Chapter 19

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Savannah's P.O.V

3 Years Later

"Is this even necessary?" I asked. As Darren came into my room with yet another stack of paper's.
"Yep. You've done it before right?" He asked.
"Yes, but still is it necessary?"
"According to werewolf law, yes; and besides you know Ethan's, uh, sick." Darren said.
"Yeah, I know, but seriously? I have to try count the amount of training exercises?"
"Yeah okay. That's a little bit desperate, coming from the council, but we were at Evergreen Flower Pack for a long time."
"Yeah, okay, now shoo I needed to get this work done."
We had just come back from Evergreen Flower Pack, and Ethan claimed he had gotten sick two days after we came back. So it means I have had extra work as Luna, but some of this stuff is a little bit weird. I mean we were and Evergreen Flower Pack for 3 months fighting of Fangs Pack. But, Ethan never mentioned about having to do a food count, what we ate, money count, what we brought and sold, work count, how much work we did, and this is all 30 pages of work for each member of the Pack, and now I have a training exercises one. It should be easier than the rest because I had timetable sheets for each individual person but still. This paperwork has been going on for weeks, 3 weeks to be exact, which is longer than usual, and Ethan won't let me take him to the hospital. I mean he has been sick, as he says, for 3 weeks so there must be something wrong with him, I can heal wounds and most man made problems but I don't know everything, so I thought it would be best to take him to the hospital, but he said there was no way he was going.
I dismissed my thoughts, and went to finishing my heavy load of paper work.


3 hours later I had finished my paper work thanks to my timetables I made.
I decided to check on Ethan, since he should be resting in his room. I went out the pool door and made my way around the house. I found I had to do this because last time I went down the hallway and I interrupted Darren, Leo and Jordan's gaming time I didn't hear the end of it for the rest of the day.
I went through his sliding door which I left unlocked and found that he wasn't there. I went down the boys hall to find none of them in any of the rooms. So I went back to Ethan's room. I noticed a few things and saw that I had been tricked. I went back to my room.
I grabbed the paper work and went out the the living room but stopped and sort of eavesdropped on their talk. For good reason, obviously.

"But, you saw her three years ago she didn't even hit him." Ethan said
"But even you must he noticed that she wasn't wearing gloves, and she didn't want you to say her name, she didn't want to be known." Darren said.
"Why are you sticking up to go?" Ethan asked.
"I don't care if we go or not to be honest, but I know Savannah will want to go even if she hates the people, which she doesn't, she only dislikes them, but she wants to help people in need. Remember three years ago when she went to her first pack to help? Moonlight Forest, and you said that she could come but she wasn't going to fight? But she stood up for what she believed in and then later on took out the Alpha of Red Eyes Pack."
"But, I know but these are the people that hurt her and tortured her."   
"Why don't we just ask her?" Leo asked.
"I don't want her to spaz."
"She hasn't spazed for three years and only twice." Jordan said.
"Twice?" Ethan and Darren asked in unison.
I decided that this talk wasn't going anywhere good so I decided to step in.
"The second time, we mutually agreed to never talk about again ever." I said glaring at Leo and Jordan, but mainly Jordan.
"Oh, so that's what all the nodding was about." Jordan said.
"Yeah, nah." I said sarcastically. "So, what were you talking about?" I asked.
"Don't you have work?" Ethan asked.
"Don't you need to be resting?" I asked him.
"I'm feeling a lot better." he replied.
"And I'm done." I said putting the finished paperwork on the coffee table.
"How?" Darren asked.
"I did all of your timetables and we always did our normal training so it was quick."
"Well, um, there's also the, uh, resting papers." Ethan said.
"Nope." I said.
"I'm still sick, I should probably go rest." He said getting up.
"Oh, so when you mean rest, do you actually mean find some more tricks to make me think your still 'sick'." I said, making quotation marks with my hands at the word sick.
Ethan's eyes widened. "What do you mean?" He asked.
I pulled out the things I picked up for Ethan's room.
"Oh, my heat pack and cough drops." Ethan said.
"Hmm." I said nodding.
Ethan didn't say any thing so I continued.
"Ethan I have been your girlfriend for 3 years now, I know you. I know that you love cough drops when your actually sick, but not if your not sick. I opened the box. None of the cough drops have been eaten I counted."
"Well, Darren brought me some this morning." Ethan said.
"No, he didn't, I brought these for you 2 and a half weeks ago, I checked all of your accounts. And the heat pack, I know that you hate heat packs, so why do you have one?" I asked.
"To loosen up my muscles." Ethan lied smoothly.
"But you hate heat packs and I know you love me massaging your back when you have stiff muscles. But you know that I can tell when your muscles are stiff and," I said, pausing, rubbing his back. "They're not stiff, so did you put this heat pack on your forehead to heat it up so it feels like you've got a burning temperature."
"But you saw the thermometer I did 51 degrees C." Ethan said.
"Funny you should say that," I said. "51, because I always went out of the room when you took your temperature, because you always said you would like a glass of water, but when I came back in the room you were alway in the same position and your lamp had always been turned on. So I thought I will test your bedside lamp for 5 minutes because you always took 5 minutes, I tested the lamp 3 times, each one coming back with the result 51 degrees C."
I finished my sentence and looked at them.
One minute went by.
Two minutes went by.
Three minutes went by.
"Ok, ok. I wasn't ever sick, what's my punishment no cake?" Ethan said, almost hopefully.
"Heck, your getting no cake none of you guys are, but your also going to tell me what you were talking about before." I said.
"I hoping I wouldn't have to." Ethan muttered.
"Dude, you knew this was going to happen, when she walked into the room you knew it was going to happen one way or another."
"Can't I have, at least, some hope."
There was an awkward silence.
'So," I said hoping to start off the small talk again.
"Well, there's a pack that wants our help." Ethan started.
"Then we will go and help them."
"But we don't like them."
"But they don't deserve to die."
"But we really don't like them."
"And they really don't deserve to die."
"So, you don't care what the pack is."
"I already know what the pack is, I'll go scream in the forest later or something, my question is what's the rouge pack?"
What he said next I never thought I would heard again.
"Blood-Red Rose."
So I'm back to school tomorrow!
So I may not update for a while, but I'll try.
It depends on how much stuff I want to procrastinate. :)
That's probably a bad thing to do,
but the sad truth is...
We all do it.
Oh, well!
Thanks all for now - again the banner thing.
So C ya later alligator.
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