Chapter 8

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Savannah's P.O.V

I heard shouting again. Ethan and Darren. I put my baking stuff down and went outside to see Leo and Jordan trying to hold down Ethan and Darren to stop them fighting. I ran towards them.
"No, I'm not trying to do anything!" Darren said, raising his voice ever so slightly.
"Then why are you always around her!" Ethan yelled.
"I'm trying to be friendly!" Darren said, I could see he was getting angry now.
"I gave you an order are you trying to disobey me, I am your Alpha." Ethan yelled.
"I swear, I'm just trying to be friendly." Darren yelled back.
"Stop fighting!" I shouted.
They all looked at me.
"Thank you." I said. "Now what are you fighting about?"
Darren and Ethan put there heads down.
"Do you know?" I asked Leo and Jordan.
"No, we were focusing about not letting them fight each other." Leo said.
"But there've never done this before." Jordan added.
I sighed. "Well if your done your stupid fight, I've baked cookies for those who wants them."
I felt a rush of wind as the four boys raced in side to get the cookies.


After the cookies were eaten the boys went to do their own things. So I went to find out what Darren and Ethan had been fighting about.
I went to find Ethan first, he was in his office. But when I knocked on the door and said it was me. He said he was doing 'important Alpha business' and could't be interrupted. So I went to find Darren.
I looked top to bottom around the house and outside until I found him at the grave yard.
I walked over and sat down.
"Hey." Darren said.
"Hey, what are you doing here?" I asked him.
"Just, you know, sitting. I know where I know you."
"You do?"
"Yeah, you were from the Apollo Pack right?"
"Well I used to be in that pack until my parents became rouges so I might have just seen you around though I didn't know they had a slave."
"Yeah well, half I pack thought I was dead." 
"It's so sad that people do that, but there was another thing, you look similar to my cousin Sam King, did you know her?"
"King? Did you say."
"Yeah, her parents grave is here I ran away with the bodies after they had been killed and buried them here."
I looked at the grave-stone, it read: Here lies Clare and Isaac King 1968 and 1970 R.I.P.
Tears welled up in my eyes. After all this time I now have found they grave; my parents grave.
"Sav." I said.
"Her name was Savannah not Sam, her nickname was Sav."
"Wait your Sam, or Sav King? My cousin?"
I nodded.
"But I thought your brother's name was Lucas, and your sisters was Brittany."
"No it's Bianca and Luke."
"What about Oliver?"
I flinched.
"What about him?" I asked.
"How is he we used to be close friends."
"A perfectly fine man-whore." I answered curtly, trying to not cry.
"Hmm." We sat in silence.
"Wait, you said Bianca and Oliver tortured you." Darren said.
I saw anger growing in his eyes, afraid I only nodded.
"Who was your mate?"
I didn't answer.
"Who was your mate?" Darren repeated.
"Oliver." I whispered. Tears burning my eyes, refusing to fall. I buried my face in my hands and knees.
"I'm gonna kill him." I heard Darren up up a minute later I heard a tree come crashing to the ground.
'Luke.' I thought.
I felt Darren's arm around me.
"I'm sorry, I didn't think I just haven't heard about them in a while and got angry." Darren apologised.
"It's ok." I looked up and smiled at him.
"Your like Luke you punch trees when you're angry, plus it's nice to know your alive." I said.
"Well our pack heard your parents were dead after the attack so we all thought that you were too."
"Hmm," Darren murmured again.
We sat in silence with Darren's arm around me.
I stood up.
"I've got some photo's Luke gave to me before I left I have some of you too, want to see them?" I asked.
"Actually, come to think of it I do to, I'll get them and come to your room in 5, ok?"
We raced to our rooms to collect to photo's as I was grabbing my small photo album I heard a loud crash. Then Darren came into the room.
"What was the sound?" I asked him.
"No idea, but I got the photos." He replied.


