Chapter 33: Patience

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GTKYQ: If you could be any animal for a day, what would you be?

"What are you thinking about?"


Severus did indeed spend that weekend with me. And the next weekend. And the next weekend. And the weekend after that.

Blaire was now living with her parents -- which wasn't a moment too soon considering Severus was around so much. Blaire wasn't used to living with her parents since it had been so long, and despite the fact she was very close with them, they could be a bit smothering. She still stayed with me a few nights during the week just to get away, but the weekends were all reserved for Severus. 

Before I knew it, a month had gone by, and Severus had spent every weekend of that month with me, on top of visiting the bar at night at least twice a week. This also meant that the first month of us officially dating had passed. Things were going smooth and steady for the most part, aside from the few quirks needing to be worked out with any new relationship.

We went out to dinner in the city, took Pepper to the park, spent the rainy days inside. It was different having someone was different for me, but I was loving it. It was late February at this point. March was right around the corner with the promise of warmer weather and spring blossoms. It was hard to believe that I had known Severus for almost six months -- and five of them were literally just trying to get to this point.

Severus had (albeit awkwardly) let me know that he wasn't comfortable staying over at my apartment just yet...aside from that one time after Blaire's future ex-husband nearly beat him to a pulp. Essentially, he would come over in the mornings and leave late at night. It wasn't exactly a conventional arrangement, but it had taken quite some time to even get Severus to this point. If this was where his comfort zone was, then I was more than happy with it.

It was funny too because now he was spending more time in the Muggle world, so he was getting to experience things that he wasn't familiar with. For starters, anything technology related was completely foreign to him. TV, cell phones, laptops, toasters, microwaves, etc. He was boggled with how much I used my phone to communicate with the outside world. 

Truth be told, I really only used it for social media purposes, texting/calling Blaire, taking photos of Pepper, and whatever my current mobile game of the week was. But it was all new to him. He couldn't quite grasp the concept of touching a screen and having so many resources at your fingertips. I enjoyed teaching him different things because it felt good to be giving back as much as he had given me.

I was surprised at how much I enjoyed having the company. Aside from Blaire and my neighbor who checked on Pepper while I was at work, I didn't really see anyone outside of work. It hadn't taken me very long to get used to having someone around at the end of the week...not to mention, my one day off. 

It was Sunday on this particular day. It was fairly early in the morning, around 8:00 or so. That's one thing I was adjusting to -- not sleeping until lunchtime on the weekends. My schedule was backwards from the average person, and the last six months had my circadian rhythm on no sort of schedule at all. 

Pepper was loving all the time that Severus was spending with us. Severus was without a doubt her favorite person, and I think he was beginning to like her just as much. Pepper was curled up next to Severus when I entered the room from the kitchen, her tail thumping wildly against the sofa. 

I had two cups of hot coffee, my second cup and Severus' third. I shouldn't have been surprised, but apparently coffee was more popular in the Muggle world than the wizarding world. Not to mention, my bartending skills transferred to the barista side of things as well.

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