Chapter 40

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Savannah's P.O.V

I was sat in the cafeteria.
The room was buzzing as people ate.
But, I was stuck in a heated debate with Leo and Jordan.
"You need to Alpha, you were Luna." Leo insisted.
"I am Luna, by default, so, therefore, I can't be Alpha and Luna at the same time." I retorted. "And I'm the Pack Doctor." I add. "I can't be three things at once."
"Says who?" Jordan retorted back.
"Says some dusty, million-year-old book written by the moon goddess."
"What book?" Luna asked coming and sitting beside me, with Bianca.

No one knew that she was the moon goddess. I had confronted her a few days ago, to ask her what she was doing here, she replied with a 'just some business', and apparently that business involved me. All she had told me was that 'all will reveal itself eventually'. Also, she has her powers back, since the black wolves have been banished or something along those lines, so now all mortals, werewolves included, see her as a child.

"One of the old books." I said.
"Do you have proof?" She asks innocently.
"Luna!" I cry. "You supposed to be helping me."
"Meh." She says shrugging.
"She has a point though, do you have any proof?"
"No, but, even if," I say, emphasising 'if', "I was the Alpha, if, I would need a Beta, and an Alpha and Beta relationship is extremely important, so wouldn't you to be the better option for both and the I could continue being the Luna, as before and we could all share the work load." I reason.
Leo sighed, while Jordan rubs his eyes.
"Okay, let's leave this conversation here, for now, and return to it later on, for now we need the information on who killed Ethan and Darren." Leo says.
I nod.
"I've filled out both and sent them to the council already." I state.
"I've filled out both and sent them to the council." I repeat myself.
"But, we don't know who killed Ethan." Jordan says slowly.
I shift uncomfortably in my seat.
"Savannah do you know who killed Ethan?" Leo growls slowly.
"Leo, it doesn't matter." I say calmly.
"Doesn't matter, he was our Alpha." Jordan shouts at me rising to his feet.
"Jordan, sit down."
"Our Alpha, Savannah, he deserves some respect."
"Is he alive?" Leo says calmly, trying to see my reasoning.
I nod.
"What charges have we pressed against the killer." He asks.
I stare him in the eye.
"What?" Jordan roars, and Leo also stands to his feet.
"You heard me." I say sharply.
"You have pressed no charges against the man, who killed our Alpha, and refuse to tell us who it is." Leo shouts in my face.
"Ethan, was our friend, our loved one, he would not want to be avenged or the one to destroy someone's life." I said softly.
"He was our Alpha, that killer should, at the very least, be named, and not be able to walk away Scott Free. Ethan was our loved one, and for that deserves some respect." Jordan shouts, drawing even more attention to our table in the back corner than had already been attained.
Losing my patience I slowly rise to my feet.
"I will not tell you the name of this man, for his safety, as you both are acting like bumbling idiots." I take a breath. "He will not walk away Scott Free, he will have to live with blood on his hands. As for you two, do you really want more death than there already has been, do you really thirst for more blood, are you really just a pair of wild, savage, wolves. You don't know the whole picture, yes I have my reasons, but the man that killed my Alpha, also, saved the lives of hundreds of people in this very room, from his old pack, the Apollo Pack and our very own pack. He has undone his debts in an act of unidentified heroism. The likely-hood of any of our names being scratched into that stupid memorial outside, instead of just a few of loved one, would be more likely if it wasn't for him."
I take another breath to calm myself down. Silence had fallen in the hall.
"If anyone deserves any kind of respect it should be him."


I walk into the hospital wing. Over the last few days I had been working as a nurse to help those who had been injured during the fight and need hospital assistance, but thanks to werewolf healing factors the job is relatively easy. I walked into one of the wards, the orthopaedic wards, I had been assigned to. There were three people in the room.

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