Chapter 25: Practice Makes Perfect

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GTKYQ: What did you do for New Year's?

A/N: I cannot apologize enough for the delay. Life has not been kind to me in regards to giving me the time and energy to write. I haven't forgotten this story, rest assured <3

"Like I said, I've been doing this for a long time."

I wasn't sure how Severus was going to hold up behind the bar.

In all honesty, he didn't have the best bartending personality. Bartenders needed to be chatty and accommodating. Severus wasn't exactly a talker, and he liked things his way. But I had seen stone cold bartenders be successful. Some people liked that sort of demeanor.

"Alright then, Severus. Let's see what you can do," I grinned. "How much do you know about bartending?"

"Very little." He admitted.

Blaire was watching us like a hawk. I knew what she was doing. She was paying attention to every little detail. Every glance, touch, and word spoken was going to be etched into her brain.

"Okay. Let's start easy," I put Charles' beer glass into Severus' hand. "Lesson number one: pouring a brew."

Severus and I stood in front of the tap, his gaze fixated on everything in front of him. He was laser-focused on what I was saying to him.

"When you pour a beer from a tap, you have to tilt the glass and hold it about an inch away from the faucet when you fill it," I instructed, the number one rule of on-tap beer pouring. "When the glass is about halfway full, then you can straighten it."

Severus lined the opening of the glass up with the spout of the tap without tilting it. This was a common rookie mistake. I made the same one a few times myself.

"Why?" He reached for the lever to release the beer into the glass, and watched as it filled to the top.

When the beer made it to the top, Severus looked puzzled as to why there wasn't any foam at the top.

"That's why," I laughed. "Holding it at an angle and then straightening it doesn't mess with the gas chemicals inside the beer. I don't know the science specifically, but I know that's how it works. Try it again."

I took the glass from him, putting it to the side to be washed later. I started Severus over with a new glass. I usually always started a new drink with a fresh glass, but I had a feeling that Severus was going to go against my advice on the first try.

Severus was correct this time, tilting the glass and straightening it halfway.

Despite his lack of confidence, he filled the glass perfectly. I wasn't surprised that Severus was a quick learner and an even better listener. I took the glass from him to deliver it to Charles. As much as I loved Charles, he could be impatient.

"Well done, Severus. I think [Y/N] could make a decent barkeep out of you." Charles grinned at Severus.

"I'm not so sure about that," Severus blushed. "I don't think I could ever have the same grace."

I didn't say this at the time, but in all honesty, Severus could've been better than me -- in the Muggle world at least. As mysterious as he was, he'd have crowds of people drawn to him.

"I can't argue there. She does have quite the skill." Charles sipped from the rim of his glass.

"Years of practice and a whole lot of failures," I shrugged. "It took me a long time to get comfortable with this job."

"Ah. But you're the best of the best." Charles said.

"That she is." Severus agreed.

My heart skipped a couple of beats. It seemed that the longer that time went on, the more I was affected by the things that he said. This relationship (whatever kind of relationship that you wanted to call it) was progressing so painfully slow, yet so shockingly quick.

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