Chapter 13

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Savannah's P.O.V

We had a great day at the beach. It was a lot like I had remembered. The sand going between my toes. The cool freshness of the water. But I didn't remember the colours. The golden yellow and the bright green and the many different shades of blue and aqua.
Me and Darren brought back memories from our childhood.


"So do you want to go have a swim." We asked in unison.
"Nah." Again in unison.
"Are we doing that thing again that we did when we were kids."
"We are because we're doing it."
"We talking in unison again."
"And where not even twins me (you) and Bianca are."
"It's so weird."
"We haven't done this in like 8 years this is crazy."
"And now it's
"Hey remember that one time when we were doing it and you, me, Luke, Bianca - and let's stop this."
"I said let's stop this."
"Stop it."
"No, you stop it."
"Stop copying me."
"No you stop copying me."
"Ok let's stop on three, two, one, stop."

We looked at Ethan, Leo and Jordan. They looked stunned and their mouths were wide open.

"Close your mouth or you'll catch flies in them." we said in unison, again.
"I said we should stop this."
"Stop it."
"Hey, do you guys want to go for a swim."
"I said stop it."
"Race ya to the water."


I smiled at the newly formed memories. I was printing of the photo's from the beach today to put in my photo album. I was no photographer, but I liked taking photos of the boys and me, because it reminds me that my life has started again and every time I felt like I was rejected I was actually being redirected to something better.


"Hey." Ethan said walking into my room.
"I was wondering if you wanted to go out for dinner."
"With the others of course."
"Oh, sure, I'd love to, but why? Don't you like my cooking?" I joked. I knew for a fact they loved my cooking.
"No, no, no, we love your cooking, we really do, but you see we were regular customers at about twelve of the fast-food places around here and well we all kind of miss it, but your cooking is way better trust me. We also wanted to give a break." He rambled on, taking my joke way to seriously.
"Ethan, I was joking." I said gently. "It'll be fun."


"Did she say yes?" Darren asked as Ethan walked into the living area. He hadn't seen me since I was standing behind Ethan.
"She said yes." I answered before Ethan could.
"Oh, cool so could you make dinner for me, Leo and Jordan."
"Wait what did I say yes to?"
"Going out to dinner with everyone." Ethan said putting emphasis on the everyone.
"Oh ok." Darren said.
I looked between them, then started laughing.
"What?" Ethan asked.
I stopped laughing to the best of my ability.
I pinched Ethan's cheek, a habit I had gotten into.
"Aww," I cooed. "Did someone chicken out to ask a girl out to dinner."
Ethan became a tomato and Darren and I high fived each other before laughing our heads off.


We walked into a pizza parlour.
"So where's the girly that's being stealing my four best customers." said the large man behind the counter. He was wearing a chef's hat, so I imagined he was the cook, he had a large black beard and looked like he could be a pirate.
The boys separated to reveal me.
I waved. "Hi."
"So your the one that's stolen my four favourite customers?"
"Favourite or best?" I challenged.
He studied me for a bit "I like her." he finally said.
I studied him before asking. "Have we meet before?"
"Yes," he replied shortly. "So, what do you want to order?"
I turned and looked at the boys.
"So what you want to eat, I've barely eaten out before."
"Where have you met him before?"
"Out the the Greenwood Forest Pack boundaries."
"Greenwood? There's no town called Greenwood around here." Ethan said glaring at me.
I looked at him weirdly, then I thought back to when I was stuck under a tree 3 weeks ago.
I grabbed his face and opened is mouth and up his nose, nothing looked out of place or different, so I went onto Leo, then Jordan and finally Darren. They were all the same.
"Ow, why did you do that?" The boys complained.
"You can't smell."
"You should be able to smell other werewolves."
"This is John Black, he's a rouge."
I have to say I'm so glad there was no body else in the room because all four of the boys all leapt onto him trying to, presumably, kill him.
"Guys get of him, he's Jolly Black Beard, ya know the famous solo black rouge, he been around for like ever." I trailed off.
Darren got off immediately started at him for a while then helped me get Jordan, Leo and Ethan off him.
I can say I can beat all of the boy in a one to one combat at the moment, due to my hard work and training to get better so I can fight in the rouge war with Moonlight Forest pack. Two I might be able to handle, but three, four? There was no way I could do it alone. Yet.
After a couple of minute and Ethan realising that John was a, well you could say 'friendly' rouge that stopped trying to kill him.
"Jolly Black Beard?"
"That's my name don't wear it out."
"Why did you never tell me you were you?"
John looked at me.
"He's Darren." I replied to his question that never left his lips.
"Darren, and your alive?"
"Well, um, I think so wait why did you think I was dead."
"I told him."
"Hang on and I just miss something, or miss half the entire conversation?" Ethan ask on behalf of Leo and Jordan who both looked completely confused.
"Me and Darren used to run off when we were 7 and 8, and we would run a couple hundred meters off the boundaries but one day we went further than we had ever gone further before. That day we met John."
"Wait, how do you know my real name I never told you."
"Yeah, you never told, but your wearing a name tag sooo. One day we met John, or Jolly Black Beard, I have never seen him in his human form until now and he's a black wolf. But anyway me and Darren became great friends with him, but then I moved to France and the war came between the rouges and our Pack and my parents died I did't see Darren for months after so everyone thought he was dead, but he wasn't obviously. One night I decided to sneak out to see John, but I didn't make it back in time the pack caught me that was the same time when Bianca and yeah did yeah..." I said trailing off.
"Who's yeah and what's yeah?" John asked.
"Yeah is yeah." I said showing him my arm. Enough said.
"And yeah is..." I said trailing off.
"Some we all need to hate with a passion but not as much as Umbridge," I said making a Harry Potter reference."Now what do you guys want to eat, cause I'm a little hungry."
I so sorry for not updating but...
I'm actually updating this while I supposed to be doing an assignment...
But anyway I've been really busy lately
I've updated this is actually only half the chapter I wanted to write...
but then I thought that it was getting long enough...
and I needed to up date so yeah here's an update!
I'll stop rambling now.
Other news...
Book related news...
I have put up a banner of my story!
So tell me if you like it or not...
I may be putting a few more up in the future.
I got 3k reads!
Thanks, again, for reading my book.
I'll stop rambling for real now...
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