Chapter 3: Opportunities at Life

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"Is there something else that you would recommend?"


I shouldn't have been surprised when I didn't receive a call or text from Severus.

Two weeks had passed since I had last seen Severus at the bar. I had sent him on his merry way with my phone number, with the expectation of receiving at least ONE text message from him. I thought that maybe he was a bit better over the phone rather than in person. Most people who were shy were like that, but I probably should've known that Severus wasn't going to reach out to me.

I didn't exactly give my number out to just anyone. I had people come into the bar, spend the evening making conversation with me, and then ask for my number at the end of the night. Honestly, I never minded it. I would say that most of the time the people meant well and were genuinely interested in me. There had been a few that I accepted and tested the waters, but none of them had stuck.

I was pretty convinced that the "love of my life" (or whatever you want to call it) was not just going to walk in through the front door of Simply Sunny. While the bar was my place of comfort, I didn't think that my person of comfort would magically appear there. It just didn't seem logical to me.

Nonetheless, giving my number out to a customer without them asking for it was out of character. Looking back on it, I'm fairly certain that nothing ever would've happened between us if I hadn't been the one to take that leap. I don't regret it or anything, but I still cringe at how I practically dedicated those two weeks of my life to waiting around for him to POSSIBLY call.

Work went on as usual during that time. I went to work every day (except Sunday, I was a firm believer in giving myself at least one day off, so the bar was always closed on Sundays), and I saw my other regulars and had as good of a time as I always did. The only difference was that I checked my phone every twenty minutes for a notification, and I grew more and more discouraged each time that I didn't get a text.

I had been so sure that this whole Severus ordeal wasn't affecting my work, but it seemed that my confidence was proven to be incorrect.

"[Y/N], Charles on the end there is getting impatient." A female voice broke my screen induced trance.

My head snapped up at the sound, my hand turning off my phone before sliding it into the back pocket of my jeans. The woman speaking to me was a longtime and childhood friend of mine. She was my best friend, and oddly enough we didn't see each other often. Luckily, the advancement of technology allowed us to text every day, so we never lost touch.

"Shit," I cursed when she reminded me that Charles had asked for another beer almost ten minutes ago. I dashed to fill another beer glass from the tap before setting it in front of him, "Sorry, Charles. I'm slow tonight."

Charles had become a regular of mine in the last few weeks. He came in practically every time there was a sports game on TV. He was a kind man, somewhere in his late fifties. He tipped well and always made pleasant conversation. The only kicker was that he was impatient as hell, but this time he was definitely in the right.

"You're working too hard. You're losing your bartender touch." Charles joked.

"Never." I snorted, smiling at him kindly for not biting my head off completely.

I tended to a few other customers, before returning to my friend sitting in the middle of the bar. Blaire Parker was my best friend since grade school. Blaire had seen me at my absolute best and my absolute worst. Blaire was the kind of friend that could shift herself to meet the needs of her friends. If you were sad, she could become the most loving and comforting person. If you were angry, she could be the person to help you calm down and reason through it. Blaire was the kindest, gentlest soul that I knew, but she could also spit fire and make a person's life hell if need be.

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