Chapter 32

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Savannah's P.O.V

"Hello? Luna?" I called out as I crawled down the hole.
"Savannah? In here sweetie." I heard Luna call out in the distance.
I walked into the darkness until I came into a room filled with candles.
"Savannah, how are you." Luna asked, once I set eyes on her. She was still a child.
"Well thanks and you?"
"As well as it can get for living in a cave."
"I like what you've done with the place."
"Thank you." She said smiling brightly.
"You've certainly made it brighter."
She laughed softly.
"Thank you dearie. I take it you got my note?"
I laughed. "I did, it was great."
She chuckled. "I'm glad you found it amusing. Did you do what I asked?"
"Yes, I went to the clearing and found Mark, and I told Ethan about me being a transfer."
"And the war?"
"Yes, I told him about the war, we also checked to see if Mark was the only black wolf in the Apollo Pack."
She raised her eyebrows.
"As a safety precaution of course."
"Very good." She said standing up, leaving me to try and figure out if she meant true or was being sarcastic.
"And no one knows about me?" She asked beginning to pace.
"My lips are sealed."
"I am grateful for that."
"May I ask why?" I asked.
She stopped pacing.
"I am about to tell you some valuable information. Information that could let you win the war, or destroy you forever."
"Okay?" I said nodding my head. Hoping for a more non-vague answer.
"I cannot be seen taking sides in this war, I have been banned from making any contact with wolves involved in the war that's been brewing for thirteen years."
"But you are?"
"You're technically human."
It was my turn to raise my eyebrows.
"Oh shut up, I had too. Ironically, the black wolves have bad motives, and I'm a white wolf."
"Not all of them right?" I asked thinking of John.
"Only the ones involved in the war."
"Oh good."
Cue the eyebrows raising.
"I mean not good."
"Yes not good." She said beginning to pace again.
It was silent for a minute.
"Wait, you said the wars been brewing for thirteen years, and your a white wolf?"
"I am in fact a white wolf," she said transforming, to prove her point, "and this war has been brewing since you got bitten, a female white wolf over the age of five." Continuing to talk in her wolf form, like other white wolves.
"So the last war of the Blood-Red Rose Pack, that wasn't because of me right?" I asked.
"No, not entirely, part of it was, the part that lead to this current war."
"That's encouraging." I muttered.
"Don't blame yourself dearie, I kinda set some stuff up along the way."
"How much stuff?" I asked suspiciously.
"Just this, one thing in the past, and two in the near future." She replied.
"How near in the future?" I asked. "Is it the war?"
She looked at me.
"In one week, four days and eighteen hours, blood will be drawn."
My eyes widened. "But we won't be ready by then."
"Just me," she said, looking into my eyes, "you'll be ready."
I nodded.
Luna walked over a table shaped rock. She picked up a scroll.
"Open it." She said handing it to me.
I opened it and it was blank.
"Are you trying to be mysterious?" I asked.
"It's your prophecy."
"My what?"
"Your prophecy, go figure it out, now go you don't have much time." She said pushing me towards the hole.
"Why can't you figure it out?" I asked.
"I couldn't, now go your late."
"Do I have to do anything?"
"Right yes, your list, don't go to clearing tonight or you'll die, tell people when the war is going to be, you really, really need to talk to Bianca."
" I will call you again if need be. Now go or you'll be late."
"Late to what?" I asked as I climbed up the hole
"Your date."
"My what?"


I walked into Jordan's and Leo's room holding my scroll. I was irritated. I saw Mark and his gang running into the woods, but Luna as not too; and there was the scroll that apparently help my prophecy and I have tried everything.
It's don't glow in the dark, it isn't double sided, it isn't water proof or fire proof (I'm not really sure what I was thinking on this idea).
I nearly gave up, until an idea struck me, literally, Luna threw a rock threw the open window, with a sticky note on it, that hit me in the head. She obviously actually knew what the prophecy said as the stick note read.
'Something memorable'.
The other side gave it away.
So I was on a hunt for my invisible ink pen, which Leo had last to write a love letter to ask out Amy, his girlfriend, which surprisingly worked.
I walked into their room focusing on the scroll.
"Hey Leo have either of you guys seen my pen?" I asked.
Their was no reply so I tore my gaze for the scroll for the second time tonight, and saw everyone sitting down playing monopoly.
"Oh, hello," I said, "so about that pen?" I asked.
Leo pointed to the table where the pen was, with his spare arm. That's what brought my attention to Amy.
"Hi," I said to her as I grabbed my pen, "you must be Amy."
She nodded.
"Well it's nice to meet you." I said while a scanned the paper smiling as it actually worked. "I have heard lots about you."
She frowned.
"Nice things of course."
"Thanks," she said quietly.
I smiled at her before walking out.
"Sweetheart?" Ethan called out.
I backtrack. "Yes?"
"Are you going to join us?" He asked.
"Yeah in a minute after I finish this." Gesturing to the paper scroll that was laid out over my left arm.
"Okay and what exactly is this." Repeating my gesture.
"Um, not sure at this points."
"Is it the note thingy?"
"Yes, it is the note thingy." I said walking out before anymore questions could be asked.


