Chapter 25

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Savannah's P.O.V

I had gone beyond the point of nervousness.
To be honest I was freaking out.
I was waiting for the boys to arrive at the border line of the Apollo Pack. Like always I had driven my bike.
I checked that no make-up had fallen or rubbed off. I didn't want to be recognised, and just because Oliver didn't recognise me doesn't mean anyone will.
Thomas couldn't come because of work, but we had penciled in a date for him to come over with his boss.
I a rustle in a near by bush.
Out of reaction and nervousness I attacked.
It was only until I had a tan wolf pinned against a tree, that I realised it was Luke.
I let him down.
"Sorry." I say after he shifted.
"Are you okay? I've never seen you like this."
I gave an awkward laugh. "I'm fine."
He crossed his arms, "You don't seem fine." He said.
"I'm just nervous that's all."
"Why? You're so confident now, Bianca told me so why are you nervous?"
"Luke, these are the same people who hurt me for so many years, I don't know if they have changed or not. I'm just scared."
"You need a hug, from the hug monster." Luke said grinning cheekily.
"No, I don't need a hug."
"Yes you do."
I didn't really have a choice because Luke scooped me up from the ground and then pushed me over and land on the ground-with me underneath him.
"Urgggh." I groaned.
At that moment a car pulled up beside my parked bike.
Jordan and Leo raced out of the car and jumped onto me and Luke.
"Dog pile!" Leo shouted.
Darren and Ethan both got out of the car, but at a slower rate than Leo and Jordan. Darren immediately jumped on when he saw Luke. Then Ethan decided to join and sat daintily on us all.
After much whining and complaining from every one, including me, because Ethan wouldn't stand up, Bianca came wondering through the trees.
"Luke, Alpha Oliver wants-" She stopped wide-eyed when she gazed over the dog pile.
"Bianca!" I shouted from underneath all of the boys. "Save me."
She started laughing. "The Hug Monster?" She asked.
"Yeah," I muttered.
"Join us." Darren said.
"Come to the dark side." Luke shouted.
"We have cookies." Leo and Jordan said in unison.
Bianca laughed. "Okay." She said, sitting down next to Ethan.
"Luke." I said.
"I am your father!" He shouted back.
"And I am a pancake, get off." I shouted back.
"And Alpha Oliver wants to talk to you before these guys get here so you better go." Bianca added.
"Alright mom." He said. "But you need to get off first."
Ethan, Darren and Bianca all got off, then had to pull Leo and Jordan off.
After Luke got off and left I called for Bianca to stay for a minute.
"Yes?" She said and I hugged her.
After a minute I let go.
"What was that for?"
"Will you stick around us while we're here?"
"Of course."
"Why do you ask?"
"I saw how Luke looked at you and how you acted when you were staying with us. You barely laughed and smiled."
"I know, it's just hard around Oliver, and Luke sometimes now, he's grown up, he does all the work, he's basically the Alpha now. He's changed."
"And we'll change him back, and hopefully save the pack while we're at it."
She laughed at that. "I should probably head back," She said hugging me. "Good luck." she whispered in my ear before letting me go and walking into the forest.


"Okay, pack meeting." Ethan said.
Like always, we had a pack meeting before going on to the pack's ground.
The rest of us looked at each and like always we said in unison:
"Here Alpha."
Ethan groaned then continued.
"Okay so we are about to help the Apollo Pack fight the rouge pack, Blood-red Rose Pack."
We all nodded.
"We will do anything to help them understood."
We all nodded again.
"We will not betray our own in anyway."
We all nodded again.
"And we will die in battle if need be."
We all nodded again. Moving away slightly because we all know that is the last one.
But Ethan stopped us.
"And we will all put effort into help Luke and Bianca, for Darren and Savannah." he said with a grin.
Leo and Jordan nodded seriously before breaking into a smile.
I just hugged Ethan and kissed him on the cheek. While Darren patted him on the back.

We just hung around waiting for the signal, several howling wolves, to let us on to the pack.
Leo and Jordan were playing cards, Ethan was listening to music in the car, and I was currently punching a tree.
I was scared and nervous. What if someone recognised me? What if I made a mistake in front of them all? What if they rejected me like last time? Made me an outcast from my own pack?
"You okay?" I heard someone say.
And for the second time for today, I automatically turn and punch the person.
I gasped when I saw it was Darren.
"Darren, I so sorry, I didn't mean to, I just-"
"I'm taking that as a no." He said chuckling.
"Sorry." I said wincing.
"All good, but dam you have one hell of a punch." He said rubbing his jaw.
"Do you want some ice or" I said trailing off.
"Nah, I just wanted to talk, you seem kinda," he paused. "Jumpy." He finished.
I laughed dryly.
"I'm fine." I said. "What about you, you've never seem the pack for like decade?"
"Yeah, I'm nervous even scared about meeting the rest of the pack, but you must be terrified."
"I'm kinda nervous."
"Ah huh." Darren nodding his head.
"Okay maybe a little scared."
"Ah huh."
"Okay so your right I'm terrified." I said throwing my hands in the air. "What should I do?"
He handed me a small knife and a piece of wood. My carving knife.
"Carve out your feelings." He said.
I smirked. "How long have you been waiting to use that line?" I asked.
"17 months." He mumbled.
I laughed.
"Maybe your right." I said after a minute, looking down at the knife and wood that I had placed in my lap.
"And maybe I'll go and punch some trees."
"Yeah you go do that." I said.
I picked up the knife and wood and starting to cut the wood.
I kept my promise for once!!!
I'll hopefully be updating more since it's the summer holidays here in nz.
I haven't really talked to you guys properly recently.
I should get on to that.
Right now.
There you go.
All you have to do is respond.
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