Chapter 37

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NB: *** & italics are memories/flashbacks.
Savannah's P.O.V

I groaned, blinking into the light as my eyes came into focus.
Not that there was much light in the first place.
I lay there in the dark for a minute, trying to figure out why or how I got here.
Memories flashed through my head.
The promise proposal.
Ian in the tree.
John Black.
The fight.
I bolted upright. What had happened in the fight? Slowly memories began to join together, like pieces in a puzzle. A puzzle that was missing half of it's piece.
Like an old film, the string of memories were projected through my brain.
It stopped short at Jade whispering to someone called Felix. But, it was fuzzy, everything was fuzzy, and I wasn't helping me to think straight. It had come to my knowledge that I had probably
I groaned, again, and lay down hoping to get some rest.

'The prophecy has been for filled.' A voice boomed in my head.
I screamed.


And suddenly, I was back in the forest. I felt blood sticking to the side of my face. I was in my wolf form, but I don't remember shifting. I was breathing weirdly, it was almost like I wasn't breathing at all. I began moving slowly, but I wasn't in control. Just a spectator, in my own eyes.
"I'm free."
The voice seemed to come from me, but it wasn't my voice, it's wasn't Jade's either.
I saw the figure, backing away slowly from Ethan.
I walked up to Ethan's body. It had a moat of blood surrounding it, growing by the second.
I felt sick, I wanted to scream, but I couldn't.
A strangely familiar howl filled the night's murky sky.
"Someone's gonna pay tonight."
I lunged.


Finally, I could scream.
A figure loomed in front of me, but I pushed them away.
"Dearie, calm down, it was just a memory." The figure spoke.
A memory, the though swirled around my brain like a monsoon. Ethan couldn't be dead. I remembered the figure from the forest, his knife was covered in blood.
I felt numb, only the damp trail my wet tears left behind could be felt, before darkness took over once again.


"Come on sweetheart." Ethan said, grabbing my hand, dragging me towards the bumper cars.
I laughed squeezing his hand affectionately, and he returned the small movement.
He picked me up, and I squealed, and placed me in a car that had a large number 4 painted on the bonnet. Ethan, then walked over to the car with the number 9.
"Let the wars begin." He said with a wicked smile.
I returned the smirk.
"Oh, your so on."


Then his lips were on mine, the books don't lie when they say sparks fly. This wasn't even our first kiss, but the sparks were still just as bright.
There was a cough and we broke apart and I saw Josh, the Alpha of the Moonlight Forest Pack, the first pack I ever went to help with the Silver Lune Pack. I looked down and saw the Alpha of the Red Eyes Pack, lying on the ground. Dead. My first kill.


Suddenly, I was in a dark room. Feet and hands bound to a metal chair. I knife was placed on my throat.
"Now, I'll ask one more time. Where's your precious boyfriend are his friends hiding out, I know you know." A man said.
I spat in his face.
"Get me the silver, she'll talk then." Another man spoke.
A rectangle of light shone through the darkness, and I figure to in the doorway.
"I think, I'm who your looking for." He said.
He then was on the first man in a flash, taking him out in seconds. The second followed suit quickly.
"Aww, your my knight in shining armour." I said.
He blushed deeply.
"Come in, lets get out of here." He said walking to the door.
"Ahh, Mr. Knight-in-Shining-Armour, I'm still tied up."
"Oh, right." He said awkwardly, coming back over to me, untying me.
I leaned up and kissed him on the cheek.
"Thanks, Mr. Knight-in-Shining-Armour." I whispered in his ear.
He turned kissing me on the mouth.
"Never call me that again."


I finally coming to my senses again.
"Where am I?" I groaned, to no one, lifting my head slightly to gain a better view of my surroundings.
Suddenly, all I saw was Luna.
"Don't you know?" She asked.
She moved back slightly and the damp rocky ceiling came into view.
"Right, the cave." I said, dropping my head back to the ground.
"Why I am here, and how I got here would be better questions to ask." I muttered to myself, voicing my thoughts.
Luna must have picked up want I said, since she frowned.
"I thought you knew this place?" She said.
"Know what exactly?" I asked, finally sitting up.
"What happened, why this place is so special."
I shrugged.
She frowned again.
"Don't you remember?"


"Catch me if you can." I said in a squeaky sing-song voice, before running into the sea of trees.
"Bet-ya I can." I voice followed me.
"And why's that?" I demanded, running faster.
"Cause I'm a boy, and your not."
I saw myself stop. Turning placing my hands on my hips. That's when I first saw him, young Oliver.
"That's stupid." I said.
"Not it's not, it's true." Oliver accused.
"Well, it's not I'm faster than Darren." I pointed out.
"So am I." Oliver shouted, starting the chase up again.
I squealed before running off again.
Soon, after i looked behind me to see that Oliver had stopped running. As I couldn't hear his footsteps or heavily puffs, due to exercise.
I turned around to see him frozen in fear.
"What wrong Ollie? Can't catch a girl?" I taunted.
"Sav, come here slowly." He said carefully, and I cringed at the use of my nickname.
"I'm only two years younger than you Ollie, I'm not going to fall for that trick again."
"Sav," he warned cautiously.
"Your like the boy who cried wolf." I accused.
"And your the sheep." He replied, that's when I realised he was looking at something behind me.
"What are you looking a-oh." I said, as I turned around.
It was a giant. The biggest living thing I had laid my eyes on. The whitest fur I had ever come across. If I was scared down to the bone, I may have reached out and touched it, but I snarling growling coming deep from inside it, and the teeth baring from it's mouth stopped me from moving an inch.
Till my, stupid six-year-old, survival instincts kicked in.
I screamed, then ran; and I ran, and ran, and ran. Till I tripped. I saw a hand and grasped it.
It pulled me up and yelled, "come on," and I ran like my life depended on it, because it did.


"Quick, we're almost there." Oliver shouted, letting go of my hand.
He sped ahead of me, as I tried to keep up.
I felt a tug on my hair, then a searing pain at my shoulder.
I made that spilt decision mistake to look back over my, other, shoulder only to find myself face to face with the monster.
And then I was falling.
It felt like I was going to wonderland it took so long to fall.
I felt the cool water embrace me as I landed into the pool of blackness.
I gasped and spluttered and I felt a claw dig into my leg, dragging me into the liquid shadow.
Struggling, I broke free, and clawed my way to the surface.
"Help." I called out, in desperate hope that some form of miracle would occur.
No miracle came to be.
As soon as I felt the grains of, what I hoped to be, sand touch my fingers, I raced to the dry land in hope of escape.
The growls of the monster, I had come to fear, echoed around me.
I waited for the fatal blow, but none came.
Only the painful injection of teeth.
"I am Felix."


I woke again, but there was no Luna.
'Savannah, are you out there?' I heard millions of people in my head scream.
I whittled them down, only to find the one voice I didn't need to hear.
'Sav, who are you?' I heard Oliver. Not the arrogant voice that had come to haunt my nightmares, but the young innocent voice from so long ago.
'I'm not the sheep anymore.'
I'm back.
And it's the holiday's.
So lots more updates.
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