Chapter 7

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Savannah's P.O.V

It has been two weeks since I have joined the Silver Lune Pack and it has been the best two weeks of my life. Since my parents died. The boys treat me like there sister, as an equal to themselves. They supported me with any choice I made, so I managed to convince the boys to let me have a motorbike instead of a car. It's been awesome having a motorbike it also means I can't let one of the boys come grocery shopping which helps, as they all end up wanting the whole supermarket.

"Ethan?" I asked while slowly opening the door to his office.
"Yes." Ethan said looking up. He seemed pleased to see me.
"I was wondering if I could talk to you?"
"Sure, come and sit down." he said pointing to the chair in front of his desk.
I sat down.
"This has nothing to do with Darren and me does it?" he asked. I had noticed that Ethan and Darren had been fighting a bit and I had asked Leo and Jordan if they normally do that and they said no, so I asked Ethan about it the other day, which he was not pleased about at all.
"No nothing to do with that." I answered.
"Then what do you want to talk about?"
"I was wondering if you could train me?"
"NO, absolutely not." Ethan yelled.
"Why not?" I asked.
"Because your a girl."
"Do you know that's sexist right?"
"Yes, it's true, but I don't want you getting yourself hurt."
"Oh please, me getting hurt." I lifted up my arms. I was wearing a t-shirt it took me a while to get used to the fact my scars were showing, I'm still not entirely used to it.
"Yeah but-" Ethan said.
"But what?" I said. "I don't get hurt by a sliver knife, let alone a punch or a bite, I won't get hurt."
"Then what makes you scream at night sometimes." Ethan asked.
"What I don't scream." I said.
"You do you curl up into the fatal position and scream, you've done it like twice."
"Oh, thats different though." I said slowly.
"Well, why do you scream?" He asked
"Well, you know that time when I said had a mate."
"And you said he was probably dead."
"Well you cut me off, he's not dead."
"What, then why aren't you with him?" Ethan asked with shock.
"Because he rejected me."
"And he's not very nice, to put it nicely. He does the dirty-deed, every once and a while, and I can feel it and trust me if a silver knife hurts then this is one hundred times worse."
"That, that-"
"I know he's a moron but I just don't want to talk about it, besides I'm getting used to the pain now a bit."
"Yes, wow, so can you train me?"
"I don't see why not anymore."
"Thank you, thank you, thank you." I screamed, and I leapt up and hugged him.
He seemed shocked a first, but then hugged me back. I suddenly let go and started bouncing around the room.
"Slow down there Savannah." Ethan shouted, trying to stop me.
I came to a rest.
"So when do I start?" I asked.
"We'll test you in the morning."
"Ok, thank you again." I said and walked out the door.


I woke up at 5:00a.m and got ready like I did every morning expect I got into sport gear. I normally get up at 5:00a.m to watch the boys and cook them breakfast, but today I hoped to train.
"Savannah your up, let's go." Ethan said.
Darren, Leo and Jordan joined us 5 minutes later.
"Ok since Savannah is joining us today there won't be a lot of training today."
Leo and Jordan cheered.
"Ok we will normally run to warm up and we will time you, you will run with Darren because he's our fastest runner so don't feel down if you lose." Ethan said.
I walked with Darren to the 'start line'.
"Ok just stick to the edge of the trees and we'll go round 5 times ok?" Darren explained to me.
We got to the start line and I heard a whistle and Darren speed of so I followed.


"How did you do that?" Darren asked after the race puffing.
"Do what?" I asked.
"You were right behind me, your faster than Ethan, Leo and Jordan and your not even puffing."
"Well running up and down 17 flights of stairs for about seven years gets you fit."
"True." Darren panted, and went back to is puffing.

"Ok, Savannah were going to see how you can fight." Ethan said.
"You'll be versing me since I the best fighter."
Darren blew the whistle and this time I knew to start. Ethan stood ready waiting for my first move. I went left then changed to right and tried to leap on him - and failed. I landed on the ground and got punch right in the nose. I punched Ethan's hand to get him to lift it up. It worked this time and I rolled out from underneath him and stood up. Ethan stood up as well and ran towards me, to tackle me. I moved out of the way and tripped him up.

Half an hour later I was sitting on top of a panting wolf-version of Ethan. I had punch him in the nose/snout and he fell over, in pain, so I sat on him.
Afterwards we checked our injures. I had: a broken nose, a sprained ankle and foot (right foot), probably a dislocated shoulder, a black eye, bruises and cuts all down my arms and a giant bite on by back (from when he was in his wolf-form. Ethan on the other and count 2 bruises, 3 cuts and a broken nose.
I went inside and grabbed my faithful first-aid kit. I first stitched up Ethan deepest cuts and decided that his other were fine and by this time his broken nose was healed thanks to werewolf healing. Then I checked mine, I stitched up a couple of cuts, put my shoulder back into place, put ice on my now less swollen foot and black eye and my nose was already fully healed also.
"How did you learn to do that?" Darren asked as I stitched my last cut.
"Do what?" I asked.
"Like learn to do stitches and other stuff like that."
"Oh over the years of torture and beating I got a lot of injures, and being banned from the hospital I had to self teach myself." I answered.
"Well you just got yourself promoted Savannah." Ethan said.
"What do you mean?"
"You now officially the new, and only, Pack Doctor of the Silver Lune Pack."
First off, Thank you for reading my story :)
Second I want to write a second story but I have a problem I have no idea of what to write about :(
So, if you could give me some ideas I would be very grateful :) (though beware I may not use your idea)
That's all for now.
Love ya.
Vote. Comment. Sniff flowers.

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