We had laid out all of the photos and were comparing each other's.
We glues together ripped ones and paired up doubles. We were having a great time until Ethan came in extremely angry.
"You went behind my back!" He yelled. Ethan grabbed Darren's neck and held him up to the wall and started strangling him.
"No, it not that." Darren choked out.
I got up. "Ethan put him down!"
"No." He spat in my face.
"Sav, tell-" Darren chocked.
"Ethan let go." I tried to reason with him.
Ethan pushed harder on Darren's throat.
"Ethan, you're killing him." I yelled, getting rather scared now, I didn't want to lose him again. I tried pulling Ethan off Darren but I wasn't strong enough.
Leo and Jordan had now also come into room and were trying to get Ethan off Darren.
"I saw you hugging in the grave yard I saw Darren come into your room, what were you doing in here any way?" Ethan growled.
I was becoming scared Darren's face was becoming more and more purple.
"Photo's," I cried, "we were looking at photo's!"
"Don't lie to me I know your hooked up together." Ethan yelled.
"Hooked up?" I whispered.
"Hooked up? This what you've been fighting about?" I yelled.
"Sav." Darren whispered.
"You've been trying to hook up with me?" I yelled.
"Sav!" Darren choked.
"Yes and now your with him!" Ethan yelled.
"Cousins!" I yelled. "We're cousins!"
Ethan dropped Darren, who gasped for breath.
I went on my knees to help him.
"Ok just breathe slowly, don't gasp." I told him. "Don't talk either."
I grabbed a pillow from my bed and put it under his head and stood up to face Ethan.
"You've been fighting to win me!" I said as calmly as I could.
"Well, no, sort of." Ethan said.
"Yes." Darren put in.
I turned around. "Shut up, you could ruin your vocal chord."
"Why?" I asked.
"Um, well..." Ethan said.
I turned to Leo and Jordan. "Have you?"
"No, I didn't even know they were fight over you." Jordan said.
"Eww, no your like our sister!" Leo exclaimed.
I turned back to Ethan, "Why?"
"I-i d-don't really kn-now." He stuttered.
"Since when?" I asked.
"U-um." He stuttered.
"Since when?"
"Since you got here."
"No speaking!" I yelled at Darren.
I sighed. "Well, can you carry Darren to his room I need to check him over properly and if you were fighting for me then you don't know me at all."
Darren laughed at my statement. I walked out of the room.
"No laughing either."


I went out into the kitchen to see what the other boys were doing.
Darren was fine, he just has to rest. He'll be fine in a couple of the days.
"Savannah, hows Darren?" Leo and Jordan said in unison.
"He's good, he'll be as good as new in a few days."
"Can we see him?" 
"Of course." I replied and they raced down the hallway.
About 10 minutes later Leo and Jordan came back.
"Hey was Darren aloud to sit up?" Jordan asked.
"We're not aloud to tell her remember." Leo whispered.
"Oh whoops." Jordan said. "Never mind." and they started to walk away.
"Did he sit up?" I asked.
"No." Leo said.
"Maybe." Jordan said.
"Yes." They finished in unison.
I went down and helped Darren lie down again. Then I went to my room to clean up the photos. I was disappointed to see so many ripped. I put mine in my album and Darren's in his box. As I was finishing I heard my door open.
"I'm sorry you know that right."
"Ethan," I said. "I will always forgive people for most things, there's is one person in the world who I'm not sure if I could forgive, but other than him I will forgive most people even if they don't say sorry, I'm not one to hold grudges, but even though I forgive you I'm not the one you need to apologise too."
"Darren, he's done nothing wrong, and even if he wasn't my cousin you should order people to not show what they feel."
"This isn't the first time this has happened to you before is it?"
"No, the Alpha's son had a bit of power in the pack and managed to persuade his father, for no one to help me to make contact or anything like that or they will be banished from the pack. Just like you ordered Darren to not 'hook up' with me."
"But you said Luke helped you."
"Luke knew the truth and remembered what happen the day our parents died and risked his position and life for me, and I'll always be in his debt."
"What position is he in?"
"Our father was the beta before he died, so Luke should have been the beta but he was too young. So we the Alpha's son becomes Alpha he will get to pick the next beta and Luke is his best friend so he will probably get picked."
There was a silence.
"But you should apologise to Darren he did nothing wrong."
"I will but I want to ask something first-"
"No." I said.
"Maybe, but I'm not looking for a relationship, yet."
"Now go apologise."
"Ok, ok."
I got 1k reads!!
Thank you to everyone who has read, voted and commented!
Btw, I would still like some more of those ideas...
Or any at all.
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