Chapter 26

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Savannah's P.O.V

Two hours later we heard wolves howling from the forest - our signal to go.
We pack our stuff up and got ready to meet the pack. The boys jumped in the car whereas I got on my bike. We drove down the gravel road until we came to a familiar clearing.
I was in a daze, I never thought I would come here again.
I didn't even remember parking my bike and getting out and standing in line to receive our guest rights-the welcoming ceremony.
Apparently we were also over half way through.
I came out of my trance when I heard Darren growling softly next to me. I tuned into what Oliver was saying.
"I, speaking on behalf of the Apollo Pack, will not come to harm any member of the Sliver Lune Pack, unless they have committed treason."
The whole of the Apollo Pack nodded in agreement.
It was Ethan's turn to speak.
"I, speaking on behalf of the Sliver Lune Pack, will accept your offer, and in return we will not come to harm any member of the Apollo Pack, unless they have committed treason."
Me, Leo and Jordan nodded in agreement.
I looked at Darren he hadn't nodded yet. I nudged him, and he reluctantly nodded.
I heard Ethan let out a sigh of relief before continuing.
"I, speaking on behalf of the Sliver Lune Pack, ask to be treated as equals among the Apollo pack." He said.
We all nodded this time, including Darren.
"I, as the Alpha of the Apollo Pack, will entitle the entire Apollo Pack to treat you as equals among them."
Again the entire Apollo Pack nodded in agreement to their Alpha's orders.
Darren's growls were getting louder and louder. Jordan, who was on the other side of Darren, had also noticed with a worried look on his face.
I tuned back into what Ethan was saying again.
"I, speaking on behalf of the Sliver Lune Pack, will help the Apollo Pack with all problems they might face with the rouges of the Blood-Red Rose Pack."
We all nodded in agreement.
"I, speaking on behalf of the Apollo Pack, would like to thank you for helping us with our problem of the rouges of the Blood-Red Rose Pack."
Out the corner of my eye I saw Darren move slightly when Oliver finished speaking. As the Apollo Pack nodded in thanks, I saw Darren step back.
It was all a blur.
Figuring out that Darren was going to pounce.
To try and grab his wrists to keep him in place.
Missing his wrists.
To actually jump onto him.
To pin him down.
To see that Jordan was helping me.
The entire Apollo Pack had taken a step back and Oliver was trying to hold Luke back.
Ethan was beside me in a second.
"What's happening?" He asked in a harsh whisper.
"I don't know he started growling then he moved to pounce." I whispered back.
Darren had stopped struggling at this point.
I moved up towards his he so I could talk to him. Still pinning down his shoulder.
"Sorry." He said softly.
So I slapped him.
"What the heck Darren?" I asked.
"Sorry." He winced.
"What were you doing."
"They just anger me."
"That gives you no right."
"At least it wasn't my wolf."
I slapped him again.
"He would know better, and you know it."
He mutters some colourful words under his breath.
"Tell what you were doing."
"I just don't trust her like you do, any of them, they might betray us." He muttered.
In a flash, I had him up against a tree.
"Do not say that again." I said growling.
"That's my family, your family, your talking about." I whispered in his ear.
"We'll finish this later." I said letting him go. "Let just finish the ceremony, if we're allowed to." I said looking at Oliver.
He nodded.
We stood back in the line.
Everyone looked at Ethan because he was the next to speak, but he was at lost for words.
"I, on behalf of the Sliver Lune Pack, would like to apologise about the last couple of minutes." I said, filling in for Ethan.
We all nodded, I had to nudge Ethan and tell him to nod. Snapping him out of his little daze.
"I, on behalf of the Apollo Pack, accept your apology." Bianca said, since she was the Luna.
The Apollo Pack nodded. As you can imagine our necks can get quite sore after a while.
"I, as Alpha of the Sliver Lune Pack, would like my pack to receive all guest rights while we stay in your company." Ethan said, straightening his posture, returning to his professional-self.
"I, as Alpha of the Apollo Pack, give you all guest rights while you stay here." Oliver said.
The two Alpha's stepped forward to shake hands.
Now was the part I hated. The part where the two Luna's had to give a piece of advice to two of the pack members. Usually they would be the Alpha and the Beta, but not always. The home Luna would go first and then the visiting Luna. This custom was made for Luna's to share their wisdom and knowledge that men never had, but in hindsight it's just made up trash. I usually cheat in this and just say some fitting quote. For example 'may the odds ever be in your favour' and 'here's some advice stay alive' are some of my favourites. I had become well known for them.
Bianca stepped forwards.
She muttered a sorry to Ethan as she walked past him.
She stopped in front of me.
"I'm going to take a page out your books for this."
I laughed softy.
"'That's the thing about pain it demands to be felt'."
I pondered the on the quote for a minute.
"Thanks." I said quietly.
She gave me a warm smile before moving onto Darren.
"This isn't a quote by the way." She said.
I saw the corners of Darren's mouth twitch upwards.
"People change,"
"Understood." She placed a hand on his shoulder.
"and that friends are family, and family are friends."
He looked confused, but nodded anyway.
Bianca removed her handed and turned around and walked back in line next to Oliver and Luke.
Now it was my turn. I walked straight to Luke. Oliver cleared his throat. I gave Luke a quick hug, ignoring Oliver.
"Luke," I started.
"I am your father." He finished.
I grinned.
"We are only given a spark of madness you mustn't lose it." I said quoting Robin Williams.
"Okay." He said smiling.
"Luke," I said in a more serious tone, "you mustn't lose it. Lose it then you lose yourself."
His smile wavered and nodded.
"And Luke?"
"I am you father."
He punched my shoulder.
"That's my thing." He said accusingly.
I moved onto Bianca.
"When you can't trust your gut, when you can't see clearly and when you can't think straight. Follow your heart."
"Thanks, but I'll stick to the yellow brick road."
I laughed, then moved up the line to Oliver. I stopped in front of him and studied his face.
"Well?" He asked.
"Well what?"
"You, skipped me, and went to Luke and Bianca you should go and stand back in line."
"Well, you did so rudely, and not subtlety, cough when I moved to Luke first, suggesting you want me to talk to you."
"What are you going to say?"
"I didn't prepare yours, give a girl a minute."
"Is that why you ignored me?"
"That's one reason of many." I replied, still studying his face.
I took a deep breath.
"You don't remember what happened, what you remember becomes what happened."
"But it does not do us well to dwell on the past."
Oliver nodded, looking confused. So I was satisfied.
After walking to my place in the line, the two Alpha's shook hands again.
Bianca then stepped forward.
"Welcome Sliver Lune to the Apollo Pack."
Hey Guys!
Again super sorry for not updating.
Okay from this chapter and chapter 23
I just made stuff up,
So if you are confused just say and I'll try and make it more clear.
In other sadder news...
R.I.P Alan Rickman 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
Yeah, bye.
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