I walked back into Leo and Jordan's room.
"So did you finish your note thingy thing?" Darren asked as he rolled the dice.
I collapsed by Ethan.
"Yeah, well the first part at least." I said leaning onto Ethan.
"The first part?" He asked.
"Well first, I had to find out how to read the message."
"And I've read it,"
"What does it say?" Darren asked.
"Rather not say, but it's kinda riddle and I don't like it."
"I thought you loved riddles." Leo said frowning.
"I do, just, not this one." I said sighing.
"Why no-" Darren started.
"Just roll the dice and play the game and I might be nice and tell you." I said.
Darren huffed before rolling a three and landing in jail.
"Guess who's losing?" He asked sarcastically.
"I wonder, who's winning?" I asked.
"Jordan." Leo said.
"So we've found the really master behind the scenes." I said raising my eyebrows.
The game continued with laughter and jokes.
Ethan leaned down. "I have a surprise for you." He whispered in my ear.
"Oh, yeah, and what would that be?" I whispered back.
"I can't tell you, however you may know it comes in the form of a date."
"When?" I whispered. Remembering that Luna had said something about a date, and wondered if she see the future.
"A week." He whispered before moving away and joining the real conversation.
At this precise moment Oliver decided to barge in.
"Savannah why were you out tonight?"
Everyone looked at me.
"Well," I started.
"You went outside, is that where you got the scroll?" Darren asked.
"No, just,"
"You are forbidden to go outside at night." Oliver said.
"Just let-"
"Is this the note thingy?" Ethan asked.
"Just let me-"
"I will banish you from the pack from committing treason."
"Whoa, okay, okay." I shouted.
Everyone went silent.
"First of all, going outside after hours is not committing treason, it's breaking the rules. Secondly, I got a tip off and decided to investigate, and now I have valuable information concerning the war." I said.
"Information like what?" Oliver sneered.
"Information like when the first attack is going to be launched to start the bloodily thing."
"Next Tuesday at 6 p.m."
"In four days?" Oliver asked.
"No, the Tuesday after that." I said.
"How do you know that?" He asked.
"I told you, I got a tip off and I decided to go and investigate."
"But what did you find."
"Gosh Oliver, get with the times, I found out the day they are going to launch the attack."
"So we should warn the pack."
"Why not it's the smart thing to do."
"In your mind yes, in the rest of the world's no. There are known traitors and unknown traitors within the pack, we can warn the pack just make them aware that it could happen at any given moment."
"So you don't actually know the date."
"I do, if I'm right then I'm right and if I'm wrong then I'm wrong and y'all just gonna have to deal with it."
"Did you just say 'y'all'?" Jordan asked.
"I'm tired, don't judge me." I said yawning.
"Anyway, I would like a word with Savannah, in privet."
I groaned and stood up. "We'll go to Tommy's room."
"Why my room?" Thomas asked, speaking for the first time.
"Because Ethan wouldn't let me be in the same room as him let alone in our room." I said walking out of the room away from Ethan's growls.

"I think you should break up with Ethan." Oliver said once I closed the door to Thomas's bedroom.
"Get out." I said pointing to the door.
"Just hear me out."
"No." I said continuing to point.
"We're mates."
"We're not mates, and never will be."
"What do you see in him?"
"He's loyal, friendly, sweet and kind, can act professional one minute and then a five year old the next, and he's cute."
"I'm better looking."
"Sure, I'll give you that but your personality is trash."
"I'll change for you."
"Change all you what, I'm not breaking it off with Ethan."
"You're human."
"And your not, you point being?"
"You can't reject me, cause you have a wolf."
"Yeah but I can kill you if we get to extremes."
"Look were mates wether you like it or not so-"
"So you were the one you rejected me all those years ago, you were the one who tortured me, you're the one who cheated on my twin sister, hurt Thomas unimaginably by stealing his mate and being part of her death, the one that is putting on all the work load on my brother, and to top it all of faked my death by actually trying to kill me." I shouted. "You have no right to call us mates. You're still technically dating Bianca and apparently mates so have fun explaining that to the pack cause she still has a chance to find her mate. So if you ask me to break up with Ethan again then I swear to the moon goddess I will kill you." Steaming I slammed the door open and shut again, calming down a bit before heading back into Jordan and Leo's bedroom.
I ignored the stares and sat down next to Ethan.
There was silence. Surprisingly it was Amy, the only person in the room that wasn't sending terrified vibes at me, who broke the silence.
"Remind me never to get on your bad side."
What is this?
Two updates in a day?
It called really really bad traffic on a road trip.
With family.
And probably to much sugar.
Vote. Comment. Be a fox. (- how have I not thought of this before?)
- Fox

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