Chapter 38

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Savannah P.O.V

It had been days since the fight.
Days since I saw Luna, and I was beginning to think I was hallucinating from shock or blood loss.
There's another thing, I didn't seem to have any major injures, or any at all, but I'm caked in blood, which I'm beginning to believe that it's not mine.
I also can't seem to find a hole to the surface, and wandering up and down these tunnels, staring darkness in the face, gets irritating after a while.

"Argh." I shouted, kicking the wall in front of me, that showed the end of the road.
"Another dead end." I muttered angrily, to no one.
I punched the wall, not caring. I took a step back and noticed that a few stones had rolled onto the ground, and speaks of light was streaming into the dark cavern.
Gently, I placed my hand on the wall, and found it was built up with loose rocks.
Slowly I pulled at the up most rocks, pulling them out gently, so I don't cause all of the rocks the come tumbling down on top of me.
After, what seemed like hours, I was finally able to squeeze through a tight gap in the wall.

I collected myself before looking around at my surroundings.
The once, probably, green clearing was now painted with red, and flowers that littered the ground were replaced with bodies.
No one had come to collect the bodies, they were still in the same places where they died.
There was a hand print in blood on one of the men lying on the ground. I gingerly placed my hand on it, only to find it was an exact fit. I was the one that killed these men.


"Hey, you! What are you doing?" A voice echoed through the trees.
I turned and saw a man walking in my direction.
"Yeah, you. What are you doing? Are you hurt?" He called out.
I knew he meant no harm, but every fibre of my begin was screaming at me to run.
So I ran.
"Hey, what?" The man shouted, confused, then he began to chase after me.
I had almost lost him, or so I thought, as I then, gracefully, crashed into a tree.
"Oh shoot, are you okay?" The voice asked.
"Yeah," I said in a daze.
"Come on, let's get you to the pack house, they can help you." The voice said gently.
I shook me head.
"Please, we can help you." He said grabbing my hand, to help pull me to my feet.
"No." My voice sounded weak. I stood to my feet.
"We can help you, please, trust me." The man said.
In a whirlwind, I saw the man's face for the first time, his voice began to sound familiar.
Wide eyed I began to back up slowly.
"Are you looking for someone?" He said, "so am I."
I didn't reply just kept my head down.
He continued.
"A friend of mine, she a girl, she went missing during the fight, you might know her, her name is Savannah."
The idea to lift my head waged war on the idea to run.
"Maybe you've seen her?" He asked hopefully. "She really means a lot to me, she like my sister."
"Dead." I spoke at last.
He faltered. "What?"
I looked up slightly and let my eyes bore into his.
"What?" He said again.
"She's considered dead right?" I asked.
I got no replied.
Instead, I got tackled to the ground.
"Your alive, oh my, I was so worried no one knew what happened. You just turned into this big crazy wolf, bigger than anything I have ever seen, after Ethan-" he hesitated.
"Go on, I know everything up to there." I encouraged.
"Okay, um, then you just kinda went berserk, you killed. Just killed nearly everyone. You skipped some people, and I don't know how but none are black wolves or bad people. You saved the good people." He continued.
"What?" I asked.
"I know it's crazy, but we even asked them who were the black wolves in the pack and leaders and what not, and they gave us a roll of everyone on it, no one was considered good that you killed. Oh and apparently you kept saying something about a guy, started with the letter f." He trailed off.
"Felix." I muttered.
"Yeah, him, what was that about?" Jordan asked.
"I don't know, but I know a couple of people who might." I said. "If their still alive." I added.
"You didn't kill anyone from the Apollo Pack or our pack that we know of." Jordan said, confused.
"No, but people from Blood-Red Rose Pack did." I said quietly.
"Oh, right." Jordan whispered softly.
Then his face lit up. "You need to come to the pack house, everyone will be so happy to see you."
"Um, don't take this the wrong way, but-"
"Your not running away are you?" He asked suddenly.
"What? No, no, of course not. It's just, I've been knocked out since the fight, which was?"
"Two weeks ago."
"Wait, I thought it was a week tops?"
He shook his head, waiting for me to continue.
"Well, I just don't really want to go back to the pack house."
"Why not? Bianca and Luke would be over the moon, it might give Leo some hope. Even Oliver would probably be happy to see you."
"I know," I sighed, "it's just, last time, they blamed me for everyone dying, and that wasn't my fault, but this time it is my fault."
Jordan pulled me into a hug.
"I get it." He said softly.
"I've got to go, but there is going to be a funeral for all those who died, we will have Ethan's and Darren's body, as they were an Alpha and Beta, I just thought you might want to come."
"Thanks." I said as he walked off towards the pack house.
I turned my heel and walked in the opposite direction.


I wandered through the forest. Seeing the colour red, over and over again. Bodied were everywhere. The amount death was overwhelming. I couldn't stop thinking about Ethan and Darren.
I stumbled apon the old treehouse, that Darren's father had built for us when we were kids. I smiled to myself, before climbing the ladder up into the small wooden box, pushing the wooden trapdoor upwards. It had always seemed bigger on the inside.
I sat down, finally resting properly. I drifted into, what would hopefully be, a dreamless sleep.
Suddenly, what was probably hours later, the trapdoor flew open and a face appeared.

"We never have any luck when it comes to trying to avoid each other do we?"
I know, I'm sorry.
I promised updates these holiday's,
And I didn't do any writing.
But in other news...
I'm going back to school.
*Cue groan here*
Oh and I have decided there is going to be 40 chapters in this book.
So like two more.
And there will not be a sequel.
There will be separate one shots.
Vote. Comment. Get a Pet Dragon.

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