Chapter 20

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Savannah's P.O.V

"Blood-Red Rose?" I asked flinching.
"Yes," Ethan said slowly. "Are you ok."
"Yeah, yeah, I'm fine. Just all the more reason to go."
"Wait, you've heard off them before, no has though." Ethan said, puzzled.
"Um, Blood-Red Rose? Did you say? Oh I thought you said, uh, Blood Red, uh, Pack." I lied, but not very smoothly.
"Funny, that's what Darren said when we told him the pack name." Ethan said.
"Um, well what a coincidence." 
"You don't need to hide this from us, you shouldn't hide it from us, we're a strong pack."
"I know," I said. "But it's not for me to tell you, Darren." I said.
"Why did you put it on me."
"Cause you know a lot more about it than me."
"That is so not-completely true." he said looking down at his shoes for a minute until he looked up.
"Oh, so you mean now?"  
"Yes." The other boys said. I just stayed silent.
"Ok, well it's the name of the pack, and last time they were strong they almost destroyed the Apollo Pack, 9 years ago. They killed the beta and his mate. It was a terrible time. They would come in the middle of the night, they didn't follow a pattern so you have no idea when they were going to attack, that was there strategy, and they will probably use it again since it nearly worked last time, and that's about all I know." Darren said.
"They will also probably have an inside job like last time and know that the pack is weaker." I added.
Ethan looked confused. "How will they know the pack is weaker?"
"Well, the Alpha isn't a great alpha and lets just leave it at that."
"Oh, right."
There was an awkward silence.
"So you probably want to write to them saying we're coming." I said.
"Oh, right, yeah." Ethan said as he got up, for his chair, and left the room.
Again, there was an awkward silence.
"So, want to go swimming?" Leo asked breaking the silence
"Hell yes."


2 days later, we received an e-mail from the Apollo Pack.
"Dear Sliver Lune Pack
We are extremely thankful for accepting our plea.
We haven't had to reface the Blood-Red Rose pack for 11 years coming and are extremely thankful for help this time around.
We are predicting that they will be stronger than last time. And have inside help.
We would advise when you arrive to not trust anybody.
If you could come in a week we would be thankful, especially on such short notice.
And we would like to-" Ethan trailed off from reading the e-mail from Apollo Pack.
"Would like to what?" I asked.
"Hmm?" Ethan said looking up from the e-mail.
"Would like to what?" Darren repeated for me.
"Oh, just thanking us some more. Okay, Sliver Lune meeting dismissed, except for you Darren I would like to speak to you in privet."
"Um, sure." Darren replied as me, Leo and Jordan filed out of Ethan's office.
"Now, it says here in the e-mail-" was all I heard before the soundproof door was shut.


2 more days passed, and me, Jordan and Leo were just mucking around in the forest. We were quite deep in the forest than we would normally go, and Leo and Jordan were acting weird, and I knew they were up to something, whether it was a simple prank - or something more.

"Is everything alright?" I asked, putting my hands on my hips. "You two have been acting weird lately."
Jordan started rubbing his hands together, a sure sign that he is either nervous or lying, and told me in a shaky voice: "We're fine."
"Are you sure, you don't seem fine, you seem weird." I said.
"Weird?" Leo said with a funny laugh, "I'm not acting weird, your acting weird, and Jordan's acting weird, wait no, Jordan being normal, your the weird one, I said nothing." Leo said really fast.
"Guys, what's wrong something's up, you can tell me anything, I won't be mad at you."
They looked at each other wide eyed.
"Guys?" I asked again.
"She's onto us." Jordan said in a loud whisper.
"I know, what should we do?" Leo whispered loudly back.
"Maybe, we should run?"
"But she's the fastest out of all of us."
"I'm right here you know?" I asked extremely confused.
"We could run when she's not aware of us going." Jordan whispered loudly as if I never spoke.
"But we need to keep stalling for Ethan."
"Maybe we could split up and stall that we make her chase us."
"That could work, you go left and I'll go right?"
"And we'll meet back at the Pack House?"
"Yep. On three?"




They shouted in unison and they both bolted in opposite directions both heading towards the centre clearing where the pack house is.
I stood shocked and confused about what was happening.
They wanted to stall me for something so I decided to go straight to the Pack House.
As I arrived I saw a car pulling up, a very familiar car.
But the last thing I remember was being confused about having guests, as some people got out of the, now parked, car.
I'm bored.
So this happened.
There's another banner.
Can someone tell me if there like them?
Or not?
I don't mind which.
I just want feed back!
Vote. Comment. Idk.

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