Chapter 16

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Savannah's P.O.V

I screamed. And I didn't stop.
I heard footsteps, and my door open.
I still didn't stop, I couldn't stop.
I think I heard my name said. Probably multiply times.
I still didn't stop.
I felt a hand rubbing my back and someone hugging me.
I managed to calm down a bit and my vision cleared.
I turned and saw Ethan.
The kiss replayed through my mind again.
I don't know what over came me, but I punched him off me.
"Sweetheart-" Ethan said softly reaching for me again. I saw that he had a blood nose.
The kiss kept replaying in my mind, a memory that was going to haunt me forever, but I didn't regret it. "No." I screamed, and I don't know why. I looked up and saw betrayal in his eyes.
The pain started up. Thanks to my very own mate, and I started screaming again, I couldn't help it.
But this was different. This was more painful then normal. 10 times more painful than the first time I ever felt this pain.
"Darren." I heard Ethan yell. And I heard footstep again, lighter ones.
I heard whispering, as I crawled into the fatal position, like I used to 20 weeks ago. I was crying now, something I haven't done for a while, not even when I was rejected.
"Sav." I heard Darren whisper.
"No," I screamed, screwing up the note that was still in my hand I let it drop to the ground and it rolled towards the door.
I started rocking slowly whispering to myself.
"No, no, no."
"Sav." I heard again. And a different memory played in my mind.
I was six.
I kissed Oliver on the cheek and he did the same.
"No, no." I screamed pulling at my hair.
I was eight.
We were playing hide and seek, we were hiding together and Oliver had his arm around my waist.
"Savannah, sweetheart."
The pain was intensifying now. And I could choose wether to stay in the fatal position or to get up and pace like I normal do with I'm confused, like I am now.
I heard more foot steps running down the hall, but I couldn't focus on anything the pain was too much I had never experienced anything like it. I couldn't focus, even just one, of my sense.
I couldn't see. I couldn't hear. I couldn't smell. I couldn't think.
I think I heard more voices, but I couldn't sure on anything in my condition.
I couldn't take it any more I needed to let some of my anger, or sadness, or whatever I was feeling out.
"Darren no." I heard someone yell.
I felt a hand on my shoulder.
I took out my anger and I felt a whole lot better for a moment and in that moment I gained eyesight for just a second and in that quick second I saw Darren on the floor with his eyes closed, Ethan looking frightened with dried blood around his nose, he looked at me like I was some kind of monster.
Leo at the door and Jordan standing beside him with the note in his. And that's where I lost my eyesight again and the pain started up again.
I could control myself, I didn't know wether to scream or to run or something completely the opposite.
I felt dizzy, from the pain and confusion, I felt like I didn't know what was happening but yet I knew it was all Oliver's fault for basically everything.
I felt my knees caving in on me and myself falling and a pair of arms catching me. I looked up and saw the sad smile the was carved on Leo's face.
"Hey, come on, you need some fresh air." He said as he lead me outside. Followed by Jordan.
Once we were outside I felt Jordan and Leo both hugging me as I just cried into my knees.
I then pain stopped after about 10 minutes, and my crying came to a slow.
"Jade, let Savannah come back." Leo whispered.
As soon as he said that. My eyesight came back to me and the confusion from my mind left.
"How did you know that it was my wolf, Jade, and not me?" I asked after a minute.
"Common signs, black eyes, not answering to your name or nickname, not speaking, looking confused just to name a few." Leo said.
"But how did you know what to do with me?" I asked.
The twins looked at each other.
"Well, at our old pack, the one that burned down, we had a sister called Maria. She was 19 at the time, we were only 8. She was a normal wolf, but at the time we didn't know we were white because, as you know you shift at 10. Anyway she found her mate and was extremely happy for about two weeks until her mate rejected her. He went away and she never saw him again. We don't know why he rejected her, not much about him in general, all we knew is that is name was Mark Wilson and he wasn't from our pack. But she was completely broken she would do anything at all she would just sit in a chair and stare off into space day after day; and one day Leo and I were cleaning her room for her when she just started screaming for what seemed like no reason at all. So we raced over to her and we, well I, called her her nickname Ri ri, which her mate came up with and she hit me with a lot of strength and I noticed her eyes were black so I knew it was her wolf that was out. Leo here, grabbed a letter out from her hand it was one of the letters that her mate wrote to her something he used to do all of the time. This continued several times and we figured out how to calm her down, I don't think she noticed, but little different things like, if it wasn't too bad, then just hugging her, or playing with her hair, or massaging her back and other small things that her mate didn't do to her. We also worked out different signs of when her wolf was out, one obviously being black eyes, being confused, not answering to her name. After the first time she became happy and would actually do stuff and wasn't as depressed about her mate anymore, but we were wrong three weeks later and 2 months before the fire she committed suicide. So we knew what to do with you." Jordan explained to me.
"Oh, I'm sorry for your loss."
"Don't be she probably would have died in the fire anyway, but promise us, and Ethan and Darren, that you won't commit suicide." Leo begged.
I laughed softly. "Don't worry, I'm not planning on dying any time soon." I promised.
"But seriously, thank you for helping me."
"No problem, your like a sister to us now and one that helps us with our pranks." Jordan said hugging me as did Leo.
We all hugged for a minute until I realised that I forgot Darren and Ethan and probably both needed medical attention.
So we all got up an raced to my bedroom where Ethan and Darren were both knocked out. After Getting them to their rooms and treating them all that was left was them to wake up, and we were waiting I was baking there favourite triple chocolate fudge cake as a sorry cake.
"Savannah, you're being too hard on yourself," Jordan said, while Leo made murmurs of agreement. "They will understand."
"I know, I know but still, I'm not too worried about Darren, but I'm worried about Ethan."
"Why? Did he call you Sav?" Leo asked.
"No, I can't remember much, but I think he called me sweetheart like normal but I still shouted at him and hit him, or something, but the kiss was -"
"Kiss?" Leo and Jordan said in unison excitedly.
"Yeah, but it was running through my mind like it was on repeat or something and memory's of him." I said shuddering.
"You and Ethan kissed?" They asked again.
I didn't answer but I was pretty sure I went bright red and Leo confirmed my suspicions.
"They did! She gone bright red." Leo exclaimed excitedly.
"I'm going to go check up on the boys." I said, as I finished putting the sorry cake in the oven.
"You guys can lick the bowl."
What should I say?
I don't know.
Just kinda having a mind blank day, ya know?
But this chapter kinda decided to work for me.
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