say look to me shoulder to see a huge gash along my arm. "Oh, it's only shallow." I say, reaching for my first aid kit from my duffle bag.
"I'll stitch it up later." I look up to see his confused expression.
"I'm a nurse." I explain, as I continue to wrap up my arm.
When I'm finished I take my bike from him.
"See you around miss."
"You too, and thank you for helping me," I trail of.
"Dominic." He says.
"Thanks Dominic." I say, the he walks toward his own car and drives off.
"Wait," I call out, but he's already driven away.
I stand there for a minute, I look towards the diner. My stomach growls lowly, telling me that I should probably go inside.
I park my bike and I notice the ver familiar car next to it and then walked into the diner.
I walked to the booth at the back of the diner.
When Leo and Jordan where.
"Hello boys." I said sliding in next to Leo.
"Hey Savannah." Jordan awkwardly.
"How are you guys?" I ask.
"That's nice." I say, giving a fake smile.
We sat in silence.
"What are you doing here?" Leo blurts out.
"I'm coming home with you guys." I state.
"But you have your family and their friends, you have a home their, we would do anything to have that." Jordan said, fiddling with his hands.
"You have me, and Leo. You have Thomas and Murphy. You have friends at other packs who would welcome you at any time." I say.
"But you have a proper home." Leo says.
"I do and it's with you guys." I state.
"But-" Leo started.
"But what? Nothing, you guys are my home."
"You have your family back there." Jordan says, slamming his hand on the table.
"And you guys call me your little sister." I say, copying his movements.
That shut them up.
"I know, you wish you had your family still alive and with you, but I don't. Yes, they've change, but there's still the memories of the past hanging in front of my face with every step I take. I wouldn't be able to call it home again."
"You guys are my home." My voice barely a whisper.
"Welcome back home." Jordan says as Leo pulls me into a hug.
"Your our home too."


We pulled up into our driveway, and park by the front porch.
After getting off my bike was when I heard the growling.
I look to where the sound was coming from and found Leo and Jordan. I looked to where there gaze was held to find a man sitting on the porch steps, unfazed by the growling.
"Hello." I say walking toward the man.
Here looks up his grey eyes staring right back at mine.
'Dominic?' Jade whispers.
"Dominic?" I voice Jade's thoughts.
He nods.
I step forward and embrace him.
"Welcome home."
The End.

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