Chapter 34: The Birthday Gala

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"Will I ever stop being surprised by you?"


I have to admit, I was surprised when Severus agreed to attend Blaire's birthday party with me.

I didn't want him to feel pressured into going, and I made it clear to him that this was more than likely going to be a rather over-the-top kind of event. If I knew Blaire's parents (and I surely did) they would be pulling out all the stops for Blaire's birthday.

I knew how overwhelming these sorts of things could be, and the last thing I wanted was for him to be uneasy all night. But Severus still agreed to go even after I explained it all to him — and dare I even say he seemed a little bit excited.

It would be a different experience for him, but I thought it was one he would enjoy. Severus had done extremely well in the Muggle world anyways. A birthday party was nothing he couldn't handle. 

So that's how we ended up in my bedroom with me rummaging through my closet trying to pick something to wear that night. But it seemed like this was a bit out of Severus' wheelhouse.

"Which do you like better? The red or the dark blue?" I held the two dresses up to show him.

He looked over them and studied them — but frankly, he was indifferent.

"They're both nice," He shrugged. "I don't believe I have any expertise in this area."

Severus hadn't been overly impressed with any of the dresses I had shown him.  I was running out of options since I didn't have very many occasions where I needed to be this dressed up. I was back to the drawing board. 

"You know, men have it so easy." I huffed, returning both dresses to flick through the closet rack again. "All you have to do is throw on a white shirt and a black jacket and slacks to go with it. Meanwhile I have to tear my closet apart to find something suitable."

"I haven't disliked any of the dresses you've shown me. I just want you to pick what you like." Severus said, straightening his collar in the mirror for the thousandth time.

It was true after all. Severus had known what he was going to wear from the moment I told him about this party. Black slacks and shoes with a white dress shirt tucked in and ironed to perfection. 

He looked handsome, of course. He was absolutely stunning in every way, but that didn't help my dilemma. 

"Well, if this one isn't a winner -- then I'm out of luck," I plucked a new dress off the rack, moving to the bathroom to change. "One second."

Severus and I continued to chat through the closed door 

"Do you think anyone will be suspicious of me?" Severus asked.

"No, love. I don't think so." I slipped the dress on with ease. "The only people who will know are myself and Blaire. You're not worried, are you?"

"No, I'm just...concerned that I'll make you look bad." He sighed.

"Severus, you could never. This is just a birthday party," I said. "We're not there to do anything other than celebrate Blaire."

I adjusted my dress one more time, hearing Severus shuffle around outside. I knew he was a bit anxious, so I was doing what I could to ease his nerves. He stopped pacing when I opened the door, revealing myself to him fully decked out for the night. 

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