Chapter 11: A Low Profile

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A/N: A little cameo from some of Sev's friends :)

Severus' POV!

"That's preposterous. Do I seem like the type?"


The relief that I felt when I finally returned to Hogwarts was indescribable. I can say with confidence that I will never take the security that my wand provides me for granted ever again. The sight of my Hogwarts' living space was welcomed, and the pressure in my chest was immediately released once I was back in my familiar area. I felt better knowing that I was back where I was supposed to be. I had endured enough Muggle madness for one night, and I needed some time to recover before I went back. I didn't even bother sitting down to rest, because I needed to go straight to the shower. Between the sweat and blood, I needed a thorough deep clean before I did anything else.

I was tired, both from the chaos and the lack of real sleep. I don't know how she was able to run on such an awkward sleeping schedule, because I was whipped just from one night of it. I stepped into the adjacent washroom that was connected to my small flat style room to begin the process of getting clean. The chilliness of the room felt rather refreshing. I hadn't had the chance to look at myself, so you can imagine my horror when I looked into the mirror over the sink and saw my battered state. I looked like I had been dragged to hell and back.

The throb in my eye was unmistakable and the massive bruising on my side was unpleasant. I had really let Tom do a number on me. I hadn't ever been a skilled fighter, so I don't know what made me think I could take him the way that I did. I unbuttoned my white shirt, grumbling about the blood on the collar that I'd have to put a little extra magic into to get removed. I was rather slow as I undressed. It didn't feel so great when I jostled my ribs too much. I figured that I needed to go see Poppy, because if I did have a broken bone or two, she could fix it up in no time. Even with that, I was showering first.

I didn't step into the shower until I knew the water was hot, sliding the glass door behind me. I stood under the stream of water for a few minutes – the initial layer of uncleanliness being washed away first. The last twelve hours were playing over and over in my mind. Between the fight, going home with her, and losing my wand – about 10 years had been shaved off of my life. If it hadn't been for her, that would've been enough for me to never brave the Muggle world again.

I had no real reason to keep going back. That was something that I knew well. I knew that she was the sole reason that I kept deciding to spend my nights in London. I thought about what the Weasley twins had said to me. They weren't wrong that Half-Bloods (coming from a Half-Blood representative) and Muggle-borns existed for a reason. The wizarding world and the Muggle world interlaced all the time – but I'm not so confident that they were supposed to.

Muggles didn't always react well to wizards and witches....and it went the other way too. Our worlds were different. Our worlds were meant to be different. Despite how things were, I don't think our worlds were ever supposed to intersect. The Muggle world had everything that she needed. The wizarding world had everything I needed.

Except for her.

It had been months now since I had first met her. I'll even admit that I thought about her more often than not. Her interest in me was just inducing. There weren't many people (if any people) that found my mysterious nature worth their time. Maybe I was attached to her because of that. Perhaps I craved that kind of human connection.

It was ironic really. Now I had someone so wonderful who wanted nothing more than to get to know me, and I had turned her down time and time again. That surely wasn't fair.

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