Chapter 36: The Truth of the Past

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GTKYQ: What's your favorite musician? 

A/N: POV change at the page break!! Also quick reminder, despite the fact that this is in the third-year of the Harry Potter timeline...the events aren't the same. It's the Prisoner of Azkaban year...but without the POA lore...but also with canon Harry Potter lore? Why is this the most confusing story ever...?

"If anything, you will be the one to keep me out of trouble."


I woke up fairly early the next morning, the crisp sheets rustling as I began to stir from a night of deep sleep.

I knew it was early based on the first light of dawn that was peeking through the crack in my blackout curtains. I had to have complete darkness during the day because I typically slept this time of the day. However, my sleep schedule had been so screwed up the last few months that I hardly even had much of a sleep schedule at all.

The sun was climbing the sky, its golden rays touching everything with a promise of a new day. The world outside was awakening, and I knew within an hour or so that the morning would be well underway.

I took a glance at the alarm clock on my bedside table, and I noted that it was just before 7:15. If I weren't so wide awake, I would've definitely rolled over for another couple hours of sleep. But my body was ready to go, so I had to deal with the early morning.

And for a moment, I almost forgot that I had company.

Severus was still sleeping next to me. Tufts of his black hair had fallen across his face as he slept. He was sleeping soundly, getting some well-deserved rest. I debated staying in bed for a bit, but I knew I would disturb his sleep if I stayed around. I quietly pushed the covers off of me, hissing when the cold air hit my legs. I had changed into a T-shirt and shorts the night before, and now I was wishing I had chosen sweats.

It was Sunday, meaning I didn't have work or any real obligations for the day, which was fine by me. I made my way out of the bedroom, stepping around the discarded clothes from the night before. I entered the kitchen to let Severus sleep as long as he wanted because I figured he was drained from last night.

My apartment was quiet as I maneuvered around. Pepper was asleep on the sofa in the living room, completely quiet and unaware of me getting up for the day. I knew she probably wouldn't come running until Severus got up or until I filled her food bowl with her breakfast.

The kitchen tiles were cold under my bare feet as I immediately went for my coffee maker. I lived off of that stuff because I needed it to stay energized through my shifts. For how much coffee I drank, my coffee maker was quite outdated.

Most people had transitioned to the more "automatic" coffee makers, the ones that required nothing more than water in the reservoir and the coffee pod of choice popped into the machine. I still had the kind of coffee pot that a lot of office buildings used as the "community coffee maker," the kind that needed a filter, water, coffee grounds, and at least several minutes to begin brewing. Somehow, I liked it better and preferred that kind of coffee.

I remembered that Severus was a coffee drinker, so I made sure to make a pot of coffee for two. It occurred to me then that I had the opportunity for a real breakfast. It was pretty rare for me to have a proper breakfast, mainly because I was usually sleeping during those hours. I figured it was a nice treat for myself, and it would give Severus a good meal to wake up to.

I let my mind wander while I waited on the coffee and went through my fridge, looking for anything I could prepare for breakfast. I was curious to see how he would be feeling once he was up and moving. I knew last night had been a lot on him emotionally and mentally. I was beyond proud of him for being vulnerable and being honest with me. It made me feel good to know that he trusted me, and that I could trust him with telling the truth.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 20 ⏰

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